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Tekijä: JTK

Give Me Hope, Esmeralda

Radio Espérance during a nice French opening today

The morning dawned still windy and cold (+9 C). The wind had blown away the reflector of our OIRT antenna, otherwise the antennas had stayed in place. After a refreshing morning jog around the island (6 km) we saw a red cargo ship approaching us with the name KESS painted on it. Was it a greeting from our dear friend Es? It seems so, as 0700 UTC Sherlock’s MUF map started looking interesting.
The band opened at 0727 with a brief Spanish opening in two intervals, followed by a Balkan opening focusing on Bulgaria and Thessaloniki but only reaching 94 MHz. The best part of the day started at 0945 with a rather good French opening up to 108 MHz that lasted for an hour or so before starting a hanging ”hiccup” situation of some French and Balkan stations coming and going. Portuguese stations were also heard on some frequencies, but the mystery remains whether they were real or just immigrant services from France.
Now at 1357 Sherlock looks promising but the band is empty. Everybody’s drooling for more…

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Introducing the Band

Triax in the wind

Antennas are in place and they’re rocking back and forth in the merciless wind. Lot of troposcatter in the air all the way from Bornholm, Gothenburg, Kaliningrad, Klaipeda and of course Gdansk. 101.7 R Plus Gdansk reaches RDS levels from time to time.
Sporadic E has been non-existent since the UK opening yesterday when we still were on our way here. Let’s hope the trend is not turning against us: so far we’ve had Es on every day in June.
JJS and MB rigging up the vertical

If all else fails, there always time to enjoy the beautiful archipelago (read: watch football on tv with a pint of the excellent local beer 😉
Official beverage of the Utö6 FMDXpedition


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Utö 6 is live!

Harri braves the bitter wind

The team arrived here at midnight. After a short night’s sleep we started setting the antennas up in the bitter wind. It’s only +12 C outside and the wind forecast says up to 20 m/s is expected this afternoon (8 Beaufort). It’s blowing with unobstructed force into our semi-detached cabins. But inside it’s nice and warm, some tropo to inland Sweden and continuous meteor pings. Time to get acquainted with the exciting and ever changing band before Es (hopefully) hits…

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Utö 6 -pedition valmiina lähtöön

Utö-pediksen hieno logo (designed by JJH -TNX)

Kohta ollaan siellä… Fiilistelyjä ja ahdistusta tilanteiden edistyessä tällä palstalla 🙂
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