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March 14: 4 watts/1536 km

Sunny day, a new element house came to the neighbourhood by truck. Soon there will be a new smoke (referring the number of houses in a village, which are usually all wood-heated). As the translation is not working in English: ”metropolissa on pian yksi savu lisää”. Hopefully it doesn’t mean more electric noise. Conditions were favorable on shortwave. Last night Gannan PBS came with pretty good reception on 5970 kHz. Just wondering where to send report, as the snail mail address seems to be only option so far. Good conditions continued in the evening:

6215 1755 HOL: UNID. Legal Dutch FM station relay. ID sounded most likely Moor or Door FM?
6290 1520 D: HitMix Radio. Band still not properly open. S9++.
6290 1802 HOL: Ronnie AM, Emmen. Incredibly with a 4 watt tx. ”Bamba, bamba”. Distance is 1536 km, s7-8.
6290 1834 HOL: Blackstone, Emmen. 15 W. QSO Ronnie AM.
6300 1800 HOL: Integratie Radio (tent.). From Abu Dhabi factory. ”De va kukku de” by Anita Hirvonen.
6307 1831 CZE: Radio Goofy (tent.). No ID heard by me.


Pirate QSL #186: Atlantis FM, Tenerife probably relayed from Ireland

qsl tenerife

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Pirate Hunt 2016 – 24 – 28.3.2016





Pirate Hunt 2016 will be held during Easter 2016 (celebrated in Finland on March 24th – 28th). Rules are tried to keep simple:

  • log as many PIRATE station as possible between March 24th 0000 UTC and March 28th 2359 UTC
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
  • post your full logs on forum, Facebook or by e-mail: during or after the contest (but until March 31st, 2016)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in April, the winner will have a small radio-related prize and a random prize (even smaller) will be given to one lucky participant

Pirate Hunt 2016 is organized by local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

A warm welcome


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Pirate DX Weekend 11-13 March 2016

As I moved all the radios in the attic recently, my Windom (18/9m) feed doesn’t reach the rx now. To get a quick solution I throwed a random dipole from window and tested it for two nights. As the results were good, I decided to hang it today, so it is placed now between a pine and a spruce, total length around 20 metres. Some kind of MW antenna could be the next step, but FM Season 2016 is about to start within two months!

March 11, 2016 @ Uurainen (Jan-Mikael)
1645 2155 HOL: Radio Armada. S7 to a SW-antenna.
6205 1926 G/IRL: Atlantis FM. ”Friday Night – Atlantis FM”
6215 1930 UNID. Nonstop 80’s hits: Police, Irene Cara, France Gall, Nana Mouskouri, Nik Kershaw etc..
6215 2230 HOL: Radio OZ (Omroep Zuid). Techno music. Reports to Maybe not him earlier!
6265 1955 HOL: Radio Desperado, North of the Netherlands. Best signal s9+10dB. New-for-me station.
6285 1935 G: Radio Focus International (presumed).
6305 1905 HOL: Radio Mazda, Nijverdal. s9+20 dB.
6330 1716 UNID, bit before on 6320 and 6325. Abu Dhabi?
6400 2048 HOL: Blauwe Panter. S9+10 dB.

