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Kategoria: QSL

Week 21


This May has been warmest ever, in average May there are usually three days when temperature exceeds 25 degrees. Till today in Finland has been measured more than 25 degrees in 9 days (8 days in dacha). Today was also a first working day, Petäjävesi radio and telephone museum is getting ready for summer season! Poronniemi reported Ukraine and Turkey saying best opening was to the Black Sea! Today’s log from blind recording:

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
89.30 0914 TUR Türkiye Polis Radyosu, Samsun/Bakacak Tepesi (kdz-sam) 2473km
89.30 1559 RUS Novoye Radio, Krasnodar/KRTPC (KD)

In addition Simferopol tentatively, Black Sea coasts from every side!

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
89.00 1831 CZE Radio Impuls, Ostrava/Hoštálkovice (MO) 1473km

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
89.30 1359 S SR P1, Sollefteå/Multrå-Flugtjärnshöjden TM (vn) 415km

QSLs this week:

774. RUS: Avtoradio Balashov, Balashov (SR) 100.0 11052018 (1417) vk: Anastasija Kirpitševa

Добрый день! Все верно, вы услышали прямой эфир нашей радиостанции Авторадио-Балашов; программу Авторадио Поздравляет)

775. RUS: Radio Guberniya, Voronezh (VN) (network, no local) 100.7 11052018 (1418) em

Dear Mr. Nurmela,
I confirm that the sound you have recorded is a part of our radio show ”Noon Talk”.
The translation at 100.7 MHz went from the main TV and radio tower in Voronezh.

Best regards,
Petr Lisanevich, Editor-in-chief

776. & 777. RUS: Radio Novaya Volna, Volgograd (VG) 102.0 and Avtoradio Volgograd (VG) 103.1 11052018 (1419-1420) vk: Jekaterina Zamorskaja

Добрый день, Jan-Mikael!

Да, все правильно, вы приняли сигналы наших станций – Авторадио в Волгограде 103.1 FM и Новая волна 102.0 FM.
Я могу написать вам на e-mail, если надо 🙂

778. & 779. RUS: Militseyskaya Volna, Tula (TL) 103.3 and Europa Plus Tula (TL) 104.9 11052018 (1421-1422) vk: Media Trast

Добрый день! Да, совершенно верно. Это мы. Невероятно)

780. RUS: Radio Melodiya, Voronezh (VN) 105.5 11052018 (1423)

Добрый день! На каком языке Вам комфортнее говорить? Сообщите, если Вам удобнее, мы перейдем на английский. Да, это наш сигнал, одна из региональных частот нашей радиостанции. Очень вам признательны за эту информацию. Вы впервые поймали нашу волну?

781. RUS: Lipetsk FM, Lipetsk (LI) 104.7 11052018 (1424)

Всё верно.
Это наша станция радио ”Липецк – FM”
Россия, Липецк, пл. Плеханова д.1, кабинет 303
90.7 FM

52.612076, 39.596946

GTM: Radio Verdad (Truth), Chiquimula 4055 03042017 (1426) COUNTRY #148

Dear Jan-Mikael Nurmela, from Finland:
Thank you for your report of Radio Truth.
I heard your recording, and what you listened to is our programa ”Escudriñando las Escrituras” from Port Rico, with Missionary David Surpless.

As Guatemala does not have a postal mail any more, I am sending our QSL Card, calendar, sticker, etc. on a virtual manner, so that you can print them yourself.

Download the attachments.

Please keep tune.

Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid
Manager and Director

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QSL from a former jammer?

It is almost possible!

In Ukrainian capital Kyiv the FM transmitters are located in two different towers, roughly half of them are in TV tower, but another half is located in Щекавиця, Подільська радіовежа, which was formerly used for jamming of BBC, VOA and Radio Liberty. Now it is used for FM broadcasting.

Here is an audio sample from this tower, located on one of the numerous hills of Kiev!

Lux FM (103.1 MHz) was my first meteor catch ever and made me passionated to hunt more meteor reflections.

From the very same mast transmits also Jam FM 95.6 which verified Sporadic E reception after a short chat few years ago:

For more mast pictures from Kiev, you can visit this page:

Any of these towers wasn’t the well-known ”Kiev Woodpecker”. In this case the given name misleads a bit, because the origin of woodpeckers knocking was an OTH radar ”Duga” which is located near Chernobyl, nowadays not accessible area.

Thanks for infos ulx2 (Alexandr)


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Week 16, 2018


Station visit at RAI Veneto, a short article will come later.



First weak OIRT signals were heard by JJH, nothing noted here


7726 1906 GRC: Radio Zeppelin, Athens. Playing music and live DJ with ID and greetings to Holland.


