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Tekijä: JJH

49 vuotias lähihoitaja, bloggaaja, radioharrastaja, SoMe-addikti ja myös jonkinlainen elämäntapanörtti Jyväskylästä. All your gadgets are belong to me!

Season’s Greetings!

On jälleen se aika vuodesta! Kuljemme kohti vuoden loppua. Vuoteen on mahtunut monenlaista. Blogimme on viettänyt pienoista hiljaiseloa, sekä bloggaajien työkiireiden, että syksyllä sattuneen domainin menettämisen vuoksi.

Pitkään uskollisesti meitä palvellut menetettiin hollantilaisen FreeNom:n perseilyn ja toiminnan lopettamisen vuoksi. Lähes kaikki jäivät tämän vuoksi tyhjän päälle. Myös ennakkoon domaininsa maksaneet menettivät rahansa. Tämän kanssa en viitsinyt pidempään vaivata päätäni ja hankinkin osoitteen: käyttöömme. Foorumi palasikin ensimmäisenä linjoille, mutta blogin kanssa oli pidempään ongelmaa, kunnes hoksasin, että ongelma johtuukin palvelimen palveluntarjoajasta, eikä domain-vaihdoksesta, joten olikin aika etsiä myös sivustolle uusi koti. Nyt onneksi vihdoin ja viimein kaikki toimii kuten ennenkin.

Toivottolen kaikille sivustomme vierailijoille leppoisaa joulunaikaa ja parempaa tulevaa vuotta.

73* de Janne / JJH

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Kelipäivä 29.5 – hellettä ja essiä

Keskiviikkona 29.5 niin helle kuin Es-kelitkin hellivät aktiivisia DX-Kuuntelijoita. Päivä oli keli-iloittelua aamusta pitkälle iltaan. Harmillisesti itse kirvistelin töissä ja ehdin vain satunnaisesti klikkailemaan AirSpy HF+ tallennusta päälle, joten omalla kohdalla kelit koetaan vasta paljon myöhemmin tallenteita tarkastellessa.

Jonkinlaisen tuntuman kelipäivään saa vilkaisemalla FMListin VisuaLogbook:n lokia. Yhteensä 1882 lokausta!

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FM-kausi 2024

Uuden kauden kynnyksellä on hyvä muistuttaa kiinnostuneita, siitä, että Separatistinen DX-Liike a.k.a. Radioaktiiviset (Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset) hallinnoi kahta WhatsApp-ryhmää, jotka ovat kaikille harrastajille avoimia. Asuitpa sitten Helsingissä tai Kittilässä. Toinen on yleiseen keskusteluun ja toinen kelihälyytyksiin. (FM, MW, SW) – Pyynnöstä pääsee mukaan. Tervetuloa! 🤩

Ryhmämme ovat erittäin aktiivisia, jossa keskustellaan hyvässä hengessä ja jutut liikkuvat harrasteen tiimoilta laidasta laitaan, eikä harrasteen ulkopuolisetkaan jutut aiheuta äkäistä kommenttivyöryä, eikä kenenkään aamutsufee purskahda nenästä pihalle. Olet sitten aloittelija tai kokeneempi harrastaja. Meillä on porukkaa laidasta laitaan. DX-Kuuntelijoita, radiohistoriasta kiinnostuneita, ohjelmakuuntelijoita, CB-tyyppejä, Vintage-intoilijoita, kokeilijoita, Hameja, Utility-ukkoja. Sanalla sanoen Radioharrastajia. Kaikille on tilaa ja juttua piisaa. Ainostaan uskonto ja politiikka pidetään poissa!

Lähetä pyyntösi numeron kera: janne [at]

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Pirate Hunt 2024 (Mach 29th. – April 1st.)

Pirate Hunt 2024 will be held during Easter 2024 (March 29th – April 1st).

We try to keep rules simple:

This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.

SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!

all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 29th 0000 UTC and April 1st. 2359 UTC

ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2024)

participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later results will be published in end of May

Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2024 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Twitter Community:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Pirate Hunt 2023

Pirate hunt 2023 will be held during Easter 2023 (April 7th – April 10th).

We try to keep rules simple:

  • This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.
  • SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 7th 0000 UTC and April 10th 2359 UTC
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.
  • post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2023)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in end of May
  • Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2023 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)
Like Our Page in Facebook:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Top 10 DX of the Year Contest – tulee taas!

