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Global HF Weekend November 3-5, 2017

Global HF Weekend started Friday night and runs through Sunday. Propagation has been good and some transatlantic stations are heard on both sides of the ”lake”. Possible schedules will be posted: so have an eye for it!

Some logs from Uurainen, KP22RL:

1278 4.11. 1432 J: RKB Radio. Own ID.  Sport program was //1440.
1539 5.11. 1429 CHN: CNR Golmud
1611 4.11 2200 HOL: Radio Twentana
1629 4.11 1715 HOL: Zender Edelkampioen.
1632 4.11. -2258 HOL: Radio Polydor closing down this time
1646 4.11. 1649-1651 HOL: Zwarte Bizon.
1654 4.11 1700 HOL: Relmus Radio announced to be from Ameland. S9.
1655 1.11. 1945- HOL: Radio Batavier.
1684 1.11. 1753- SRB: Radio Balkan, Beograd area.
1705 4.11. 1920 SRB: Kolorado. QSO with other Serbian.
6225 4.11. 1534 D: Clinic Radio
6235 4.11. 1625-1630 F: Radio Waves International
6261 5.11. 1606 D(?): Radio Titanic. ID 1615 UTC. CD 1623.
6285 3.11. 1630-1710 HOL: Mohammed Radio Amsterdam. Smells like (Johnny) Tobacco
6285 4.11. 2330 HOL: Radio Romsdalen, Swedish music, said to be from Sweden (tobacco factory)
6290 1.11. 1549-1615 HOL: Radio Dolfijn. New-for-me at least with this name.
6295 3.11 1715 HOL: Pioneer AM. Nonstop music as usually, confirmed by chat.
6315 1.11. 1615- CZE: Radio Goofy.
6325 5.11. 1600 G: LittleFeat Radio, s6-7 as its’ best but deep fading.
6450 4.11. 1551-1623 HOL: Readymix. Rocks, greetings, ID and closing down.
6940 4.11 2120 USA: Wolverine Radio. USB mode.
6950 4.11 1500 I: Enterprise Radio.
7395 4.11. 1215 HOL: EDMR (verified by chat). Carrier + some audio with 10 W.

#218 verified free radio station: Balkan Radio from Serbia

#219 verified free radio station: Radio Twentana 1611 kHz (HOL: 120, KG: 94, MG: 29)

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One Comment

    fmatic 05.11.2017

    Vähän jäi itsellä tänä viikonloppuna kuuntelut vähemmälle. Hyvää settiä siellä tullut. Tänään sunnuntaina (5.11) kopasin aamusella josko jenkkejä olisi kuulunut. Jokunen alkoi nuosemaan kun oli aika siirtyä työmaalle näkkärin syrjään kiinni 😀

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