-lots of meteor reflections in June, more than usually
-one of the best openings, at least for me, to Germany (26/6) and Russia (17/6)
-Juha got nice Spanish double hop from Galicia
What we missed (in Central Finland)
-no opening for Romania or Ukraine
-no proper opening for France, just from the corner
-as often, best openings reached only coastal area but not inner country. Seasons 13-14 were nice exceptions!
One method to rank summers could be the number of audio clips. Usually I create a mp3 only when I hear a new-for-me station, so it doesn’t tell the whole truth. Another way could be a summary of all loggings (years 2010-11 not yet logged in FM-List…)
Season / number of clips (new ES stations) / number of logs (all stations) 2008 / 46 / 73 2009 / 9 / 18 2010 / 225 / NA 2011 / 78 / NA 2012 / 95 / 121 (NB: the best day 14/7 was spent on work) 2013 / 315 / 364 2014 / 225 / 565 till 6/2015 / 116 / 204
Could be much worse, eh!?
A German station Radio Charivari was not heard on June 26th. Maybe next time! If you didn’t notice, these girls are potential verie signers with Charivari shirts. (Photo from MSN.com)
All day long ES was trying on low band, and lots of UNID stations were noted at various times. Around 11 UTC I heard 88.9 RTL Luxemburg, 88.7 Chérie FM and 89.7 France Musiques. Juha heard Spain around 12 UTC. A bit later Radio Dallas Loisirs from France showed the RDS on 89.1 MHz, unfortunately only music was audible. Around 1515 UTC I heard that someone was talking loudly upstairs in German. Obviously Sony XDR had caught a foreign signal on an empty frequency. Also RDS was seen on the screen (MDR_SACH). During a quick bandscan the highest log was 106 MHz. That was the beginning of the best conditions this summer, which were favorable to Germany and France with some Czech stations. This opening lasted for more than 2 hours, with Maximal Useful Frequency (MUF) 108 MHz most of the time. After a 30-minute-long break the conditions started again, this time to the British Isles. Exceptionally Ireland was heard too. MUF was up to 100 MHz but only few stations on the band. Later 1924-1945 UTC we had Benelux on low band. Waiting for more to come tomorrow!!!
Today’s conditions were considered as the best opening of season 2015. At least it was the strongest which was not positive in the beginning. The FM band was full of signals from Croatia to the Netherlands, practically from every European country, with 3 to 5 stations on every frequency causing horrible noise. Maybe a whip would have given better results (band less full…). Most of the stations were big powerhouse networks, and small private stations couldn’t pass througout the noise. Quickly BeNeLux dropped and Es was favorable for Balkan and Hungary (MUF still over 100 MHz). Then it turned again to Italy. In two hours the conditions seemed to be already over, but surprisingly two frequencies faded in (89.2 & 91.2) and gave id’s in Greek. New heard FM country for me (2402 km!) Further log might be published here in the near future!
Late evening conditions to British Isles. Mostly BBC 2 and 3 transmitters, tentatively also RTÉ. Highest noted 92.7. Earlier Janne received BBC, HR3 and some French too. I slept the morning conditions on 22 Jun. Janne was working but found delta radio from Germany 96.5 on his recording. Maybe it was kinda good opening, eh! This June seems to be ”usual” after pair of good Junes. The best openings go to Southern/South-Western Finland and the skip doesn’t reach Central Finland properly. 2013-2014 seasons anyway treated us a way better.
Few pics of received QSL’s will follow.
Europa Plus Kurganinsk QSL. Google Translate says: ”Hi! how is it possible? we just 100W overall depth of 24 m. the way to record the voice of my wife. The antenna is on the outskirts of our town we’re in the middle can not catch, and you are in Finland ”
QSL TRT Nağme, transmitted from Zonguldak, North Coast of Turkey on 87.8 FM. Distance 2386 km. Thank you Demet for translation: ”They say its difficult to hear or to listen it but they are sure the records are from TRT Nagme. Best wishes/Greetings”
Today we had very weak low band Italy in Central Finland. Guys in South Western Finland enjoyed of good opening to Italy (MUF 107) but also to France and double hop to Spain and Algeria! Here nothing like that. Extraordinarily 90.3 was audible for almost an hour with M2O and Radio Capital fading on it. Rest of the band was practically empty! Earlier I identified at least Radio Lodi 89.0 and Fantastica 89.5.
Good timing today. A little opening to Balkan started 3 minutes after I sent my last essay for academic year 2014-2015. MUF was around 92-93 (reported 96.1 in Ruovesi by Pentti). Stations came first from Bosnia, then from Croatia (network program on 89.0 Super Radio and 91.7 Radio Koprivnica) but it sounded to turn own program during the reception. In the end some Italian heard but MUF dropped before the conditions crossed Adriatic Sea.