Contest rules can be downloaded in PDF file here: LINK

We’ve changed some of the rules from 2022. The changes are highlighted in orange.

The date of the contest:
from 1 December 2022, 00:00 UTC to 31 December 2022, 24:00 UTC

– The contest is open for all shortwave listeners. It is not obligatory to be a club member. 

– The contest is free of charge and all costs are covered by TOP DX RADIOCLUB. 

– The task of the contest:
Reception of 10 BROADCAST stations from 10 optional, DIFFERENT countries during the contest (according to the official DXCC list**). 

– The aim of the contest:
Award of the best DX’er who really succeeded in receiving the year’s TOP 10 DX: it means that it received the lowest power station possible from the longest distance possible. 

– The rules of the contest: 
Reception of 10 BROADCAST stations from 10 DIFFERENT countries. Excluding: unlicensed, meteorological, DRM or other digital, military, spy, pirate, time etalon, amateur contacts and other technical receptions. It is strictly prohibited to use WEB SDR, internet radio and other remote controlled equipment. The receiver antenna has to be attached to the radio physically and directly. One country can appear in the log only once. (Country=where the transmitter can be found)
The enabled frequency range: from 2300 kHz to 30000 kHz. The contest referees and organizers cannot take part in the contest. 

– The obligatory content of the log: 
Date (day, month, year), 
Time (UTC), 
Frequency (in kHz), 
The ID name of the station, 
Country (where the transmitter can be found), 
The language of the broadcast, 
The geographical location (CITY) of the transmitter site, 
The details of the broadcast (general description without specific details cannot be accepted) 

– The judges MAY ask for additional data from the contestants (eg. video or sound recording)


– The obligatory content of the log’s annex: 
The name of the contestant, 
Address (where the trophy can be posted -only to the winner of the contest) 
Geographical location where he/she has participated from (according to the 6-character Maidenhead QTH locator)* 
The type of the receiver(s), 
The type of the antenna(s). 

Jean Sample 
France, Paris, Rue Parrot 2. 
QTH locator: 
Yaesu FRG-7000, Perseus SDR 
 80m Long Wire, Wellbrook ALA-1530 

– The format of the log: 
The logs have to be sent electronically to topdx.radioclub(at)gmail(dot)com in Excel (xls, xlsx) format. You can download the log sample *** HERE. Please use this and do not change the structure of the table, just fill in the cells! Do not rearrange the columns or enter other data (eg. transmit power, distance, etc.).
If you are not able to submit a Excel format log, please contact the Contest Manager for assistance with submitting another format.
We accept logs in English language. All contestants get an email of confirmation after receiving the log in 48 hours. 

– The deadline of receiving the logs:
5 January 2023. 24:00 UTC 

All contestants declare by sending the logs that all data in the log are true and correct, all of the receiving were done by himself/herself within the given time range from the provided place according to the QTH locator and the adherence of the rules.

– Announcement of results: Before 31 January 2023. 

– Scoring: 
The distance between the contestant’s QTH locator and the transmitting tower’s QTH locator divided ( / ) by the power of the transmitter, and multiplied or deducted ( x ). In arithmetic formula: (QTH’s distance / Transmitter power) x Multiplier. 

– MULTIPLIERS: Explanation: This is the most important change. You can get triple points if you receive signals from different continent. Continents: Africa (Af), Antarctica (An), Asia (As), Europe (Eu) North-America (Na), Oceania (Oc), South-America (Sa). See below the downloadable DXCC table for more details.
– Reception from same continent multiplied by 1
– Reception from different continent multiplied by 3

 Explanation: The deduction always applies only to that one reception what containing the incorrect data, NOT to the whole log. If there are two -50% deduction in one reception, then that is 0 point.
– Missing or incorrect SINPO: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)  Explanation: ”Missing” means the data cell of SINPO is empty or there are less than 5 digits. ”Incorrect” means, the numbers are not from 1 to 5. For example incorrect SINPO is ”343” or ”45895”.
– Missing or incorrect country: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)  Explanation: ”Missing” means the data cell of Country is empty. Again: Country (where the transmitter can be found)
– Missing or incorrect language: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)
– Missing or incorrect date: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect time: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect frequency: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect TX site: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
 Again: TX site is the CITYwhere the transmitter is geographically located.
– Missing or incorrect Station ID: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
 Explanation: Again: This is the NAME of the station. For example ”BBC” or ”DW”, etc.

