31.12.2015 – Thursday
4750 0356 AGL: Rádio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos.
6210 1410 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. Englishman in New York. Pyyteli raportteja rxreport@live.nl.
6265 1445 POL: Anthony Radio, Warszawa.
6319 1400 CZE: Radio Goofy (presumed)
6735 1415 HOL: Pioneer AM, Rotterdam (presumed)
1.1.2016 – Friday
Very silent bands, no noise, neither stations – weird situation! The irritating electric noise has disappeared after 3 weeks, the source is still unknown. No transatlantic stations (is it an effect of strong Aurora?), but Africa came clearly. Thirdly, last MW stations signed off in Germany, France and Luxembourg. It means plenty of empty frequencies: 549 603 711 756 864 1206 1242 1269 1278 1377 1404 1422 1440 1494 and 1557
3985 0526 D: Radio 700, Kall-Krekel.
4950 0505 AGL: RNA Mulenvos (presumed). Again, only station with 4960 on 90mb/60mb! Not even Cuba heard.
6030 0445 ETH: Radio Oromo, Geja (presumed). Clear, but strong splashs from 6035 killed top of the hour ID!
6325 1440 HOL: Skywave Radio, Assen (Dr.). New station started during August, using 50 watts. Max s8.
6970 1500 ITA: Italian Broadcasting Corporation (presumed). Didn’t hear the ID, but IBC was on air that time.
9875 -0521 IRN: VOIRI Sirjan. No ID, identification based on interval signal
2.1.2016 – Saturday
This morning Cuba was back on 5025 and 5040, so conditions are improving little by little. Lot of pirates too but not very strong signals: 6231, 6240, 6285, 6305, 6324, 6380 and identified here:
6260 1445 HOL: Zwarte Panter van uit Noord Holland. Clear ID, music comes with low modulation.
6265 1400 POL: Anthony Radio, Wawa. Played also Finnish song ”Sata kesää tuhat yötä”
6303,5 1420 HOL: Magic AM Radio, Amsterdam (NH).
6383 –1431 HOL: NMD Radio, Nieuw Buinen. ”NMD Radio”
6390 -1513 HOL: Blauwe Panter (presumed). New for me, not clear ID, recording to check. ID based on chat.
6510 1604 AUT: Straightline Radio Austria. No ID heard, but played songs match. Bad condx but new for me!
6970 1530- I: IBC – Italian Broadcasting Corporation
3.1.2016 – Sunday
5800 1430 HOL: Zender Akenzo, Zwolle (presumed)
6210 1435 UNID, nonstop music, song after song. Strong signal refers to Radio Abu Dhabi.
6324 1044 S/NOR: Radio Piraña Internacional. Strong, over s9, two different rumours of the origin.
6395 1455 UNID
6423 1450 HOL: Radio Lowland, Klazienaveen. Announced it’s SMS-number.
Verified pirate station #170 from a new pirate country: Straightline Radio Austria

Verified pirate station #169: eQSL from Anthony Radio from Warsaw, Poland

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