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Kategoria: FMDX

Week 48, 2017

Brilliant MW conditions especially to Friesland both Friday and Saturday. In some reason MW pirates from inner Netherlands were not very strong, but Friesland was booming, especially if the announced powers are correct..

1622 02.12. 1905 HOL: UNID. Announced to have 45 years old tx ”ouwe rommel”. No clear ID.
1623 03.12. 0048-0112 HOL: Monte Carlo s6 ID @ 0108 UTC ”testprogramma.. Monte Carlo..”
1625 02.12. 2210 HOL: Pandora Radio s9
1630 02.12. 2325 HOL: Radio Barones.
1632 02.12. evening HOL: Radio Bata4. No ID, but greeted me. Said to be only 40 watts today.
1635 03.12. 0125-0137 HOL: Radio Jeneverstoker (tent.). Talk 0133. CD 0137.
1641 01.12. 1715- SRB: Avala Radio, Ranilovic (Arandjelovac).
1645 01.12. 1850- HOL: De Fryske Piraat, s7.
1645 01.12. 1956 HOL: Oldtimer s9. Also 02.12. around 1800-1830 UTC with clear IDs.
1645 02.12. 2100 HOL: Ros AM Radio, s9.
1646 02.12 2330 HOL: Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker
1655 01.12. 1950 HOL: Radio Relmus, s9. 500 w today.
1655 03.12 0018 HOL Radio Snowman s5. 25 watts.
1660 01.12. 2120 GRC: Dimitris Stathmos Zontiak, Thessaloniki
1665 01.12. 1720- HOL: Radio Digital, s8.
6245 03.12. 1455 IRL: Coast FM.
6270 02.12. 1415 HOL: Radio Zwarte Panter s7. Moved from 6265 to 6270.
6290 03.12. 1530 HOL: Radio Dolfijn
6305 02.12 1430 HOL: Sunrise Radio, Dokkum. QSL says 5 w. Jingle as ”Sunrise Radio, Dokkum”
6315 02.12. 1440 CZE: Radio Goofy.
7300 03.12. 1430 HOL: FRS Holland
98500 28.11. 0907 FIN: Puolustusvoimien sotaharjoitusradio, Matkosvuori. RDS as KESA SEURA.

#227 verified free radio station: Sunrise Radio from HOL (Dutch SW #96)

#228 verified free radio station: Radio Paradise from Eastern Belgium

#229 verified free radio station: Radio Snowman, (#33 Dutch MW)

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Week 47, 2017

1368 25.11 1615 G: Radio Caroline via Manx Radio, Isle of Man
1440 25.11. 2220 BEL: Paradise FM.
1619 25.11 1850 HOL: Turftrekker. ID by chat, because no clear ID for my ears in 1 hour.
1629 25.11. 1635 GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis.
1633.4 21.11. 1710-1737 HOL: Zender Digital.
1635 25.11. 1553 HOL: Zender Havanna. QSO with another station.
1638 25.11 2114-2214 GRC:  Zitianos tis Agapis. (ID help by Aggelos). Later ID as name of operator
1645 25.11. 2015 HOL: Radio Barones.
1646 25.11. 1631 HOL: Zwarte Bizon.
1647 25.11. 1808 HOL: Radio DB. ID also in English.
1652 25.11. 2058 HOL: Radio Moby Dick (ID by chat)
1654,8 25.11. 1735-1808 HOL: UNID, no ID in 30 minutes
1655 26.11 1825 HOL: Radio Relmus
1660 26.11. 1758 GRC: Fotis Apithanos. ID by Aggelos.
1660 26.11. 1800 GRC: Kymis Veteranos, Dráma ID by Aggelos
1660 26.11. 1806 GRC: Aperigraptos Nikos Imathia. ID by Aggelos
6205 21.11. 1640 G/IRL: Laser Hot Hits.
6240 21.11. 1555 G/IRL: Coast FM. Excellent modulation. Usually on 6205, now here.
6305 26.11 1655 HOL: Radio Joey (ID by chat)
6423 25.11. 1515-1538 HOL: Studio 52. Clear IDs

