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Avainsana: DXing

Pirate Hunt 2024 (Mach 29th. – April 1st.)

Pirate Hunt 2024 will be held during Easter 2024 (March 29th – April 1st).

We try to keep rules simple:

This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.

SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!

all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 29th 0000 UTC and April 1st. 2359 UTC

ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2024)

participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later results will be published in end of May

Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2024 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Twitter Community:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Top 10 DX of the Year Contest – tulee taas!

Contest rules can be downloaded in PDF file here: LINK

We’ve changed some of the rules from 2022. The changes are highlighted in orange.

The date of the contest:
from 1 December 2022, 00:00 UTC to 31 December 2022, 24:00 UTC

– The contest is open for all shortwave listeners. It is not obligatory to be a club member. 

– The contest is free of charge and all costs are covered by TOP DX RADIOCLUB. 

– The task of the contest:
Reception of 10 BROADCAST stations from 10 optional, DIFFERENT countries during the contest (according to the official DXCC list**). 

– The aim of the contest:
Award of the best DX’er who really succeeded in receiving the year’s TOP 10 DX: it means that it received the lowest power station possible from the longest distance possible. 

– The rules of the contest: 
Reception of 10 BROADCAST stations from 10 DIFFERENT countries. Excluding: unlicensed, meteorological, DRM or other digital, military, spy, pirate, time etalon, amateur contacts and other technical receptions. It is strictly prohibited to use WEB SDR, internet radio and other remote controlled equipment. The receiver antenna has to be attached to the radio physically and directly. One country can appear in the log only once. (Country=where the transmitter can be found)
The enabled frequency range: from 2300 kHz to 30000 kHz. The contest referees and organizers cannot take part in the contest. 

– The obligatory content of the log: 
Date (day, month, year), 
Time (UTC), 
Frequency (in kHz), 
The ID name of the station, 
Country (where the transmitter can be found), 
The language of the broadcast, 
The geographical location (CITY) of the transmitter site, 
The details of the broadcast (general description without specific details cannot be accepted) 

– The judges MAY ask for additional data from the contestants (eg. video or sound recording)


– The obligatory content of the log’s annex: 
The name of the contestant, 
Address (where the trophy can be posted -only to the winner of the contest) 
Geographical location where he/she has participated from (according to the 6-character Maidenhead QTH locator)* 
The type of the receiver(s), 
The type of the antenna(s). 

Jean Sample 
France, Paris, Rue Parrot 2. 
QTH locator: 
Yaesu FRG-7000, Perseus SDR 
 80m Long Wire, Wellbrook ALA-1530 

– The format of the log: 
The logs have to be sent electronically to topdx.radioclub(at)gmail(dot)com in Excel (xls, xlsx) format. You can download the log sample *** HERE. Please use this and do not change the structure of the table, just fill in the cells! Do not rearrange the columns or enter other data (eg. transmit power, distance, etc.).
If you are not able to submit a Excel format log, please contact the Contest Manager for assistance with submitting another format.
We accept logs in English language. All contestants get an email of confirmation after receiving the log in 48 hours. 

– The deadline of receiving the logs:
5 January 2023. 24:00 UTC 

All contestants declare by sending the logs that all data in the log are true and correct, all of the receiving were done by himself/herself within the given time range from the provided place according to the QTH locator and the adherence of the rules.

– Announcement of results: Before 31 January 2023. 

– Scoring: 
The distance between the contestant’s QTH locator and the transmitting tower’s QTH locator divided ( / ) by the power of the transmitter, and multiplied or deducted ( x ). In arithmetic formula: (QTH’s distance / Transmitter power) x Multiplier. 

– MULTIPLIERS: Explanation: This is the most important change. You can get triple points if you receive signals from different continent. Continents: Africa (Af), Antarctica (An), Asia (As), Europe (Eu) North-America (Na), Oceania (Oc), South-America (Sa). See below the downloadable DXCC table for more details.
– Reception from same continent multiplied by 1
– Reception from different continent multiplied by 3