– In the case of a repeated country, the lower score reception will be canceled

The distance between QTH is dimensioned in kilometers and measured in short path. The transmitter power is dimensioned in kilowatts. Only official data are considered given by WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook – or If more powers belong to a certain transmitter the higher power is considered. In case the owner of the station announces different power than WRTH, then we counting with the official (real) transmitter power.

For example: 
The geographical location of the contestant: France, Paris, Rue Parrot 2. in this case the QTH locator is JN18EU* 
The received station: Voice of America, from the city of Iranawila CLN. The QTH locator of the transmitter: MJ97VM In this case the distance between the two QTH locators: 8462,27 km. For the calculation the following program is used: KK6MK’s DistBear Tool **** 
The power of the transmitter: 250 kW 
Score: 8462,27 / 250 = 33,85 points, multiplied by 3 (different continent) = 101,55 ( 102 rounded to 2 decimals) 
According to the information above it can be clearly seen that more points are given if the station is far from the contestant AND the transmitter power is low. 

The final points are made up by the sum of the 10 receiving. 
The contestant with the highest points wins the contest. 

– Awarding: 
The contest has no monetary prize. The winner gets an elegantly designed, unique trophy addressed to his/her name. All contestants can download free the certificate according to result in the ranking. Printed certificate is available for fee only. 

In case of any questions about the rules, or anyting else in connection with the contest, send us an e-mail and we try to respond asap. This opportunity is open before and during the contest.

The organizers wish good luck and outstanding DXs to all contestants. 

*: The QTH locator can be easily found here: LINK 
** The list of DXCC can be found here (Excel file, countries in alphabetical order): LINK
***: Sample log can be downloaded from here (Excel): LINK 
****: The KK6MK DistBear Tool can be find here:  LINK

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10.06.2022 – Reipas Es-avaus Sisä-Suomeen

Kirjoitellaanpa tännekin välillä. Allekirjoittanut on toistaiseksi kuuntelulla Jyväskylässä, kun viime kesänä valmistunut Petäjäveden, Heikkilänperän etäasema on toistaiseksi poissa pelistä. Päivä alkoi kevyellä tökkökelillä pitkin poikin eurooppaa. Ensimmäiset noteeraukset Jyväskylässä olivat mm. Ranskaan ja Saksaan.

Kello 1532utc taivaat aukenivat ja voi pojat ja tytöt millä volyymilla. Siinä ei QTH:n lähellä oleva Taka-Keljon masto paljoa kekkuloinut. Alla tähän mennessä peratut asemat. Muutama oikein maukas asema SVN ja HRV