March 12, 2016 @ Uurainen (Jan-Mikael)
4920 0045 IND: AIR Chennai. ID as ”All India Radio” but not clearly local IDs. Next time better..
5860 1405 HOL: Radio Batavia. Eros Ramazzotti and ID. s5.
5952,5 2350 BOL: Radio Pío 12 (presumed). Talk in Spanish, no ID heard.
5970 2359 OMA: BBC A’seela. Covered Chinese that must have been Gannan PBS. Next time ID luck!
6015 2345 ROU: Radio Romania International. Promised QSL card in shortest time possible. Not seen here.
6070 0900 D: Radio Waves Internationale via Channel 292 s9.
6200 1440 UNID. Also China on frequency. Polkawelle logged here and later on 6232, which was also audible.
6210 1744 G: Radio Merlin International. ID.
6260 2337 HOL: Mustang Radio. s7-8
6262 1837 HOL: Zender Akenzo (presumed). Band started to close, lots of deep fading. No ID heard, familiar voice.
6265 1428 UNID.
6265 1444- BRL(?): Borderhunter Radio.
6265 1720 HOL: Ronnie AM, Emmen. ”Heaven is a place on Earth”
6280 1730 HOL: Radio Pioneer. No IDs, only nonstop music. Thanked listeners in chat.
6285 1819 UNID ”Radio Noordzee” programme retransmitted.
6295 1355 HOL: Radio Tidalwave. S9+10dB. E-mail Probably shared tx with Carmen.
6295 1725 HOL: Mustang Radio (presumed). ID by others. S9+40dB.
6295 1758- UNID. Sounds like Abu Dhabi. Again only music without ID’s. Played Suvi Teräsniska.
6305 -1347. UNID. Just closing down when I came to the frequency.
6305 1425 Radio Without Borders International/Artem World Music. Via UNID relay s9+20dB.
6305 1715 HOL: Radio Telstar International.
6316 1350 UNID. Jazz music station. OZNRH?
6325 1511 HOL: Radio Verona. Test. Over s9.
6325 1726 HOL: Delta Radio, West-Brabant. ”Radio GaGa”. Jingles.
6395 1457 HOL: Pioneer AM, Groningen. Usually on 6747. Testing new transmitter here. No ID, only music.
6940 1439 D: Radio Orion 2000.
6970 1427 I: Blue Dragon AM.

March 13, 2016 @ Uurainen (Jan-Mikael)
3903 2110 HOL: Radio Station Alice.
4920 0013 IND: AIR Chennai. Fighting with China, going over it in local sunset. Local ID at least 0103.
5960 0400 F: NHK World, Issoudun.
5970 2245 CHN: Gannan PBS, Hezuo, Gansu. ID @ 2330: ”Gannan Guangbo Dientai”, without Renmin.
6020 0005 ALB: CRI Cerrik reported a mountain climber to be dead in Trentino Alto-Adige.
6160 0158 CAN: CKZN St. John’s. ”CBC News”. No local ID but ”Saturday Night Blues” meanwhile CKZU should have ”The World This Weekend” and other programmes.
6205 0828 UNID. Atlantis FM?
6265 2030 HOL: Radio Desperado. S6 and promised to send QSL soon.
6267 0959 UNID. Only music heard. Radio Sallandse Boer was logged here.
6275 1007 HOL: Zwarte Panter, Noord-Holland.
6275 1620 HOL: Radio Verona.
6290 1605 UNID. ”Popcorn”
6295 1023 UNID. Dutch version of ”Tu vuo fa l’americano”. Logged as Integraatie Radio (Abu Dhabi alias?)
6295 -1251 HOL: NMD Radio, Nieuw Buinen. Closing down. Jingles with echo.
6295 1555 IRL: Reflections Europe. ID during bandscan @ 2112.
6300 0805 HOL: Mike Radio. ID @ 0828.
6305 0954 BRL: Borderhunter Radio. Python Radio visiting.
6320 1011 HOL: Radio Mazda, Nijverdal. ”One Two Three” by Maywood and yodel.
6325 1535 CZE: Radio Goofy.
6335 1525 HOL: Radio Joey. S9.
6910 1250 D: Radio Orion 2000. s5 in noise.
15090 1053 HOL: Black Arrow. Short test gave s7 with 100 W. ”Downtown” by Petula Clark.
15100 1110 HOL: Shortwave Papa. 15 W. E-mail S3-4 max. Audio/power test.
15120 1520 HOL: Free Radio Victoria. S4.
15660 1608 GUM: KSDA Agat. AWR -ID. Program ”Wavescan”. Great reception S9+20dB.
15890 1041 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. From s0 to s9 in 20 seconds. Cool fade in and ID with personal greetings.