 Explanation: The deduction always applies only to that one reception what containing the incorrect data, NOT to the whole log. If there are two -50% deduction in one reception, then that is 0 point.
– Missing or incorrect SINPO: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)  Explanation: ”Missing” means the data cell of SINPO is empty or there are less than 5 digits. ”Incorrect” means, the numbers are not from 1 to 5. For example incorrect SINPO is ”343” or ”45895”.
– Missing or incorrect country: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)  Explanation: ”Missing” means the data cell of Country is empty. Again: Country (where the transmitter can be found)
– Missing or incorrect language: -50% (Multiplier = 0,5)
– Missing or incorrect date: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect time: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect frequency: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
– Missing or incorrect TX site: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
 Again: TX site is the CITYwhere the transmitter is geographically located.
– Missing or incorrect Station ID: 0 points (Multiplier = 0)
 Explanation: Again: This is the NAME of the station. For example ”BBC” or ”DW”, etc.

– In the case of a repeated country, the lower score reception will be canceled

The distance between QTH is dimensioned in kilometers and measured in short path. The transmitter power is dimensioned in kilowatts. Only official data are considered given by WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook – or If more powers belong to a certain transmitter the higher power is considered. In case the owner of the station announces different power than WRTH, then we counting with the official (real) transmitter power.

For example: 
The geographical location of the contestant: France, Paris, Rue Parrot 2. in this case the QTH locator is JN18EU* 
The received station: Voice of America, from the city of Iranawila CLN. The QTH locator of the transmitter: MJ97VM In this case the distance between the two QTH locators: 8462,27 km. For the calculation the following program is used: KK6MK’s DistBear Tool **** 
The power of the transmitter: 250 kW 
Score: 8462,27 / 250 = 33,85 points, multiplied by 3 (different continent) = 101,55 ( 102 rounded to 2 decimals) 
According to the information above it can be clearly seen that more points are given if the station is far from the contestant AND the transmitter power is low. 

The final points are made up by the sum of the 10 receiving. 
The contestant with the highest points wins the contest. 

– Awarding: 
The contest has no monetary prize. The winner gets an elegantly designed, unique trophy addressed to his/her name. All contestants can download free the certificate according to result in the ranking. Printed certificate is available for fee only. 

In case of any questions about the rules, or anyting else in connection with the contest, send us an e-mail and we try to respond asap. This opportunity is open before and during the contest.

The organizers wish good luck and outstanding DXs to all contestants. 

*: The QTH locator can be easily found here: LINK 
** The list of DXCC can be found here (Excel file, countries in alphabetical order): LINK
***: Sample log can be downloaded from here (Excel): LINK 
****: The KK6MK DistBear Tool can be find here:  LINK

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The A.I.R. Contest 2022 “Attilio Leoni”

The A.I.R. Contest 2022 “Attilio Leoni”, will start at 0000UTC on January 2nd, 2022, and will end at midnight UTC on January 9th, 2022. Participation is open for all radiolisteners, A.I.R. members and non members alike. The Contest is divided into the following parts:

First part: listening to any station broadcasting from Europe-Africa (with its own transmitter or via relay) from 0000 UTC of January 2nd to 2400 UTC of January 6th, 2022 in any language (frequencies between 150 and 26100kHz – broadcasting bands)

Second part: listening to programmes in any language of the following stations (with its own transmitter or via relay, at any time from January 7th at 0000UTC to January 9th, 2022, at midnight UTC (frequencies between 150 and 26100kHz – broadcasting bands)



– AUSTRALIA, Reach Beyond Australia – CUBA, Radio Habana CHINA, China Radio Int.

– INDIA, All India Radio



– USA, Voice of America

Each station can be logged only once.

The listening report will have a minimum time of 15 minutes.

The reports must contain all usefull references (frequency, UTC time, station name, language, the most important details for a good valuation, SINPO code), technical data (receiver, antenna and optionals). The listening list, with your participation fee, must be sent to this address:


AIR Contest Manager

Fermo Posta



Not later than February 12th, 2022 (date of postmark).

On the same report the participant must indicate his name and surname, complete address and a short declaration as follow: “I take the responsibility on myself that I have listened to all the stations reported during the time of validity of contest”.

All details will be very important for a correct estimate of the contest results and for additional controls the Contest Manager could ask your audio-tape. A bonus of 200 points will be awarded to all those who will report the highest number of programme details for each station and not only generic terms such as news, music, comments, etc.

The scores will be computed on a base of 101 = points for each station deducting the participants percentage that listened to the same station. Decimal will not be considered. During the contest some monitor stations will listen off.