6260 1915 HOL: Mike Radio. S9+20 dB.
6300 1925 D: Radio Sofa King. 1934 Gute Nacht Freunde, ID 1938, 1939 Wedding Bells (BZN) SINPO 43232.
5150 2025 UNID: Charleston Radio International. SINPO 33333


Free radio QSL: Zeppelin Radio, Athens, Greece 7726 kHz

”Hello from Greece,thank your for the reception,i will send you a qsl card very soon for the reception.”


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Week 14, 2018

Back to the basics, the contest seems to be successful, several stations organized special transmissions for Global HF Weekend and Pirate Hunt 2018, both (accidently and luckily) held during the very same Easter weekend. From the Finnish point of view the propagation seemed to be very fine. The online results will be updated here and there is time till April 30, 2018 to send in your logs.

This week’s DXing results:


6285 1745 IRL: Coast FM
6200 -2206 HOL: Radio de Technisce Man
1645 2206 HOL: Bluebird Radio, ”from North East Groningen”
6210 2330 IRL: Laser Hot Hits


7505 1000 USA: tent. WRNO Worldwide, New Orleans LA. Testing, tnx for info MR!
279 1903 TKM: Watan Radio. Clear ID at 2000 but not more at 2100.


7505 0651 USA: WRNO Worldwide, New Orleans LA. Call ID at 0707. RTTY QRM 0715 UTC-


1242 2000 J: JOLF, Tokyo. ”Nippon Hoso”


1242 1729 OMN: Radio Sultanate of Oman.
3900 1915 BRL(?): Radio Borderhunter
6217U 1954 G: Radio Oleg ”Radio Oleg 6-2-1-7”


6320 1750 HOL: Radio Joey. S9+20 dB.
6310 1905 HOL: Radio 102. Max s9.
6375 1945 IRL: Radio Harmony
3460 2107 F(?): UNID music pirate. LSB mode.

Recent QSLs:

#1266 BC station QSL: Radio Company Easy 98.7 MHz heard 01092017 never actually replied, but published report in Internet.

#1267 BC station QSL: Amica Radio Italia 1206 kHz has no e-mail but I managed to get a brief ”thank you” in WhatsApp after short chat.

#241 Free radio QSL: Radio Harmony from Ireland 6375 kHz

Free radio QSL: Key Channel Radio from Italy 6915/6920 kHz

#242 Free radio QSL: Keizer en Keizerin from the Netherlands 1645 kHz

#1268 BC station QSL: Vatan Radio, Asgabat 279 kHz brings also verified DX country #147!

New BC station QSL: JMK Ralliradio 98.5 MHz from Jämsä, approximately 70 km from here.  It has licensed power as 25 watts.

#243 Free radio QSL: Radyo Oleg 6217 USB from somewhere in Ireland

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Week 10, 2018

Only one log for this week:

95.900 10.03. 1625- FIN: Radio Patmos. Jyväskylä -tx. //89.2 MHz. Temp. 1 kW 01032018-31052018. ES-kaudelle tähän tullee Kesäseuraradio, eli taas yksi menetetty taajuus. JMN

It’s time to count FM QSLs for annual FM QSL rank of Finnish DX Association. FM QSL list is updated here, for any v/s information feel free to contact me.

I am also curious to know which are (statistically) most important countries and languages for a FMDXer living in inner Finland:

RUS 122
I 84
D 70
F 45
CZE 40
G 39+3
FIN 1 (38+4)
UKR 34
ROU 32
S 27
POL 25
BEL 20
HRV 20
HOL 20
HNG 17
AUT 16
DNK 16
SVK 14
BIH 13
EST 11
E 2

TOTAL 769 (806)

The eight biggest countries RUS, I, D, F, CZE, G, UKR, ROU (Finland not included) consist ca. 60% of all QSLs. First six countries have brought 400 QSLs to my collection, that’s ca. 50%. So it’s obvious that most important languages are: Russian, Italian, German, French, Czech, English and Romanian. I have sent reports to Ukraine mainly in Russian which is widely understood there. As those languages are also useful for reporting to ALG, AUT, BEL, BLR, IRL, KAZ, MDA, LUX, RSM, SUI and SVK it means 546 QSLs all together, roughly 70%.

QSLs this week:
RAI Internazionale, Prato Smeraldo 9570 kHz;
RAI Piemonte, Torino Volpiano 999 kHz;
RAI GR Parlamento 89.7 MHz;
RAI Radio 3 99.9 MHz

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Week 2, 2018


6260 -1559 HOL: Misti Radio. ID and closing down
1629 1608 HOL: Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Musik: Annabella
5840 1612 DNK: World Music Radio, Randers. Tests with fair s4-6. SINPO 34333.
1620 1645 HOL: Radio Bootsman s6. SINPO 34333
1645 1710 HOL: Zender Digitaal s7. Hotel California.