Pirate QSL #184: Shortwave Papa from the Netherlands

Pirate QSL #185: Radio Desperado from the Netherlands

Desperado qsl

Waiting for more to come (goal 200!)

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Latest Free Radio QSL’s

Received couple of nice QSL’s.

5-3 to Janne Fin

HOL: Radio Alice – 3903 kHz




G: Little Feat Radio, 6320 kHz



qsl 35 felix - Janne Heinikangas

HOL: Radio Felix, 6400 kHz



QSL Janne

I: KCR, 6264 kHz



Janne Heinikangas

D: Radio Orion 2000, 6955 kHz




I: Radio Arcadia, 6850 kHz



Also couple of stations from Netherland send email verification with PDF-document: R Columbia 1621 kHz and Mike Radio 6293 kHz.

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Antenna test 9.-10.3.2016

Testing a new dipole antenna, still on ground level (on the snow). Good signals, hopefully soon placed between the trees.


5860 1720 HOL: Radio Batavia (presumed). Some rhytms in strong splash (5855 and 5865 both s9+30 dB)
6205 1745 Atlantis FM, Tenerife. Must come from IRL or NIR, because it is heard groundwave in Armagh.
6285 1730 POL: Anthony Radio, Warszawa.
6319 1659 CZE: Radio Goofy.
6395 1700 D: Hitmix Radio (presumed). Earlier on 6393. Closing down soon, no ID heard.


6205 1740 G/IRL: Atlantis FM.
6265 1708 POL: Anthony Radio, Warszawa.
6265 1818 HOL: Radio Blackstone report to Radio Station Beluga. Also earlier with a museum tx.
6285 1730 G: Radio Focus International (presumed). ID by JJH.
6295 1710 UNID. Nonstop music and closing down 1729 UTC. S9+20dB. Abu Dhabi?
6295 1736 HOL: Radio Beluga. Alias Radio Lowland.
6295 1805 HOL: Radiozender Blackstone. ”Forever Young”.
6335 1733 UNID. Nonstop music and closing down without ID.

Log by JJH – 9.3.2015

5860 1643 HOL: R Batavia, Nice strong signal. ID and greets for me 😀
6205 1745 Atlantis FM,
6319 1630 CZE: Radio Goofy.


6265 1712 POL: R Antony
6285 1730 G: Radio Focus International
6295 1743 HOL: Radio Beluga.
6335 1733 UNID. Nonstop music

JMN #183 verified pirate: Key Channel Radio, Italy
QSL Jan-Mikael

Key Channel Radio site: Mountain zone near the city of Modena, in north of Italy
(800m L/S)


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Pirate DX Weekend 5.-6.3.2016

Great conditions and big signals!

JMN Logs – Uurainen – Saturday:

4035 2200a D/HOL: TRX Radio (presumed). Only music. Station is black, so no interest to ID it.
6170 0950 FIN: Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Liedenpohja. SINPO 55555 all day long.
6205 2128 IRL/G?: Energy FM, Tenerife (relay).
6210 1620 G: Radio Merlin International (presumed)
6225 1920 HOL: Technische Man Radio, Ruurlo.
6240 1656 HOL: Mustang Radio. s9+30.
6260 1655 UNID s9+20
6264 1742 I: Key Channel Radio. Here still at 2230 UTC.
6268 -1652 +I: Key Channel Radio. New station.
6280 1709 HOL: Radio Zwarte Panter, Noord-Holland.
6285 1620 UNID only music
6295 1620 HOL: NMD Radio (presumed)
6310 1620 G: Central Radio, Liverpool (presumed)
6320 1715 UNID s9+20. Probably 6260 moved here. Based on selection of music, must be Abu Dhabi. Later on 6300.
6747 1730 HOL: Radio Pioneer (presumed)
6850 1639 I: Radio Arcadia, Milano. 40 w. Best signal s9.
6955 1700 D: Radio Orion 2000. 300 w s9. Later in the evening tentatively on 6940 kHz.