Today we enjoyed of a good opening to Crimea and a little bit later also to Southern Russia, mostly favorable for the oblasts of Krasnodar and Rostov. It lasted for two hours 08-10 UTC. Later the skip probably went to the Black Sea. For some of us these were best ever conditions to Russia. One of today’s highlights was IRIB Quran channel 100.0 MHz heard in Salo.
Five of the stations, which I identified in Uurainen, were heard for the first time in Finland! Juha caught three more FirstForFinland -stations in Jyväskylä and Pekka received one in Jämsänkoski, so the conditions were very good for our region. Guys in Northern Karelia and Harri with Utö remote receiver have also maden great catches! Today’s new stations were:
RUS: Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Rostov-na-Donu . PEH
UKR: Radio Pobeda, Donbass. Lugansk-tx. Tämä on Victorin mukaan uusi patrioottinen asema Donbassissa. Lähettimet 90.8 Lugansk ja 97.0 Donetsk. Piraatti siis, koska toimilupaa ei tietty ole. Victorille tnx! HKU/UtöR
RUS: Radio 7, Borisoglebsk (VN). Mainoskatkon jälkeen paikallinen säätiedotus Borisoglebskiin. Serebryanyy Dozhd 91.9:llä ketjulla (”SILVER RAIN”-RDS). HKU/UtöR
RUS: Radio Mir, Vladikavkaz (SO). Harvemmin Etelä-Ossetia kuuluu, sieltä Georgian naapurista. MSO
UKR: Radio RTV, Rovenki (LU). Aluetta nimitetään myös Luhanskin kansantasavallaksi. Victor Rutkovsky selvitti sinänsä selvän idin minulle. TNX again Victor! MSO
RUS: DFM, Anapa (KD). Paikallisen pätkän aika saattaa parisen minuuttia heittää, kun jäi merkkaamatta. Hyvää vetoa nyt ainakin Krasnodarin ja Rostovin suuntiin. JUS
RUS: Love Radio, Slavyansk-na-Kubani (KD). JJK
RUS: Europa Plus, Temrjuk (KD). JJK
RUS: Love Radio, Anapa (KD). JJK
RUS: Radio Vanya, Armavir (KD). Mukavasti heti mainosblokilla, vaikka Vanyalta näitä saa yleensä odottaa pitkään. JJK
RUS: Retro FM, Temrjuk (KD). JJK
RUS: Retro FM, Labinsk (KD). JJK
RUS: Europa Plus, Kurganinsk (KD). Ei löydy FMLististäkään vielä. HiFi-IDit. JMN
RUS: Europa Plus, Novorossiysk (KD). Lokaalimainosten kanssa kävi tänään hillitön tsägä. Tässäkin tuli heti taajuudelle tullessa paikalliset numerot. Päälle osuvasti pärräytti soimaan Get Lucky. TNX Essi! JMN
RUS: Love Radio, Salsk (RO). Salskea aloitus mutta saman oblastin Dacha ajoi yli ja pätkän loppua kohti hyytyi. Sama levy?kaupan mainos kuin 105.5 Avtoradiolla naulaa. Vissiin ei ole aiemmin kuultu lokaalia. JMN
RUS: Radio Zolotoj Vek, Moskva. Primorsko-Akhtarsk tx (KD). Vähän harvinaisempi ketju (?). Samalla taajuudella on Vienan Kemissä satavattinen samanniminen asema, mutta kelien suunta naulaa tähän. PI: 7A10 ja RDS:ssä vain sana ”radio” näkyvissä. JJK
RUS: R 7, Krasnodar (KD). Puolta tuntia aiemmin tässä tuli Krasnodar mainoksia, nyt mukana myös idi. JY
RUS: Radio 7 Krasnodar, Krasnodar (KD). Säätiedotuksen sponsori oli ainakin Krasnodarista ja mainoksissa Novorossiysk-maininta. Ei yllättäen muita logauksia OLL:ssa enkä tilastostakaan osannut tätä löytää kuulluksi. JMN
RUS: Russkoe Radio, Primorsko-Akhtarsk (KD). Mainosten loppuun ”Reklama Agent Azovskaja Volna…” joka löytyy Victor Citystä. TNX JY avuista!!! JMN
RUS: Narodnoe R, Novorossiysk (KD). Lista sanoo R 7, idissä kuitenkin asiat olivat toisin. JY
11 Jun: trying on OIRT: 70.52 Radio Rossii probably from Saratov. Low band Turkey in Southern Karelia. Italy MUF 108 in Utö.
12 Jun: 15 minute evening conditions to Slovakia and Hungary. Janne heard mostly Poland (Kielce) in Jyväskylä. MUF around 94 MHz. Kanal Kultura from Belarus and Radio 24 from Ukraine caught in Pori by OH1NOA. Have a look on his blog.
