Here we go again..
After the long Christmas holiday I have been off in the city. No snow this year in South Western Finland, but when I drove here in Central Finland last Friday, I saw some just when crossing the border of my commun Uurainen. It’s a little bit like arriving in a mountain village, the road is going up and you see more and more snow all the time. So now here..
My main activity here is the forest.. We need to heat with wood and to prepare for winter 2014-2015, maybe also for 2016. This winter has been not cold at all, but the weather is full of surprises.. All you need is a saw and an axe. But there is also lot of time for DX, and an optimal QTH far away from electric noises.
Some of my loggings:
1647 2.3. 2200- HOL: Witte Tornado met de Lady.
3931 2.3. 2130- HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. QSO Over 60 Degrees Radio (LSB mode).
5980 1.3. 0800- FIN: SWR, Liedenpohja. Good reception.
6285 2.3. 2010- G: Focus International. For the first time, usually difficult frequency.
6285 3.3. 1855- UNID: Radio MIR. Promoting peace in Crimea.
6424 2.3. 1925-1945 HOL: Radio Universe. Strong with 70 watts.
7700 5.3. -0907 HOL: Misti Radio.
11680 5.3. 1000 KRE: Pyongyang Pangsong. ID during test listening.
Horizon FM, which claims to transmit from Canary Islands, has been heard on several frequencies. I have not yet managed with it, maybe it was inactive last weekend. But there is a new peace project station Radio MIR which belongs to the ”Pirates for peace” organization. I luckily heard them with a good signal. I did not receive yet a QSL or any other information where they are broadcasting from, but they sent me a nice package of jingles and asked to share them with people. So here they are.
Especially Finnish DXers has shown growing interest towards Irish church radios (broadcasting on CB). Today I tried them for first time with the aim to identify and report few of them. I was tuning CB for an half an hour (27.605, 27.791 and 27.820), when my old Icom got silent. The frequencies till 21.998 MHz are audible, in a normal way I think, but everything between 21.999-29.999 is dead – not even a normal noise. Any hint what happened or how the problem could be solved?
EDIT: Traditional ”own made electricity off -break” helped – I think this happened once before too, long time ago..
P.S. Hard to get QSLs these days..

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