The evening and night between Saturday and Sunday was magical. 48 mb was actually open all night long to Europe, but of course not many stations were active that time. Technical Man closed down at 0030 UTC! Many listeners enjoyed USA pirates, in Italy, Ukraine, Northern Ireland and of course in Finland. But for me simply nothing. I don’t know what was blocking them totally. Just 200 km south from me Jari caught some USA pirates even with SINPO 34444!

JMN Logs – Uurainen – Sunday:

6250v 0900 FIN?: Radio Caroline memorial. Not heard in Central Europe. Tx and audio problems. Drift 6248-52.
6265 1053 POL: Anthony Radio, Warszawa. Weak but clear ID.
6265 1830 HOL: Radio Blackstone, Emmen. With fast fading, band closing. Something that didn’t happen yesterday!
6285 0948 HOL: Radio Verona. Daytime reception even s7.
6294 0840 HOL: Mike Radio.
6295 0029 HOL: Johnny Tobacco. ”Very bad station” which was proved by Mikko Alatalo: Ihmisen ikävä toisen luo
6295 1005 HOL: Zwarte Panter, Noord-Holland.
6295 1115- UNID: Probably Radio Abu Dhabi. Familiar nonstop tunes and closing down without ID.
6305 1255 HOL: Radio Joey. Multiple ID’s around 1315 UTC.
6323 1243 EU: Radio Piraña Internacional. ID and commercials(!). 30 minutes test appr. 1230-1300 UTC
6395 1517 UNID. Music and talk.
6803 1325 HOL: Pink Panther Radio. ”Dirlanda”. ID @1337 UTC. Daytime reception max s6.
6835 1708 I: Radio Arcadia, Milano.
6875 1724 I: Radio Europe, Pioltello (Mi)
6905 1458 D: Radio Orion 2000. ID @1530 UTC.
7250 1020 D: Radio Orion 2000. ”Movie star” and ID.
15890 1541 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. Strong S8. ”Paris Latino” etc.


JJH Logs – Jyväskylä – Saturday

6850 1647 I: Radio Arcadia, Milano
6955 1701 D: Radio Orion 2000
6280 1705 HOL: Black Panther
6747 1730 HOL: Radio Pioneer
6264 1743 I: Key Channel Radio
6320 1855 G: Little Feat Radio
1638 1945 HOL: Radio Keizer en Keizerin
1621 2003 HOL: Radio Columbia
6205 2103 UNID: Energy FM


6293 0842 HOL: Mike Radio
6240 0859 HOL: Quadzilla Radio
6260 0910 D: CWR
6250v 0915 FIN?: Radio Caroline memorial. Low signal here in Jyväskylä
6285 1003 HOL: Radio Verona
6295 1005 HOL: Zwarte Panter
6420 1038 HOL: Radio Antony, Gelderland
6305 1307 HOL: Radio Joey, Huge signal
6803 1436 HOL: Pink Panther, quite strong here s8
6905 1439 D: Radio Orion 2000
6285 1509 HOL: RonnieAM, low signal s5
6875 1726 I: Radio Europe
6400 1739 HOL: Radio Felix
6985 1756 HNG: QBC, lot of QRM but received nice QBC ID
6265 1809 HOL: Radio Blackstone, very weak but audible


JMN #105 Pirate QSL from the Netherlands (Radio Pioneer, Groningen)
qsl 2015

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Sata maata kahdessa vuodessa (osa 4)

Radiomaailmassa julkaistiin reilut 10 vuotta sitten Jari Lehtisen ansiokas kaksiosainen artikkelisarja ”Sata maata kahdessa viikossa” ja jatko-osa ”Kuinka kuulla seuraavat 50 maata hankalasti”. Kymmenen vuotta sitten JLN onnistui osoittamaan, että sadasta maasta on mahdollisuus napata lähetyksiä kohtuullisen vaivatta. Koska aikaa on kulunut, vettä virrannut vesistöissä ja useampikin lähetin sign-offannut viimeisen kerran, otin ruhtinaalliseksi tavoitteeksi ylipäänsä yrittää kuulla sata maata. Tarvittaessa karmaisevalla vaivalla ja vaikeusasteesta viis. Kai niitä sentäs on vielä niin paljon äänessä AM:llä!? Osasyynä on se, että minä kuten monet muutkin DX-kuuntelun valoisaan tulevaisuuteen uskovat alkavat kyllästyä ainaiseen valitukseen asemamäärän vähenemisestä. Osa maista on kylläkin koplattu FM:ltä pakkotilanteessa  – AM-asemien puuttuessa.

