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Kategoria: FMDX

QSL from a former jammer?

It is almost possible!

In Ukrainian capital Kyiv the FM transmitters are located in two different towers, roughly half of them are in TV tower, but another half is located in Щекавиця, Подільська радіовежа, which was formerly used for jamming of BBC, VOA and Radio Liberty. Now it is used for FM broadcasting.

Here is an audio sample from this tower, located on one of the numerous hills of Kiev!

Lux FM (103.1 MHz) was my first meteor catch ever and made me passionated to hunt more meteor reflections.

From the very same mast transmits also Jam FM 95.6 which verified Sporadic E reception after a short chat few years ago:

For more mast pictures from Kiev, you can visit this page:

Any of these towers wasn’t the well-known ”Kiev Woodpecker”. In this case the given name misleads a bit, because the origin of woodpeckers knocking was an OTH radar ”Duga” which is located near Chernobyl, nowadays not accessible area.

Thanks for infos ulx2 (Alexandr)


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Week 17, 2018


1638 1940-2040 HOL: Melkbus Radio CD 2040. MW sounds extremely noisy tonight, is it about the antennas or propagation?
5150 2100 UNID: Charleston Radio International


#1269 BC station QSL: BIH: Radio Ljubic, Prnjavor 88.9 MHz

”Jeste, ispravno ste čuli naš signal. Veliki pozdrav”

#245 free radio QSL: Charleston Radio International 5150 kHz

”Hello Jan-Mikael
i thank you very much for your friendship request. And i am also happy about your e-mail report.
I read your e-mail and then i had to work.

Our QSL Cards are not printed yet, I expactet the QSL Cards in maybe 4 weeks. But i send you one soon as possible.

Best regards and greeting from

Harry Richman”

#246 free radio QSL: HOL: Radio Casablanca International 1640 kHz 14.04.2017

”dat klopt jan mikael al even wat opsturen bekijk de filmpjes van mijn casablanca cafe en de studio maar eens groetjes”



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Week 16, 2018


Station visit at RAI Veneto, a short article will come later.



First weak OIRT signals were heard by JJH, nothing noted here


7726 1906 GRC: Radio Zeppelin, Athens. Playing music and live DJ with ID and greetings to Holland.


6260 1915 HOL: Mike Radio. S9+20 dB.
6300 1925 D: Radio Sofa King. 1934 Gute Nacht Freunde, ID 1938, 1939 Wedding Bells (BZN) SINPO 43232.
5150 2025 UNID: Charleston Radio International. SINPO 33333


Free radio QSL: Zeppelin Radio, Athens, Greece 7726 kHz

”Hello from Greece,thank your for the reception,i will send you a qsl card very soon for the reception.”


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Week 10, 2018

Only one log for this week:

95.900 10.03. 1625- FIN: Radio Patmos. Jyväskylä -tx. //89.2 MHz. Temp. 1 kW 01032018-31052018. ES-kaudelle tähän tullee Kesäseuraradio, eli taas yksi menetetty taajuus. JMN

It’s time to count FM QSLs for annual FM QSL rank of Finnish DX Association. FM QSL list is updated here, for any v/s information feel free to contact me.

I am also curious to know which are (statistically) most important countries and languages for a FMDXer living in inner Finland:

RUS 122
I 84
D 70
F 45
CZE 40
G 39+3
FIN 1 (38+4)
UKR 34
ROU 32
S 27
POL 25
BEL 20
HRV 20
HOL 20
HNG 17
AUT 16
DNK 16
SVK 14
BIH 13
EST 11
E 2

TOTAL 769 (806)

The eight biggest countries RUS, I, D, F, CZE, G, UKR, ROU (Finland not included) consist ca. 60% of all QSLs. First six countries have brought 400 QSLs to my collection, that’s ca. 50%. So it’s obvious that most important languages are: Russian, Italian, German, French, Czech, English and Romanian. I have sent reports to Ukraine mainly in Russian which is widely understood there. As those languages are also useful for reporting to ALG, AUT, BEL, BLR, IRL, KAZ, MDA, LUX, RSM, SUI and SVK it means 546 QSLs all together, roughly 70%.

