QSL of the month is a full data PDF letter from Spirit Radio based in Ireland. Unfortunately reception location is incorrect – no remote reception, no SDR, no dxpeditions – only home DX here 🙂 Also the time indicated is local Irish Summer Time, not UTC. Anyway it’s rare to get such a QSL in these days.
Kuukausi: lokakuu 2016
Now when we moving towards the dark seasons it’s time to open good ol’ MW & SW. Early mornings are offered new radio stations. Here is my log for october:
Oct 09
1809 6295 IRL: Reflections Europe
1729 6317 G: Rock Radio Network
Oct 19
0524 747 E: RNE Andalucía
1754 1314 E: RNE Catalunya
Oct 20
0605 1503 G: BBC Stoke, dominating this fq in the morning
0616 1530 G: Pulse2
0620 1323 G: Smooth Radio, Didn’t catch local id or commercials :/
0624 1026 G: BBC Cambridgeshire
1747 1305 E: RNE Castilla-La Mancha
Oct 21
0447 1161 G: Tay 2
0603 1170 G: Swansea Sound, Finally received this!
Oct 22
1529 6308 D: Radio Marabu
1544 3930 HOL: Zender Kachelboer / Stove Farmer
1547 6530 AUT:Straightline Radio Austria
Oct 31
1604 6100 AFG: Radio Afghanistan, Back in the shortwaves
Utility – NDB Beacons
- 311 D: LMA, Lima 23.10.2016
- 330 HOL: SO, Eelde 24.10.2016
- 344 D: HN, Hohn 23.10.2016
- 350 FIN: LAA, Oulu / Laanila 23.10.2016
- 406.5 D: BOT, Bottrop 23.10.2016
- 413.5 D: DLS, Berlin 23.10.2016
After nice tropo signals to Sweden there was a great aurora signals. Geomagnetic activity was intensifying as Earth passes through the wake of a CME that was hit our planet. Below is short log:
73.49 1607 BLR BR Radio Stalitsa, Braslaw/RTPS 736km
72.98 1611 BLR BR Radio Vitebsk, Braslaw/RTPS 736km
71.48 1617 BLR BR Radio Vitebsk, Vitebsk/RTPS Jurjeva Gorka 824km
73.10 1638 RUS Grad Petrov, Sankt-Peterburg/Olgino (SP) 346km
71.69 1639 BLR BR Kanal Kultura, Brest/RTPS Rakitnica (BR) 1126km
67.64 1642 BLR BR Radio Vitebsk, Myadzel/RTPS Telyaki (MI) 818km
91.80 1700 S SR P2, Västervik/Fårhult TM (ka) 716km
100.30 1704 S SR P4, Skövde/Åsbotorp 2/Billingen TM (vg) 776km
+ plenty of OIRT Rossii stations.
Tropo forecasts promised good condx for Lapland, not much activity there, so results not known. Today’s ducting was favorable for Central Finland. In the morning just some typical SR stations for this QTH with fair signals (no RDS). However one personal new catch: Radio Rossii Karelia 72.17 just over the noise level with Tecsun, but clear ID. TNX JJH!
In the work (driving van) I was lucky to follow signals from 350-450 km improving all the day with the car radio. The morning was foggy, lot’s of accidents because of zero visibility and icy roads. The fog was accompanying us all day long, even temperature reached plus degrees in the afternoon. Still nothing special on lunch hour at home. Unfortunately Triax 4el can see only AZI 100-280 from the balcony…
As Janne (JJH) said: ”Kalix tulee niin lujaa, että sen pitäisi kuulua mummon hetekallakin” (culture-bound, impossible to translate). Thanks to my good old lad, I moved the Yagi from balcony to backyard and placed RX’s on a less-elegant garden chair. Between the pines, the Northern sky can be seen.
Word, Kalix was so strong, that it could have come even with a whip!