Viime kaudella (2014-2015) pääsin ihme kyllä jo maahan #69 asti, joten siitä on hyvä jatkaa. Kesän ja syystalven aikana on taas tullut muutama uusi maa.

70. BULGARIA: Radio Spaceshuttle International, Kostinbrod. Bulgariasta voi kuulla yhä releitä. 13800 05.04.
71. BOSNIA-HERTSEGOVINA: Antena Jelah, Jelah. BIH taitaa olla helpompi kuulla FM:llä kuin AM:llä. 88.7 20.06.
72. KROATIA: Radio Nasice, Nasice. Kroatia taitaa olla äänessä enää vain FM:llä! 88.7 20.06.
73. SERBIA: Radio Dzenarika, Cacak. Serbiassa olisi kyllä AM-lähettimiäkin, niin laillisia kuin laittomia. 98.0 25.06.
74. KOSOVO: Radio Kosova, Goles. Kolmaskin Balkanin maa, joka on helpompi ULA:lla kuin keskareilla! 95.7 25.06.
75. BELGIA: Nostalgie West-Vlaanderen, Oost-Vleteren. Belgia lienee vielä äänessä 621 kHz:lla. 101.0 25.06.
76. SLOVAKIA: Rádio Lumen, Banska Bystrica. Slovakiaa voi kokeilla myös taajuuksilla 702 ja 1098. 95.6. 08.07.
77. SAO TOME: VOA Pinheira kuului yllättävästi kokeilussa olleella VEB Stern-Radio-Sonnebergilla. 6080 30.10.
78. EESTI: Klassikaraadio, Kohtla-Nõmme. FM-rajoitteisia varten on yhä taajuus 1035 kHz äänessä. 90.4 31.10.
79. BAHRAIN: Shabab FM 98.4. Arabivoittoinen poppi raikaa ja idistä käy pelkkä taajuuskuulutus! 9745 10.11.
80. VALKO-VENÄJÄ: Integral Radio, Minsk. Jos piraatti ei passaa, niin taajuudelle 279 kHz, mars! 3009 14.11.
81. KANADA: CHU Ottawa. 5 kW aikamerkkiasema vaatii TA-keliä kuuluakseen. 7850 05.12.
82. KIRGISIA: Birinchi Radio, Bishkek. Kuuluu usein taajuudella 4010. 30.12.
83. ANGOLA: Rádio Nacional de Angola, Luanda (Mulenvos). Last time audible 10 years ago in my QTH. 4950 31.12.


84. QATAR: Radio Qatar, Al-Arish. Näin raportoidaan uusi maa:
1) Mennään piraattitsättiin ja todetaan, että hollantilaiset tunkevat taas lailliselle bandille.
2) Sitä pitää tietysti käydä ihmettelemässä ja todetaan, että taajuudella 675 kuuluu heikosti ee-poppia Iranin alla.
3) Huomataan, että piraatti ilmoittaa lopettaneensa testailun, mutta jäädään kuitenkin roikkumaan taajuudelle.
4) Havaitaan, että tasatunnin lähestyessä Iranin alta nousee arabiaa. Ei kytketä nauhoitusta kuitenkaan päälle.
5) Kuullaan aseman kuuluttavan ”Radio Qatar” arabiaksi (Idhaat t’ll Qatar).
6) Tarkistetaan WRTH:sta, että taajuuden 954 kHz Qatar on tosiaan muuttanut tähän.
7) Manataan ja kytketään nauhoitus päälle.
8) Kuunnellaan voimakasta farsinkielistä puhetta sekä kuulokkeiden että nauhurin kautta ja manaillaan.
9) Manaillaan lisää.
10) Juhlitaan, sillä Qatar nousee vielä pariksi minuutiksi Iranin yli idaamaan kolme kertaa sinä aikana. 675 6.1.