QSLs this week:
RAI Internazionale, Prato Smeraldo 9570 kHz;
RAI Piemonte, Torino Volpiano 999 kHz;
RAI GR Parlamento 89.7 MHz;
RAI Radio 3 99.9 MHz

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Week 9, 2018

98.500 03.03. 0738- FIN: JMK Ralliradio, Jämsä. Himos -tx. Hyvällä asenteella n. 70 km takaa parvekkeelle hätäisesti heitettyyn dipoliin, Yagit kun ovat edelleen talvilevolla. Hyvin tehtyä ohjelmaa, haastatteluja, musiikkia ja runsaasti paikallisten yrittäjien mainoksia. JMN

101.300 02.03. 0915- FIN: Suomirock. Pihtipudas -tx. Äänekosken lisäksi Pihtiputaan lähetin on saatu ääneen. Asiakkaan pihasta löytyi paikka jossa Pieksämäen väkivahva KISS putosi ja tämä pääsi puristumaan esiin ID:llä. Pihtiputaan ja Pieksämäen puolivälissä voi olla mielenkiintoinen puuro taajuudella. JMN/VW Caddy

QSLs this week: Radio Powerplay 3840 kHz

QSLs this week: Radio Pandora, The Netherlands 1625 kHz

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Week 8. 2018

Inactivity continues, again only one log this week

100.500 22.2. 0830- FIN: Suomirock. Äänekoski -tx. Jyväskylässä Suomirockin kuuluminen kahdella taajuudella aitoitalialaiseen malliin on lopultakin päättynyt, kun 96.8 MHz on nyt allokoitu Äänekoskelle ja samalla taajuudeksi on vaihdettu 100.5 MHz häiriöiden välttämiseksi. Aloittanut nyt siis tässä ja 96.8 MHz vapautui jälleen DX-käyttöön. Jyväskylän 106.4 MHz jatkaa normaalisti. JMN/VW Caddy

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Week 7, 2018

Inactivity continues, only one log for this week

105.400 17.2. 1110- FIN: Instanssi, Jyväskylä. Tämäkin on lopulta aloittanut. Mediamonitorin TET:n mukaan lupa oli aluksi voimassa jo joulusta Tikkakoskelle, mutta sittemmin täsmentynyt Jyväskylään ja aloituspäiväkin myöhentynyt. Tarrasi nyt vahingossa autoillessa RDS- hakuun, näyttäen kenttiä INSTANSI, INST4NSI, 1NSTANSI, IN5TANSI, INS7ANSI, INSTANS1, INSTAN51 jne ja soitellen ”kasibittistä”. Myös audio-ID muutamaan otteeseen: ”Tapahtumaradio Instanssi 105.4 MHz”. Lähetin oli edelleen päällä kotiin ajellessa iltapäivällä ja ilmeisesti tästä lähin jatkuvasti. Itse tapahtuma on Jyväskylässä 1.-4.3.2018. JMN/Alfan kabiini

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Week 5, 2018


1390 0602 USA: WEGP Presque Isle (ME). ”EWTN”
1610 0612 CAN: CHHA Toronto (ON). Relaying Camões Radio 11pm-6am. ”Camões, we are Radio 1”
1620 0550 CUB: UNID Cuban stations.


882 1430 CLN: Vishva Vani (TWR)
1280 0627 UNID South American
1300 0615 CLM: Besame, Pereira. Local ID ”Besame 1300 am Pereira”
1390 0559 USA: WEGP Presque Isle (ME)
1602 1406 HOL: KBC Radio
1620 0636 HOL: Mike Radio



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Christmas DX

1626 24.12. 1945 HOL: Radio Uniek
1635 23.12. 1705 HOL: Oliebollenbakkers
1646 23.12. 1710 HOL: De Technische Man
1648 24.12. 0005 HOL: Radio Moby Dick
1663 24.12. 1903 SRB: Yu-1 (tentative) mentioned ”Yu Jedan”
1674 23.12. 1815 S: MSI Sweden, Tingstäde. ”Det var.. från MSI Sweden”. Mode USB.
3840 25.12. 0037 D(?): Radio Powerplay. ID finally @ 0203 UTC. Mode USB
6235 23.12. 1732 IRL: Coast FM
6265 25.12. 1455 HOL: Stovefarmer. Testaili näillä nurkin eri lähettimillä.
6300 23.12. 1720 HOL: Radio Johnny Tobacco (John Tabak) speaking also French.
6300 25.12. 1600 I: Enterprise Radio
6325 25.12. 1456 G: Radio Bogusman. No ID but e-mail address

#232 verified free radio station: Radio Moby Dick, (#35 Dutch MW)

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