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Kategoria: QSL

Week 45, 2017

Conditions on MW and 48 mb have been weaker this weekend, someone called situation as ”normal” 😛

1300 06.11. 0700 USA: WOOD Grand Rapids MI. Even basic yankees are difficult in my QTH..
1350 07.11. 0441 ARG: Radio Buenos Aires
1629 11.11. 1900 GRC: Delta Radio Giannitsa. Gave number 694 884 4444.
1629 12.11. 1600 GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis. ”Akoute Makedonias, stathmos Anatolia 1629”
1650 11.11. 2315 HOL: Monte Carlo Radio
1663 11.11. 2045 SRB: Romeo Radio Beograd. S5.
6265 11.11. 1730 D: Radio Uferlos.

#220 verified free radio station: Radio Titanic 6261 kHz, now all 9 Dutch provinces are QSLed!

#221 verified free radio station: Radio Zwarte Bizon 1646 kHz (HOL: 122, KG: 95, MG: 30)

#1249 verified BC station: Tele Radio Veneta 99.0 MHz (Sporadic E)

#1251 verified BC station: MDR Sachsen-Anhalt 94.9 MHz (meteor reflection)

#1252 verified BC station: Radio Nord 92.1 MHz (Sporadic E)

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Global HF Weekend November 3-5, 2017

Global HF Weekend started Friday night and runs through Sunday. Propagation has been good and some transatlantic stations are heard on both sides of the ”lake”. Possible schedules will be posted: so have an eye for it!

Some logs from Uurainen, KP22RL:

1278 4.11. 1432 J: RKB Radio. Own ID.  Sport program was //1440.
1539 5.11. 1429 CHN: CNR Golmud
1611 4.11 2200 HOL: Radio Twentana
1629 4.11 1715 HOL: Zender Edelkampioen.
1632 4.11. -2258 HOL: Radio Polydor closing down this time
1646 4.11. 1649-1651 HOL: Zwarte Bizon.
1654 4.11 1700 HOL: Relmus Radio announced to be from Ameland. S9.
1655 1.11. 1945- HOL: Radio Batavier.
1684 1.11. 1753- SRB: Radio Balkan, Beograd area.
1705 4.11. 1920 SRB: Kolorado. QSO with other Serbian.
6225 4.11. 1534 D: Clinic Radio
6235 4.11. 1625-1630 F: Radio Waves International
6261 5.11. 1606 D(?): Radio Titanic. ID 1615 UTC. CD 1623.
6285 3.11. 1630-1710 HOL: Mohammed Radio Amsterdam. Smells like (Johnny) Tobacco
6285 4.11. 2330 HOL: Radio Romsdalen, Swedish music, said to be from Sweden (tobacco factory)
6290 1.11. 1549-1615 HOL: Radio Dolfijn. New-for-me at least with this name.
6295 3.11 1715 HOL: Pioneer AM. Nonstop music as usually, confirmed by chat.
6315 1.11. 1615- CZE: Radio Goofy.
6325 5.11. 1600 G: LittleFeat Radio, s6-7 as its’ best but deep fading.
6450 4.11. 1551-1623 HOL: Readymix. Rocks, greetings, ID and closing down.
6940 4.11 2120 USA: Wolverine Radio. USB mode.
6950 4.11 1500 I: Enterprise Radio.
7395 4.11. 1215 HOL: EDMR (verified by chat). Carrier + some audio with 10 W.

#218 verified free radio station: Balkan Radio from Serbia

#219 verified free radio station: Radio Twentana 1611 kHz (HOL: 120, KG: 94, MG: 29)

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Mayday, mayday!

April is (hopefully) the last winter month and May should be the first summer month! There are already signs of summer 🙂

So it’s time to switch off AM radios and turn to FM. Actually the Sporadic E season 2017 has been opened in South-Western Finland already in the end of April, so there she comes, once again!

A bunch of reports are still unsent, because of work, running from car dealer to another, garden work and other secondary duties. Here are still some QSLs from ”Antique Modulation”:

DX COUNTRY #145: Canal A de Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz

FREE RADIO QSL #215: Radio Saturnus (HOL)

FREE RADIO QSL #216: Pirate Station Klabautermann (D)

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Easter Pirate Hunting

P.P.P Pirate Hunt 2017 contest is over, this time only three pretty intensive days with bad or average conditions. Last time 5 days in row were a bit too much, they say! Some logs of the contest will be seen here. Thank you for all participants and keep the logs coming on till the deadline (end of April)! A special thanks for listeners who have promoted the event and of course to the stations. Some free radios have even promised a special QSL for this event!