Aiemmat osat 1-31, 32-42 ja 43-69.

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Log January 2016 week 1

Jan. 4: Best morning conditions that I have noticed recently. Ethiopian stations audible with strong signals around 04UTC on 49 mb. Cuban stations on 60 mb were very strong, Progreso have never been that clear. At 07 UTC mostly Brazilians audible on 49 mb: 5940, 5965, 6040, 6135. Probably the rest are inactive, because there was no sign from other B-stations on 49 mb. The news from Radio Capodistria verified, that we have had pretty much Middle European winter again here in Finland. The snow has arrived in Slovenia just in the end of students holiday season, in the same time when it arrived in Finland (of course Lapland is another story).

R. Oromiya map

756 0500a UNID, strong carrier 9+20dB. Still tx test from Germany?
963 0541 TUN: RTCI Tunis.
1170 0510 SVN: Radio Capodistria.
1422 0521 ROU: RR Actualitati. Now weakly here when DLF has left the building.
4765 0444 CUB: Radio Progreso, Quivicán.
4875 0355 B: Rádio Roraima, Boa Vista RR. Closing down. 4985 also Brazilian. This time no Angola or 4895!
6030 0356 ETH: Radio Oromiya, Geja. Strong 9+20dB.
6135 0700 B: Rádio Aparecida, Aparecida. ”Aparecida” -ID.
7530 1500 I: Radio Latino, Central Italy. 500W. Just in the noise level, but CW well arrived.

Jan 5:
1134 0500 RUS: Radio Teos, Kurkino. Has been extremely strong recently. Something new in tx?
6135 0428 ASC: BBC. Beginning in French. O: 2-3.

Jan 6:
In the morning TA-signals on MW. Today’s highlight was Qatar that would be a new country to QSL (heard once).
675 1910 QAT: Radio Qatar, Al-Arish. S9+30dB.
6150 1625 D: Europa 24, Datteln.
6210 1550 HOL: Radio Blackstone.

Jan 7:
6385 1430 D: HitMix Radio, Berlin. Cindy Lauper on air from the region of Berlin!

Jan 8:
6210 1525 HOL: Radio Ronalisa.
6220 1600 HOL: Mystery Radio. Radio Python fooled with 9 years old Mystery Radio recording!
6285 1530a +G: Jordan (presumed). Jordan txing from NIR, very slight traces of music audible. 100 W.
6307 1500 CZE: Radio Goofy.

Jan 9:
6205 1518-1545  HOL: Carmen Radio, (Ov.). Dance music s9+20 dB. First time here.
6220 1546-1547 HOL: Radio Ronalisa, Emmen (Dr.)
6240 1445-1507 HOL: Radio AC-DC. First time here.
6385 1508-1518 +D: Radio Orion 2000. New German station. Good signal but low modulation.
6735 1550-1630 HOL: Pioneer AM, (Gr.) Good s8-9 with deep fading.

Jan 10:
3930 1508-1535 HOL: Radio Batavia. Pirate for peace -member. Website
6210 1420-1431  HOL: Radio SW00. Sounded first Radio Scirocco but IDed as ”Radio ZeroZero”. Must be this one.
6325 1433-1455 HOL: Radio Monique. Program of Bart Steenman in Dutch: Belongs to Pirates for Peace -network, more info

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New Year Weekend DX


31.12.2015 – Thursday
4750 0356 AGL: Rádio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos.
6210 1410 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. Englishman in New York. Pyyteli raportteja
6265 1445 POL: Anthony Radio, Warszawa.
6319 1400 CZE: Radio Goofy (presumed)
6735 1415 HOL: Pioneer AM, Rotterdam (presumed)

