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Kuukausi: tammikuu 2018

Week 2, 2018


6260 -1559 HOL: Misti Radio. ID and closing down
1629 1608 HOL: Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Musik: Annabella
5840 1612 DNK: World Music Radio, Randers. Tests with fair s4-6. SINPO 34333.
1620 1645 HOL: Radio Bootsman s6. SINPO 34333
1645 1710 HOL: Zender Digitaal s7. Hotel California.

#236 verified free radio station: De Bootsman (Dokwerker) 1620 kHz, (#40 Dutch MW)


1627 2240 HOL: Radio Uniek. S7.
1645 2305 HOL: Monte Carlo Radio. S7-8
1645 2308 HOL:  UNID with a report to Monte Carlo etc.
1653 2320- HOL: UNID S6-7.
1645 2340 HOL; Monte Carlo again.
1645 2344 HOL: UNID S6-7


1636 -0044 HOL: Marskramer CD 0044 UTC
1584 0420 I: Radio Studio X, Momigno
3904,6 1950 HOL: Radio Lowland. Playing ABBA and music from the Alps.
3975 2010 D: Shortwave Radio, Winsen an der Aller.
1458 2120 G: Lyca Radio, London
1670 2130 RUS: UNID.
2920 2250 RUS: Radio Amplitud, Tula. QSO Radiostantsija Malinka etc.
2920 2320 RUS: Parus QSO Trojka – Radiokanal Rossish – Nikolai
1637 2330 GRC: Studio 1, Promaxonas (Serres). ”Akouete apo ta 16-38 Takis Studio Ena apo Makedonia”


1655 0044 HOL: Witte Raaf S6
6258 1445 HOL: Radio Joey
6305 1510 UNID mx.
6315 1515-1605 DNK: Radio OZNRH.
6375 1535 G: tentative Bogusman
3919,3 1700 G: tentative Rock Radio Network.
1647 1820 HOL: Radio Armada.
1635 1825 HOL: Zender Digitaal
1682 1835 SRB: tentative Merkur Radio. Again 1849 UTC, 1857 UTC?, 1907 UTC?, and 1928
1684 1848 SRB: Romeo Radio QSO Merkur.
1684 1910 SRB: Kalibar Radio. QSO Romeo. Kalibar again 1915 calling Merkur. 1916 Merkur on 1682.
1683 1926 SRB: Istok Radio.

#237 verified free radio station: Studio 1, Promaxonas, (Serres) 1637 kHz

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Pirate DX week 1/2018


6950 1430 I: Enterprise Radio. SINPO 45433. S9+10dB
6307 1455 CZE: Radio Goofy. S4-6.
3900 1500 UNID. S7-9.
3920 1501 UNID. S4-6.
5820 1506 Tentative Radio Caroline. S4-6.
6260 1507 Tentative Digital. S4-5. CD 1508.
6280 1517 Tentative Henky de Wegpiraat. S5. With quick fading.
6320 1545 G: Radio Underground S8.
1655 1615 HOL: Radio Golfbreker s6. 70 watts.
1637 1630 HOL: Radio Dikke Betta S7-8. Calling Torpedojager.
1629 1634 Tentative Mendocino. Calling Torpedojager.
1615 2215 HOL: Bluebird Radio, Finsterwolde
1621 2248 HOL: Turftrekker.
1626 2256 HOL: Radio Uniek, Klazienaveen
1655 2325 HOL: Monte Carlo Radio. S7.
1655 2329 HOL: Radio Dinkelland. S7. Sultans of Swing. QSO with Montecarlo.


1648 0110 HOL: Radio Moby Dick
5830 1530 HOL: Free Radio Victoria. It never rains in Southern California. SINPO 25333.
5840 1543 DNK: tentative World Music Radio, Randers. SINPO 25433
3905 1730 G: tentative Radio Underground. No clear ID, but greetings to me. s3-4
1620 1830 HOL: Polka Express SINPO 35333. s4-7. Closing down at 1851 UTC.
1621 1856 HOL: Radio Orion, Coevorden. S5-7. Announcement at 1856, then nonstop polkas and schlagers. 1917 UTC Oh Mallorca. 1937 UTC Bella Donna Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen. ID @ 2017 UTC ”…Radio Orion uit Coeworden…”. ID again at 2125 UTC as Radio Orion. 2156: ”Luisteraars en amateurs.. Coevorden..”. Closing down 2200 UTC.
1625 2220 HOL: Pandora S8-9. ID @ 2242 UTC.
1655 2252 HOL: Wilskracht s5-8. 2254 ZZ Top. 2301 UTC ID Radio Wilskracht. 2320 Save the last dance for me. 2324 ID Luisteraars amateurs … Radio Wilskracht… Radio Bandoeng.. till the next time, bye bye. 2326 Schlagermuziek. 2327 Closing down. QRM Russian pirate 1656 kHz.

#233 verified free radio station: Radio Golfbreker, (#37 Dutch MW)

#234 verified free radio station: Radio Bluebird, (#38 Dutch MW)

#235 verified free radio station: Radio Dinkelland, (#39 Dutch MW)

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