Usually here is YLE Lahti 50 kW / 166 km
..and here Järviradio Jyväskylä 3 kW / 34 km
Such a fresh autumn afternoon today, but with the hot coffee it was fun for two hours. Then it was already getting dark and conditions seemed to be stuck on this direction. New H stations ided and recorded, and nothing special was heard using V polarization.
SR-transmitters from Örnsköldsvik, Sollefteå, Vännäs, Lycksele, Arvidsjaur, Älvsbyn, Kalix, Överkalix and Gällivare were noted. Possibly also Storuman and Vuollerim (150 W!). For some loggings, please have a look: http://www.fmdx.online/october-logs/
Oct 2
1620 6320 HOL: Telstar Radio International
1625 6285 HOL: Zender Akenzo. s9+10 dB.
1645 6300 UNID. Jingles ”Nonstop music”. Playlist: Delilah, Popcorn. s9+
1709 7580 I: Radio Latino, Central Italy.
1715 6340 UNID playing Gazebo: I like Chopin and Alphaville: Forever Young
1808 6318 UNID playing Queen: I want to break free
Oct 5
0439 549 IRL: Spirit Radio.
Oct 6
0455 837 E: COPE Sevilla. ”91.4 y 99.6 fm, en onda media 837, COPE Sevilla”
1735 1305 E: RNE5 Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real. ”Radio Cinco, Castilla La Mancha”
Oct 8
1623 6290 HOL: tent. Johnny Tobacco. No ID but Jope Ruonansuu with S9+20 dB = ”ID”.
Oct 9
1720 6317 G: Rock Radio Network. Probably from the UK. Fluent English DJ’s.
1725 6205 HOL: Technische Man, Ruurlo. Announcing the phone number also in French
1754 6295 IRL: Reflections Europe.
1820 6265 HOL: Zender Akenzo S9+20 dB
-1840 6215 HOL: Radio Carbonade. Request songs Jope and Paranoid. From tobacco factory.
1915 6320 HOL: tent. Radio Quadzilla. Nonstop 80’s rock show.
Oct 11
0450 72.17 RUS: Radio Rossii Kareliya, Muyezerskiy -tx.
0700 103.9 S: SR P4 Västerbotten, Skellefteå. Also 100.0, 96.3.
1328 104.3 S: Mix Megapol 105.2 Norra Norrland. Kalix -tx.
1340 103.8 FIN: tentative YLE Sámi Radio, Kolari. 567 km. No ID, but px in Sami language.
1350 104.6 S: Rix FM 105.6 Luleå, Älvsbyn -tx. ID as Rix FM only, regional wx & spots.
1405 103.2 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Överkalix. Also 91.7 and 99.0 from here.
1405 102.2 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Kalix. Also 91.3, 93.6, 97.9 from this tx.
1405 102.9 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Älvsbyn. //102.2, 103.2. No ID. Also 90.6, 94.5 and 99.4.
14xx 100.4 S: tentative SR P4 Norrbotten, Vuollerim. 150 W / 495 km. Only ”language ID”.
Also many other SR transmitters noted, but not ided or logged.
Oct 12
1437 101.0 S: SR P4 Dalarna, Mora. I have been thinking this is impossible because of Radio Aalto, Jyväskylä -tx (34 km). But today it came with strong signal.
1518 100.7 S: SR P4 Gävleborg, Hudiksvall.
1520 101.2 S: SR P4 Västernorrland, Sollefteå.
1520 100.1 S: SR P4 Västernorrland, Örnsköldsvik. No ID // 101.2.
Also many other high power SR P1-3 transmitters were audible, from Skellefteå to Hudiksvall.
Oct 13
0143 107.0 S: NRJ Hälsingland, Hudiksvall. ”NRJ Hälsingland 107.0”
0435 106.3 S: Vinyl FM Dalarna, Mora. Regional commercials 0445-0450
0908 104.0 LVA: Latvijas Radio 1, Valmiera-tx. ”Latvijas Radio” -ID
1710 91.5 LVA: Latvijas Radio 2, Riga. ”Latvijas Radio Divi”
1719 105.2 LVA: tent. Radio SWH, Riga. Commercials in Latvian.