1.1.2016 – Friday
Very silent bands, no noise, neither stations – weird situation! The irritating electric noise has disappeared after 3 weeks, the source is still unknown. No transatlantic stations (is it an effect of strong Aurora?), but Africa came clearly. Thirdly, last MW stations signed off in Germany, France and Luxembourg. It means plenty of empty frequencies: 549 603 711 756 864 1206 1242 1269 1278 1377 1404 1422 1440 1494 and 1557

3985 0526 D: Radio 700, Kall-Krekel.
4950 0505 AGL: RNA Mulenvos (presumed). Again, only station with 4960 on 90mb/60mb! Not even Cuba heard.
6030 0445 ETH: Radio Oromo, Geja (presumed). Clear, but strong splashs from 6035 killed top of the hour ID!
6325 1440 HOL: Skywave Radio, Assen (Dr.). New station started during August, using 50 watts. Max s8.
6970 1500 ITA: Italian Broadcasting Corporation (presumed). Didn’t hear the ID, but IBC was on air that time.
9875 -0521 IRN: VOIRI Sirjan. No ID, identification based on interval signal

2.1.2016 – Saturday
This morning Cuba was back on 5025 and 5040, so conditions are improving little by little. Lot of pirates too but not very strong signals: 6231, 6240, 6285, 6305, 6324, 6380 and identified here:

6260 1445 HOL: Zwarte Panter van uit Noord Holland. Clear ID, music comes with low modulation.
6265 1400 POL: Anthony Radio, Wawa. Played also Finnish song ”Sata kesää tuhat yötä”
6303,5 1420 HOL: Magic AM Radio, Amsterdam (NH).
6383 –1431 HOL: NMD Radio, Nieuw Buinen. ”NMD Radio”
6390 -1513 HOL: Blauwe Panter (presumed). New for me, not clear ID, recording to check. ID based on chat.
6510 1604 AUT: Straightline Radio Austria. No ID heard, but played songs match. Bad condx but new for me!
6970 1530- I: IBC – Italian Broadcasting Corporation

3.1.2016 – Sunday

5800 1430 HOL: Zender Akenzo, Zwolle (presumed)
6210 1435 UNID, nonstop music, song after song. Strong signal refers to Radio Abu Dhabi.
6324 1044 S/NOR: Radio Piraña Internacional. Strong, over s9, two different rumours of the origin.
6395 1455 UNID
6423 1450 HOL: Radio Lowland, Klazienaveen. Announced it’s SMS-number.

Verified pirate station #170 from a new pirate country: Straightline Radio Austria