#236 verified free radio station: De Bootsman (Dokwerker) 1620 kHz, (#40 Dutch MW)


1627 2240 HOL: Radio Uniek. S7.
1645 2305 HOL: Monte Carlo Radio. S7-8
1645 2308 HOL:  UNID with a report to Monte Carlo etc.
1653 2320- HOL: UNID S6-7.
1645 2340 HOL; Monte Carlo again.
1645 2344 HOL: UNID S6-7


1636 -0044 HOL: Marskramer CD 0044 UTC
1584 0420 I: Radio Studio X, Momigno
3904,6 1950 HOL: Radio Lowland. Playing ABBA and music from the Alps.
3975 2010 D: Shortwave Radio, Winsen an der Aller.
1458 2120 G: Lyca Radio, London
1670 2130 RUS: UNID.
2920 2250 RUS: Radio Amplitud, Tula. QSO Radiostantsija Malinka etc.
2920 2320 RUS: Parus QSO Trojka – Radiokanal Rossish – Nikolai
1637 2330 GRC: Studio 1, Promaxonas (Serres). ”Akouete apo ta 16-38 Takis Studio Ena apo Makedonia”


1655 0044 HOL: Witte Raaf S6
6258 1445 HOL: Radio Joey
6305 1510 UNID mx.
6315 1515-1605 DNK: Radio OZNRH.
6375 1535 G: tentative Bogusman
3919,3 1700 G: tentative Rock Radio Network.
1647 1820 HOL: Radio Armada.
1635 1825 HOL: Zender Digitaal
1682 1835 SRB: tentative Merkur Radio. Again 1849 UTC, 1857 UTC?, 1907 UTC?, and 1928
1684 1848 SRB: Romeo Radio QSO Merkur.
1684 1910 SRB: Kalibar Radio. QSO Romeo. Kalibar again 1915 calling Merkur. 1916 Merkur on 1682.
1683 1926 SRB: Istok Radio.

#237 verified free radio station: Studio 1, Promaxonas, (Serres) 1637 kHz

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Pirate DX week 1/2018


6950 1430 I: Enterprise Radio. SINPO 45433. S9+10dB
6307 1455 CZE: Radio Goofy. S4-6.
3900 1500 UNID. S7-9.
3920 1501 UNID. S4-6.
5820 1506 Tentative Radio Caroline. S4-6.
6260 1507 Tentative Digital. S4-5. CD 1508.
6280 1517 Tentative Henky de Wegpiraat. S5. With quick fading.
6320 1545 G: Radio Underground S8.
1655 1615 HOL: Radio Golfbreker s6. 70 watts.
1637 1630 HOL: Radio Dikke Betta S7-8. Calling Torpedojager.
1629 1634 Tentative Mendocino. Calling Torpedojager.
1615 2215 HOL: Bluebird Radio, Finsterwolde
1621 2248 HOL: Turftrekker.
1626 2256 HOL: Radio Uniek, Klazienaveen
1655 2325 HOL: Monte Carlo Radio. S7.
1655 2329 HOL: Radio Dinkelland. S7. Sultans of Swing. QSO with Montecarlo.


1648 0110 HOL: Radio Moby Dick
5830 1530 HOL: Free Radio Victoria. It never rains in Southern California. SINPO 25333.
5840 1543 DNK: tentative World Music Radio, Randers. SINPO 25433
3905 1730 G: tentative Radio Underground. No clear ID, but greetings to me. s3-4
1620 1830 HOL: Polka Express SINPO 35333. s4-7. Closing down at 1851 UTC.
1621 1856 HOL: Radio Orion, Coevorden. S5-7. Announcement at 1856, then nonstop polkas and schlagers. 1917 UTC Oh Mallorca. 1937 UTC Bella Donna Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen. ID @ 2017 UTC ”…Radio Orion uit Coeworden…”. ID again at 2125 UTC as Radio Orion. 2156: ”Luisteraars en amateurs.. Coevorden..”. Closing down 2200 UTC.
1625 2220 HOL: Pandora S8-9. ID @ 2242 UTC.
1655 2252 HOL: Wilskracht s5-8. 2254 ZZ Top. 2301 UTC ID Radio Wilskracht. 2320 Save the last dance for me. 2324 ID Luisteraars amateurs … Radio Wilskracht… Radio Bandoeng.. till the next time, bye bye. 2326 Schlagermuziek. 2327 Closing down. QRM Russian pirate 1656 kHz.

#233 verified free radio station: Radio Golfbreker, (#37 Dutch MW)

#234 verified free radio station: Radio Bluebird, (#38 Dutch MW)

#235 verified free radio station: Radio Dinkelland, (#39 Dutch MW)

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Week 48, 2017

Brilliant MW conditions especially to Friesland both Friday and Saturday. In some reason MW pirates from inner Netherlands were not very strong, but Friesland was booming, especially if the announced powers are correct..