Logs by: JJH, Jyväskylä KP22TF

88.70 1234 F Fun Radio, Avallon/Tharoiseau (89) 2135km
88.20 1532 SUI Radio SRF 1, Bantiger (be) PI logged: 43B1 PS logged: _SRF_1__ 2043km
89.20 1542 I RMC – Radio Monte Carlo, Serramazzoni/Case Mazzoni-Acquedotto (mo) 2199km
89.60 1544 HRV Radio Centar – Studio Porec, Porec/Funtana-Punta Groša (Debeli Rt) (pa) 2046km
91.10 1551 I Radio Gamma (Romagna), Cesena/Frazione Borello-Via Luzzena, 5600-Monte Cavallo (C) (fc) PI logged: 5843 PS logged: R_GAMMA_ 2201km
92.30 1610 CZE Radio Relax, Kladno/Kožova hora (ST) PI logged: 2034 PS logged: _RELAX__ 1520km
92.20 1611 CZE Country Radio, Príbram/ul. Drkolnovská 286 (ST) 1568km
93.70 1629 I m2o, Cagnano Varano/Monte d’Elio (fg) PI logged: 5233 PS logged: _M_DUE_O 2355km
90.30 1630 I Radio Kiss Kiss, Corato/Contrada Murgetta (ba) PI logged: 5225 PS logged: KISSKISS 2428km
88.60 1635 I RAI Radio1, Motta Montecorvino/Monte Sambuco (RAI) (fg) 2406km
91.00 1639 D hr1, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) 1624km
92.00 1640 I RMC – Radio Monte Carlo, Vicchio/Frazione Barbiana-Monte Giovi (fi) 2237km
89.20 1702 I Radio Giulia, Andria/Contrada Montefaraone (bt) 2421km
93.60 1709 F Virgin Radio, Amiens/Dury Towercast (80) PI logged: F219 PS logged: _VIRGIN_ 1979km
90.90 1717 I Radio 24, Corato/Contrada Murgetta (ba) PI logged: 5245 PS logged: RADIO_24 2428km
94.30 1720 SVK Fun Rádio, Bratislava/Kamzík (BA) PI logged: 5340 PS logged: FUNRADIO 1650km
89.20 1722 AUT Hitradio Ö3, Graz 1/Schöckl (ste) PI logged: A203 PS logged: __OE_3__ 1790km
92.40 1726 SVN Val 202, Plešivec (Uršlja Gora) (sg) PI logged: 9202 PS logged: VAL_202_ 1877km
94.10 1729 SVN Radio Prvi, Kum (ce) PI logged: 9201 PS logged: __PRVI__ 1917km
88.30 1731 CZE Kiss, Brno/Hády (JM) 1548km
89.40 1732 CZE Kiss, Boskovice/Habrí (JM) 1520km
93.80 1736 CZE Radio Beat, Znojmo/Deblínek (O2) (JM) 1597km
89.40 1740 SVN Radio Rogla, Slovenske Konjice/Ljubicna gora (ce) PI logged: 9437 PS logged: _ROGLA__ 1885km
89.80 1741 SVN Radio Ptuj, Majšperk/Jelovice (mb) 1877km
93.10 1752 SVN Radio Maribor, Maribor 1/Pohorje (RTVSLO) (mb) PI logged: 9426 PS logged: MARIBOR_ 1860km
91.70 1802 CZE Radio Čas, Jeseník/lázne Jeseník – Priessnitzova 90/51 (OL) 1429km
95.00 1802 HRV Radio Gorski Kotar, Delnice/Petehovac (ri) PI logged: C441 PS logged: GORSKI__ KOTAR___ RADIO___ 1998km
93.40 1809 CZE Frekvence 1, Jihlava/Javorice (VY) PI logged: 2205 PS logged: RADIO_F1 1579km
93.10 1812 SVN Radio Zeleni Val, Polževo (lj) PI logged: 944C PS logged: ZEL._VAL 1941km
95.00 1821 CZE Rádio Blaník, Votice/Mezivrata (ST) PI logged: 233C PS logged: _BLANIK_ 1557km
90.30 1823 I RDS, Cesena/Frazione Borello-Via Luzzena, 5600-Monte Cavallo (A) (fc) PI logged: 5264 PS logged: *_RDS_*_ 2201km
90.50 1824 CZE Evropa 2, Ceské Budejovice/komín teplárny (JC) 1625km
93.10 1833 CZE CRo Radiožurnál, Votice/Mezivrata (ST) PI logged: 232F PS logged: R-ZURNAL 1557km
88.70 1836 I Vibra FM, Teolo/Monte Grande (pd) PI logged: 5354 PS logged: VIBRA_FM 2078km
89.40 1837 AUT Hitradio Ö3, Mallnitz 1/Lonzaberg (kae) PI logged: A203 PS logged: __OE_3__ 1870km
94.30 1841 CZE Hitrádio Vysocina, Jihlava/Strážník I. (VY) PI logged: 2A2A PS logged: HITRADIO VYSOCINA 1551km
95.20 1848 AUT Radio Oberösterreich, Linz 1/Lichtenberg (obe) PI logged: A707 PS logged: *RADIO*_ **OOE**_ 1694km
94.50 1850 CZE Rádio Dechovka, Tábor/Prumyslová ctvrt-U Cihelny 2128/9 (JC) PI logged: 24B2 PS logged: DECHOVKA 1576km

Hitaasti, mutta varmasti päivittyvä loki:

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Blogi on viettänyt pidemmän puoleista taukoa. Molemmilla ylläpitäjällä muut aktiviteetit ovat vieneet tehokkaasti aikaa. Toki radiota on kuunneltu vaihtelevalla menestyksellä. Ehkäpä tästä kesää kohti taas aktivoidutaan.

Aktiivisuus on pääasiassa keskittynyt omaan Radioaktiiviset WhatsApp-ryhmään ja foorumille. Radiota on tunattu ja raporttejakin on jokunen sinkoillut. FM kauden kynnykselläkin tässä ollaan, joten kohta on aika laittaa rautaa ilmoille ja päivystämään!

Stay Tuned!

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