#223 verified free radio station: GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis 1629 kHz

#224 verified free radio station: HOL: Zender Digital 1633,4 kHz 21112017

QSL from Finland, Helmiradio Kuopio 92.0

#1254 BC-QSL: Radio Nordjyske from DNK verifying tentative reception report based on programme topic and fq combination



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Week 46, 2017

648 13.11. 0100 G: Radio Caroline, Orfordness
1368 13.11. 0226 IRN: Radio Golestan, Gorgan.

#1253 verified BC station: SVN: Radio Maribor 93.1 MHz (Sporadic E)

QSL from EST: Raadio Elmar, Kesk-Eesti 91.7 MHz regional replacing network QSL

QSL from FIN: Radio Kuopio, Kuopio 95.6 MHz nowadays in HitMix network

#222  verified free radio station: HOL: Radio Readymix Klazienaveen 6450 kHz

Free Radio QSL: D: Radio Clinic 6225 kHz (already verified with an alias)

Free Radio QSL: D: Tukan Radio 6260 kHz (same transmitter than Clinic)

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Malta bandscan

QTH: Bugibba, Northern coast of Malta (if not mentioned otherwise)
RX: Grundig M400 with its’ whip antena
Date: March 20-24, 2017


87.7 MLT: Bay Radio, not listed, possibly a ghost signal
87.9 I: R101, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag) 199 km morning tropo, no signal in the evening
88.2 UNID, possibly ONE Radio, Marsa?
88.7 MLT: Vibe FM, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt)
89.5 I: UNID network, possibly RTL102.5, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag) heard on 89.4
89.7 MLT: Bay Radio, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt) (ID: 8-9-7 Bay)
90.3 MLT: Bay Radio, not listed, possibly a ghost signal
91.1 I: RAI Radio 1, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag). Program name announced: ”Radio anch’io”
91.7 MLT: Magic Malta, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt) (ID: Magic Malta 91,7)
92.2 MLT: Radio Deejay, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag) 199 km
92.7 MLT: ONE Radio, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt) (ID: One News). Heard more likely on 92.6
93.7 MLT: Radju Malta, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt) // 999 kHz
94.0 MLT: XFM, not listed, possibly a ghost signal
94.6 I: Radio Santo Stefano, Santo Stefano Quisquina (ag) 187 km/ 300 w heard in Victoria, Gozo
94.8 MLT: UNID, a ghost signal?
95.6 I: UNID music
95.9 I: RAI Radio2, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (RAI) (ag) 199 km //96.7 MHz
96.7 I: RAI Radio2, Buccheri/Monte Lauro (RAI) (sr) 134 km.
98.7 I: UNID, possibly RAI Radio3, Buccheri/Monte Lauro (RAI) (sr)
99.1 I: RTM Radio Trasmissioni Modica, Modica/Contrada Litria (rg) 105 km
99.9 I: RAI Radio3, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (RAI) (ag) 199 km
100.2 MLT: UNID in English, XFM listed in Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt)
101.0 MLT: Radio 101 (ID: Your kind of music, Radio 1-0-1)
101.3 UNID music station
101.8 Calypso, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt)
102.3 Radju Maria, Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt)
103.0 UNID only music, RTK Radio listed in Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt)
103.7 UNID in English (Campus FM with International Programming listed in Għargħur (mt))
104.6 UNID hit music (Smash Radio listed in Għargħur/Fidiel Zarb Street (mt))
105.9 Radju Malta 2, Għargħur (ID: Radju Malta Tine, staziune nazionale/differenza)
106.3 UNID religious, possibly Radju Leħen il-Qala 106.3 FM, Qala/24 Saint Francis Street (gz) 12km


999 MLT: Radio Malta. ID as ”Radju Malta”. Listener’s requests, oldies, discussions. Always //93.7 MHz when checked.

Not heard:

98.0 ”Kottoner 98FM” or 106.9 ”Radju Luminaria” listed in, even the distance should be
only 12-15 km from the transmitter.