1725 107.7 LVA: Latvijas Radio 4, Riga. ”Latvijska Radio Chetyre” -ID
1745 95.7 POL: tent. PR 1, Gdansk-tx. Programme in Polish, no ID.
1830 105.3 LTU: tent. LRT Klasika, Klaipeda-tx. Classical music only, must be this one.
Oct 19
0446 711 E: COPE Murcia.
0452 549 ALG: Jil FM.
Oct 20
0456 1134 E: COPE Salamanca. ID at first. Jerez dominated rest of the break.
0510 666 G: BBC Radio York.
0513 765 G: BBC Essex
Oct 22
0517 1431 G: Smooth Radio. Network ID only.
0528 765 G: BBC Essex
1519 6305 D: Radio Marabu.
1537 3930 HOL: Zender Kachelboer / Stove Farmer. New station with this name (ex. Bluestar)
1623 6240 HOL: tent Radio Python.
2218 1044 E: SER Radio San Sebastián.
2219 1521 E: SER Radio Castellón. Multiple ID’s. Saturday night break at 2218 UTC.
2259 1584 E: SER Radio Gandia. Too weak for audio report.
Oct 23
1608 6385 HOL: Radio Zender Zodiac. ”broadcasting from Central part of the NL, nearly 100 W”
1700 5050 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio.
1714 6285 HOL: Zender Akenzo.
1720 6322 HOL: tent. Radio Joey. Jingleistä ei saanut mitään tolkkua, chatin mukaan Joey.
1727 6240 CZE: Radio Caroline International / Radio Goofy.
1730 3905 HOL: Radio Station Relmus from the North of the Netherlands.
1745 6205 IRL(?): Coast FM.
1825 3905 HOL: Kachelboer.
Oct 24
0427 1269 E: COPE Badajoz. Dominant in my QTH.
0427 1296 E: COPE Valencia.
0450 1026 E: SER Andalucia. Jaen or Jerez. Regional at this time.
Oct 26
0455 1161 G: Viking 2, Hull
0500 1485 G: BBC Radio Humberside
0523 1026 G: BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
0525 747 E: RNE Andalucia, Cadiz
Oct 27
0448 1134 E: COPE Jerez Radio Occidental
0500 918 E: tent. Radio Intereconomia. No ID.
0512 774 G: BBC Radio Kent.
0525 747 E: RNE Andalucia, Cadiz.
Oct 30
0525 1071 CZE: CRo Plus. Surprisingly Czech here – earlier using shared tx’s with CRo2, now own tx’s!
0533 1071 G: TalkSPORT, Newcastle/Clipstone.
0559 738 RUS: Vsemyrniya Radioset, Moscow.
0601 828 RUS: Radiogazeta Slovo, St. Petersburg.
0602 882 G: BBC Radio Wales.
0605 999 I: RAI 1, Volpiano-tx.
0612 1107 D: AFN The Eagle. Still here, should have stopped broadcasting on this FQ.
0620 981 CZE: Radio Cesky Impuls.
0624 891 HOL: Radio 538, Hulsberg. Informative recording of closure of their service on this frequency.
Oct 31
0500 1017 G: Free Radio 80’s
1550 6100 AFG: Radio Afghanistan, Kabul.
Backlog with these QSLs of the month, but here are some examples of recent replies from radio stations, which I could nominate as ”QSL of the month”. Of course almost every received QSL does make my day, but these selected QSLs are verifying a rare catch, they are filling all the criteria of a perfect QSL with every single detail marked on it, they arrive by snail mail which is pretty rare nowadays – or simply they are more than an oneliner ”Yes that’s us” -message.
June – Galgalatz 91.8 MHz Israel
July – VMW Wiluna WA 6230 kHz Australia
August – Svitle Radio Emmanuel 67.82 MHz Ukraine
September – Radio Punto Zero Tre Venezie Tarvisio.Fm 90.1 MHz Italy