13 Jun: Ukraine trying on OIRT. I was not at home (bestman @ wedding party)
14 Jun: In South Western Finland good opening to France in the morning. For more logs from Utö 16 pedition have a look at Utö-blog. Janne caught HR3 in Central Finland. Weak evening conditions (30 minutes) to Turkey in South and Central Finland. Egypt heard in Northern Karelia and Cyprus in Marttila, both with double hop. Late night BBC in Pori.
15 Jun: Aurora stations caught in Pori and Jyväskylä (NRK, SR).
NB! For FM logs in Northern Finland (Oulu/Tornio), you can follow Jari’s blog.
Tiistaiaamuna rakennusmiehet ilmestyivät kahdeksan aikaan jatkamaan kesäkuuntelupaikkana toimivan parvekkeen remonttia. Radioita alta pois kantaessa tuli ensimmäinen kelihäly, joten tämä avaus meni evakkokuunteluksi.
Aluksi keli tärähtikin hyvin käyntiin Venäjälle, lähelle Kasakstania koko bandin leveydeltä. MUFfin pudottua alabandille huomion kiinnitti audiovikainen Love Radion lähetin Dimitrovgradissa (UL). Ennestään ”tuttu” asemainsinööri Moskovan päässä sai audioklipit ja myös kuvat tästä havainnosta ja samalla raportin Ulyanovskin Radio Dachasta, joka taipui paikalliselle. Inssi lupasikin kysellä Ulyanovskin broadcasterilta, missä vika. Väittääkö joku vielä, ettei kuunteluraporteista olisi hyötyä asemille!? 😉
Love Radion lähettimen toinen stereokanava oli oudon vaimea taajuudella 90.2 MHz
Ajoittain homma tyrehtyi pelkäksi OIRT-alueen kuunteluksi. Tälle taajuusalueelle pääsee Tecsun PL-310:llä. NL-aikaisten lähettimien kuunteluun herkkyyttä siinä riittää, mutta pienempiin asemiin (73-74 MHz) sillä ei juuri pääse käsiksi. Radio Rossiin regionaalit kyllä kuuluvat, sillä niillä on listoissa TRP 4 kW ja ERP 17 kW. Paikallinen diksari tosin väittää että osa lähettimistä on käytössä enää puoliteholla. Kalusto on varmaan tulossa loppuun ja siirtymä länsi-ULA:lle edessä (osa siirtyy jo).
Vaatimaton pika-antenni OIRT:lle evakkokuuntelussa. Langanpätkä riittää kyllä hyvin 17-kiloisille kun piiska on Tecsunista poikki.
Myöhemmin tuli vielä nosto Saksaan, mutta se ilo jäi lyhyeksi. Siitäkin noususta jäi yksi uusi käteen, sillä sokkotaajuudelle oli noussut kauan yrittämäni RTL 89.0. Tämä asema meni kytislistalle v. 2012, kun Itä-Saksaa EDXC-reissun yhteydessä kiertäessämme autoradio jaksoi jatkuvasti näyttää ko. aseman RDS-koodin. Eikä ihme, tehoa tällä asemalla on 60 kW.
Seuraavana päivänä näytti myös hetken hyvältä, mutta heikot nostot Keski-Eurooppaan eivät kauaa jaksaneet ja niistä ei mitään uutta jäänyt käteen. Tunnistettujen Kroatian Super Radion ja Slovakian Radio Jemnén lisäksi tuli tsekinkielistä konserttimainosta Ostravaan, at-domainillisia mainoksia saksaksi (varmaankin Ö3) ja unkaria taajuudella 89.5.
English summary:
June 2nd we had nice opening to Inner Russia. In the beginning whole CCIR band was audible, but soon MUF dropper to OIRT. Later small opening to Germany. Next day started with weak Central European stations (AUT, HNG, SVK, HRV) but they disappeared quickly. Since then no sign of ES here in Central Finland.
Traditional Utö FM-DX-pedition (Utö 16) started yesterday evening in little distant Utö-island in SW Finland. For the next 10 days 8 FM-DXers are hunting stations 24/7.
You can follow our FM-conditions (ionos/tropos) in Utö FM-DX-blog. It is updated daily.
We have 2x Körner 15.11 (H and V) and 6-elements yagi for OIRT. For the first time we have low noise FM Preamp Type 1301 88-230 MHz (Research Communication Ltd / UK) in use and the first impression is good.
We have here all kind SDR-receivers connected to computers – and over 20 Sony XDR-receivers with GTK/StationList-features.
The crew wish ionospheric weather to be very cloudy but stratospheric not… (the start was opposite)