1622 02.12. 1905 HOL: UNID. Announced to have 45 years old tx ”ouwe rommel”. No clear ID.
1623 03.12. 0048-0112 HOL: Monte Carlo s6 ID @ 0108 UTC ”testprogramma.. Monte Carlo..”
1625 02.12. 2210 HOL: Pandora Radio s9
1630 02.12. 2325 HOL: Radio Barones.
1632 02.12. evening HOL: Radio Bata4. No ID, but greeted me. Said to be only 40 watts today.
1635 03.12. 0125-0137 HOL: Radio Jeneverstoker (tent.). Talk 0133. CD 0137.
1641 01.12. 1715- SRB: Avala Radio, Ranilovic (Arandjelovac).
1645 01.12. 1850- HOL: De Fryske Piraat, s7.
1645 01.12. 1956 HOL: Oldtimer s9. Also 02.12. around 1800-1830 UTC with clear IDs.
1645 02.12. 2100 HOL: Ros AM Radio, s9.
1646 02.12 2330 HOL: Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker
1655 01.12. 1950 HOL: Radio Relmus, s9. 500 w today.
1655 03.12 0018 HOL Radio Snowman s5. 25 watts.
1660 01.12. 2120 GRC: Dimitris Stathmos Zontiak, Thessaloniki
1665 01.12. 1720- HOL: Radio Digital, s8.
6245 03.12. 1455 IRL: Coast FM.
6270 02.12. 1415 HOL: Radio Zwarte Panter s7. Moved from 6265 to 6270.
6290 03.12. 1530 HOL: Radio Dolfijn
6305 02.12 1430 HOL: Sunrise Radio, Dokkum. QSL says 5 w. Jingle as ”Sunrise Radio, Dokkum”
6315 02.12. 1440 CZE: Radio Goofy.
7300 03.12. 1430 HOL: FRS Holland
98500 28.11. 0907 FIN: Puolustusvoimien sotaharjoitusradio, Matkosvuori. RDS as KESA SEURA.

#227 verified free radio station: Sunrise Radio from HOL (Dutch SW #96)

#228 verified free radio station: Radio Paradise from Eastern Belgium

#229 verified free radio station: Radio Snowman, (#33 Dutch MW)

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Week 47, 2017

1368 25.11 1615 G: Radio Caroline via Manx Radio, Isle of Man
1440 25.11. 2220 BEL: Paradise FM.
1619 25.11 1850 HOL: Turftrekker. ID by chat, because no clear ID for my ears in 1 hour.
1629 25.11. 1635 GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis.
1633.4 21.11. 1710-1737 HOL: Zender Digital.
1635 25.11. 1553 HOL: Zender Havanna. QSO with another station.
1638 25.11 2114-2214 GRC:  Zitianos tis Agapis. (ID help by Aggelos). Later ID as name of operator
1645 25.11. 2015 HOL: Radio Barones.
1646 25.11. 1631 HOL: Zwarte Bizon.
1647 25.11. 1808 HOL: Radio DB. ID also in English.
1652 25.11. 2058 HOL: Radio Moby Dick (ID by chat)
1654,8 25.11. 1735-1808 HOL: UNID, no ID in 30 minutes
1655 26.11 1825 HOL: Radio Relmus
1660 26.11. 1758 GRC: Fotis Apithanos. ID by Aggelos.
1660 26.11. 1800 GRC: Kymis Veteranos, Dráma ID by Aggelos
1660 26.11. 1806 GRC: Aperigraptos Nikos Imathia. ID by Aggelos
6205 21.11. 1640 G/IRL: Laser Hot Hits.
6240 21.11. 1555 G/IRL: Coast FM. Excellent modulation. Usually on 6205, now here.
6305 26.11 1655 HOL: Radio Joey (ID by chat)
6423 25.11. 1515-1538 HOL: Studio 52. Clear IDs

#223 verified free radio station: GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis 1629 kHz

#224 verified free radio station: HOL: Zender Digital 1633,4 kHz 21112017

QSL from Finland, Helmiradio Kuopio 92.0

#1254 BC-QSL: Radio Nordjyske from DNK verifying tentative reception report based on programme topic and fq combination



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Week 46, 2017

648 13.11. 0100 G: Radio Caroline, Orfordness
1368 13.11. 0226 IRN: Radio Golestan, Gorgan.

#1253 verified BC station: SVN: Radio Maribor 93.1 MHz (Sporadic E)

QSL from EST: Raadio Elmar, Kesk-Eesti 91.7 MHz regional replacing network QSL

QSL from FIN: Radio Kuopio, Kuopio 95.6 MHz nowadays in HitMix network

#222  verified free radio station: HOL: Radio Readymix Klazienaveen 6450 kHz

Free Radio QSL: D: Radio Clinic 6225 kHz (already verified with an alias)

Free Radio QSL: D: Tukan Radio 6260 kHz (same transmitter than Clinic)

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