Straightline Radio Austria QSL - Jan-Mikael Nurmela

Verified pirate station #169: eQSL from Anthony Radio from Warsaw, Poland


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Christmas DX 2015

Verdad Radio 1580 AM
549 28.12. 0311 D: DLF Nordkirchen/Thurnau. Transmissions will be ceased 31122015.
549 28.12. 0315 ARS: Radio Riad. 4 tx’s.
765 27.12. 0455 UKR: Radio Mayak, Petrivka.
1098 27.12. 0500 SVK: Radio Patria, Nitra (presumed). Programmes in Hungarian.
1580 25.12. 0530 CLM: Verdad Radio, Bogotá. Played songs matched with webstream, muddy ID.
1611 25.12. 2152 HOL: UNID Queen ”Thank God It’s Christmas”
1611 26.12. 0000 GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis. Announced tel. no. sounded to be for this station.
1620 25.12. 2153 GRC: UNID
1625 25.12. 2240 HOL: Turftrekker, Ede (Ge.).
1630 25.12. 2212 HOL: Zender Napoleon. ID tähän aikaan.
1638 25.12. 2045 HOL: Radio Schaduwjager, Hoogeveen (Dr.).
1638 25.12. 2325 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. ID tähän aikaan.
1647 25.12. 2340 HOL: Radio Barcelona, Twente (Ov.). ID tähän aikaan.
1657 25.12. 2115a UNID. Maybe RUS?
3975 26.12. 1315 S: Radio Nord Revival, Sala. ID //6060 kHz.
4010 30.12. 1442 KGZ: Birinchi Radio, Bishkek.
4765 27.12. 0402 CUB: Radio Progreso, Quivicán.
4765 30.12. 1650 TJK: Radioi Tojikiston, Dushanbe.
4875 29.12. 0345 B: Rádio Roraima, Boa Vista.
4895 29.12. 0358 B: Rádio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande (presumed). For the 1st time very weak signal, religious mx.
4996 28.12. 1709 RUS: RWM, Moscow. CW-ID.
5030 28.12. 1630 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. From Friesland. Exotic tropical band frequency.
5040 27.12. 0428 CUB: Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta.
5910 25.12. 0430 LTU: NHK World, Sitkunai. From Spanish into Russian this time.
6000 28.12. 0525 CUB: Radio Habana Cuba, Quivicán. In English Mailbag plus and Weekly review.
6060 26.12. 1120 S: Radio Nord Revival, Sala. Not on 5940 as announced!
6215 25.12. 1605 G: Bogusman (presumed). ”Talk format pirate radio”
6230 25.12. 1546 HOL: Radio Casanova, Winterswijk (Ov.). ”Son of my father”
6255 24.12. 1612- Radio Rainbow. Country not known.
6260 26.12. 1426 UNID rock music. Mode AM till 1535 UTC, then USB and soon AM again.
6265 24.12. 1600- HOL: Mike Radio (presumed). Piti ruokatauon ja palasi ääneen sitten.
6268 25.12. 1543 UNID mx.
6281 24.12. 1605- HOL: Johnny Tobacco. Kuulosti kovasti samalta kuin Black Bandit/Abu Dhabi.
6281 25.12. 0755 UNID playing Winter Wonderland.
6282 25.12. 1540 HOL: Radio Zwarte Panter (presumed).
6285 30.12. 1645 HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.) (presumed). Thanked in chat, only music heard.
6287 25.12. 1557 UNID mx.
6292 26.12. -1532 UNID popcorn etc. Transmitting more than an hour, closing without ID. Teasing!
6295 26.12. -0658 HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.) (presumed).
6295 26.12. 0713- HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.)
6295 28.12. 1700 UNID. Only teasing nonstop music few hours, no ID. Carrie by Europe etc.
6300 25.12. 2140 HOL: Cupid Radio. Parhaimmillaan s7.
6305 24.12. 1600- D: Radio Marabu (presumed). Saksaa ja musiikkia, jouluisin yleensä maratonilla.
6305 30.12. 1503 HOL: Radio Telstar International.
6317 26.12. 1640 UNID. Only music.
6319 25.12. 1558 CZE: Radio Goofy (presumed). Closing down soon. No ID but thanked in chat.
6327 24.12. 1637- HOL: Radio Titanic, Borculo (presumed).
6385 26.12. 1550 HOL: De Witte Reus (presumed). Too much noise and low modulation to identify.
6395 24.12. 1640- G: Little Feat Radio, Leicester. Osuihan se tämäkin lopulta korviin!
6400 26.12. 1445 G: Radio Blackbeard. Lähetti myös 1611:lla ja netissä.
6735 24.12. 1705 HOL: Pioneer AM (presumed). Ilmeisesti rotterdamilaisasema.
6980 26.12. 1145 FIN: Baltic Sea Radio. LSB mode. ID ja lokkitunnari.
9765 26.12. 0945 NZL: Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki. Distance 16760 km, nice s9+20dB.

QSL from the Netherlands: Radio Schaduwjager, Hoogeveen (Dr.) seems to be same station than Radio Shadowman on short wave, so not a ”new” station, but still a nice item to add to collection!
radio schaduwjager qsl

#95 Pirate QSL from the Netherlands, Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.). Quick answer after I finally found working e-mail. Based on the address, Radio Verona must be an alias for Radio Dakota

jan m

QSL from England: LFR – LittleFeat Radio, Leicester 6395 kHz – verified pirate station #166!


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