NB! Numerous of community stations within 10 km were not heard during bandscan, but it is hard to say if it was because of the QTH or very low listed powers (only few watts).


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September tropos

Tuesday Sept 26, 2017

Arrived from Tallinn to the QTH in the afternoon, Northern Sweden and Vyborg audible, no new stations, but some new masts logged.

Wednesday Sept 27, 2017

In the morning strong SR stations, mostly from Northern Sweden.

Also strong basic EST and some stations from Latvia in the evening. New stations: NRJ Saint-Peterburg (local) 95.0, Radio Grad Petrov 73.1 and possibly Rix FM Skellefteå 92.4 (recording to check).

Thursday Sept 28, 2017

Strong ducting to Stockholm in the morning, many locals and semi-locals were replaced with SR stations. New-for-me stations: Power Hit Radio 105.9, SR P4 Stockholm 103.3 and SR P4 Västmanland 100.5

Friday Sept 29, 2017

Very strong Vyborg, something from SPB too and few SR stations. New-for-me stations: Avtoradio Vyborg (local) 107.9, Radio Peterburg 69.47, Radio Rossii Saint-Peterburg 99.0 and possibly DFM (SPB local) 103.4

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Sept 1, 2017: SpE from Balkan to France

A late-season-opening after a long silent period, lasting for 4 hours. This was the first time during my FMDX history when I have logged something in September, though there has been missed openings even in mid September.. Thanks to this pretty good opening, the total number of season’s logs reached 500. Full log will come here:

Couple of new-for-me receivers are already waiting for the autumn..

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FM season 2017 over

FM season 2017 is going to end little by little. Right now meteor shower might bring still something new. Looking for tropospheric ducting – the sure sign of autumn which is already in the air. May was not very good, but June brought many nice openings. July and August have been pretty much ”boring”, there has been few small openings. Most of them I have spent in work. The only highlight of July was a nice GIRL opening 22072017.


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July 23, 2017: G IRL 106

After few days spent in work, with moderate conditions mostly on OIRT, it was time to have a better opening to British Isles which lasted more than one hour. After that there were stations on OIRT practically all day long, but conditions never really started again to that direction. At least Radio City Liverpool 96.7, Compass FM Grimsby 96.4 and BBC Radio Merseyside 95.8 were new-for-me stations. Irish South East Radio showed RDS on 95.6 MHz with news. The highest note was 105.3 Capital with network jingle.

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July 18, 2017: ES waking up

Two weeks of total silence has ended with a weak opening. I missed the first hours in work, but it was said to be weak Italy/HRV. Later in the evening same direction continued twice, signals for few minutes under 91 MHz. UKR/RUS MUF reached CCIR few times, OIRT offered stations from KD, ST, RO and Eastern Ukraine.

Nest of #23 Sylvia curruca in the garden

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July 4: POL CZE opening

July 4th was a silent day till the evening. Ireland in some parts of Finland, later very short POL in Central Finland. A new-for-me station Radio Gra from Torun was heard on 88.8 MHz, 1123 km. Radio Gra has bought several local stations, but whole Radio Gra was later bought by RMF group. The local branches became a part of RMF Maxxx network, luckily this Torun-based main station remains ”independent”. Yesterday July 3rd offered only OIRT stations, weakly all day long (which I noticed just in the morning before leaving to work). On Sunday July 2nd we had a Balkan opening here in Inner Finland – I was again not in home, but enjoying the summer weekend in the biggest inland city of Northern Europe (if you don’t ask Danish people). It seems that we are going towards a better time, also the beginning of June offered this kind of poor openings which never really started but it led soon to some fantastic days. Hopefully the best moments will come again around half month (which would be the 28 day period).

A perfect example of a good verification for a FM reception report, in DACH countries they know how to do it:

And a new butterfly for this season: papilio machaon


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