Personal log for Monday 17-04-2017
6320 kHz 0730-1010 Radio Enterhaken, maybe a relay from Scandinavia
6285 kHz 1825- HOL: Radio Telstar International. s9++
1640 kHz -1900 RUS: UNID songs and announcement. Signing off at 19 UTC.
1670 kHz 1920 HOL: Speedy Gonzales (Mexicano)

Free QSL #212: Radio Piraña Internacional, South American QTH 6930 kHz (only 10 watts)

Free QSL #213: Radio Professor Sickbock, Vroomshoop (Ov.) 1640 kHz

Free QSL: Enterprise Radio, Italy 6310 kHz

Free QSL #214: EDMR European Music Radio, Nijmegen (Ge.) 4970 kHz


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Couple of Nice QSL’s

30.11.2016 WLAM Lewiston ME 1470

Received this really nice QSL from Mr. Bob Bittner, owner of The Memories Stations (WLAM, WJIB, WJTO, WJYE and WLVP)

17.12.2016 KFAB Omaha NE 1110kHz

Second nice reply came from KFAB Omaha. This kind of QSL’s are really really nice!

17.12.2016 WDAY Fargo ND 970 kHz

WDAY send some nice retro-photos of station with verification.

30.11.2016 SER Radio Réus 1026

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QSL of the month: October 2016

QSL of the month is a full data PDF letter from Spirit Radio based in Ireland. Unfortunately reception location is incorrect – no remote reception, no SDR, no dxpeditions – only home DX here 🙂 Also the time indicated is local Irish Summer Time, not UTC. Anyway it’s rare to get such a QSL in these days.


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QSLs of the month – June, July, August, September

Backlog with these QSLs of the month, but here are some examples of recent replies from radio stations, which I could nominate as ”QSL of the month”. Of course almost every received QSL does make my day, but these selected QSLs are verifying a rare catch, they are filling all the criteria of a perfect QSL with every single detail marked on it, they arrive by snail mail which is pretty rare nowadays – or simply they are more than an oneliner ”Yes that’s us” -message.

June – Galgalatz 91.8 MHz Israel


July – VMW Wiluna WA 6230 kHz Australia


August – Svitle Radio Emmanuel 67.82 MHz Ukraine


September – Radio Punto Zero Tre Venezie Tarvisio.Fm 90.1 MHz Italy


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July-August 2016

Although June was not a perfect FMDX month, then July was a total flop. Fortunately August has been a bit more active so far..

FMDX 07 and 08-2016

The evenings are getting darker and the interest turns to AM. Some nice TA-catches on 49 mb in the mornings, no reason to forget Iberian peninsula and it’s numerous MW stations and of course (listening) free radio will be fun, in case there is no tropospheric ducting.

The holiday season will finish in Central Europe, so it is time to send some FM-reports again. The goal is to have 100 FM QSL’s for this season  – 25 to go!

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Everything between Slovenia and UK + Israel 29052016

Last two days have not been favorable for Central Finland. On Friday just some stations were teasing on lower band. 89.0 Yumor FM surprised with local weather for Krasnodar region. During this local break ID was ”Radiokanal FM Plyus” but the station is already QSLed, so Friday didn’t bring anything new. On Saturday I took part Finnish DX Associations board meeting. Guys told me, that there was continuous trying on low band, but the conditions never really started. Anyway it was promising for today.

Sunday morning started with replacing old Yagi and it’s coax cable with new (used) 4 element Yagi. Troposcatter and meteors have sounded much weaker than usually and now the band sounds much better (troposcatter from Sweden and Estonia was normal and meteors were numerous). During test listening first ID came from Galgalatz in Israel (double hop +3400 km), so the new set is working pretty well! In the evening conditions opened till 108 MHz, mostly to Italy, but everything from Slovenia to UK was heard. My personal log will be updated here meanwhile I am checking recordings.

Today’s QSL came from the Netherlands: Radio 102, Groningen, 6 watts.

Jan-Mikael Nurmela17-5-16


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