The participation fee are 5 (five) IRC’s or 5 €uro to be sent with your listening list to Contest Manager or Paypal payement to

Each participant will receive a certificate of participation and a small gift made on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of AIR. Prizes list for the three first participants is the following:

1st prize: a copy of WRTH 2022

2nd prize: a book for radiolisteners offered by Edizioni C&C srl 3rd prize: a philatelic sheet

three philatelic sheets and thre ebook for radiolistener offered byAssociazione Italiana


one book for radiolistener offered by Edizioni C&Csrl

For any other information, please write to Contest Manager (see the address) and enclose one IRC.



Associazione Italiana Radioascolto

fondata nel 1982

C.P. 1338, 10100 Torino AD


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The Fun Fan Club

Klubi on luotu syventämään yhteyttä tiettyjen radioasemien kanssa. Olemme valinneet joukkoon mielestämme omaperäisiä ja kuuntelijaystävällisiä tahoja. Uusia saa ehdottaa kun perustelee… ja jo olemassa olevien tarinaa saa jokainen rikastuttaa.

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Week 41-42 logs

Janne Heinikangas, JJH 

Bolded stations are new for me!

09. October 2020

0120 1560 USA KNZR 1560 & 97.7 Bakersfield CA
0126 1530 USA KFBK News 93.1 KFBK, Sacramento CA
0138 1200 USA WOAI News Radio 1200, San Antonio TX
0143 1670 USA WOZN The Zone, Madison WI
0151 1420 USA WOC Newstalk 1420, Davenport IA
0201 1210 USA WPHT Philadelphia PA
0205 1160 USA WYLL Chicago IL
0428 1600 USA KGYM Cedar Rapids IA

10. October 2020

0324 950 USA WWJ Newsradio, Detroit MI
0330 760 USA WJR Detroit MI
0333 1520 USA KKXA Classic Country KXA
0347 1110 USA KBND KBND Bend OR
0359 1210 USA KHAT New Country 96.7 Laramie WY

11. October 2020

1180 0256 USA KOFI Kalispell MT
850 0317 USA KOA Denver CO
780 0335 USA WBBM Chicago IL
1260 0413 CAN CFRN TSN 1260, Edmonton AB
1480 0426 PTR WMDD El 14-80, Fajardo

12. October 2020

1528 680 ALS: KBRW Barrow AK
1535 850 ALS: KICY Nome AK
1613 780 ALS: KNOM Nome AK

14. October 2020

  660 0327 USA: KTNN The Voice of the Navajo Nation, Window Rock AZ (New state)
  850 0354 USA: KOA  News Radio 850 AM & 94.1 FM, Denver CO
  930 0355 CAN: CJCA AM930 The Light, Edmonton AB
1030 0400 USA: KTWO K2 Radio, Casper WY
1360 0412 USA: KRKK  Rock Springs WY
1330 0415 CAN: CJYM, Rosetown SK
  570 0422 USA: KVI  Seattle WA
  740 0438 USA: KCBS All News 106.9 and AM 740, San Francisco CA
  960 0446 CAN: CFAC SN 960 The Fan, Calgary AB
  720 0506 USA: KDWN  101.5 FM 720 AM, Las Vegas NV
  700 0515 CAN: CJLI, Calgary AB
  710 0515 USA: KIRO 710 ESPN Seattle WA

15. October 2020

  840 0741 CAN: CFCW, Camrose AB
1500 0744 USA: KSTP SKOR North, Saint Paul MN
1600 0746 USA: KGST Multicultural 1600 AM, Fresno CA
1430 0943 USA: KYKN 1430 KYKN, Keizer OR
1430 1000 USA: KCLK AM 1430 The Sports Fan, Asotin WA
1140 1450 ALS: KSLD, Soldotna AK

16. October 2020

1020 0511 USA: KCKN Radio Vision Cristiana, Roswell NM
  950 0715 USA: KCAP Newsradio 95.9 / 950, Helena MT 
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Week 25, 2020

15.06.2020 +28.0 / +13.7 C

Eilisen jälkeen tuikitarpeellinen välipäivä. Vuoden lämpimin päivä (+28.0 C) ja Luhangassa eteläisessä Keski-Suomessa mitattu virallinen vuoden korkein lukema +29.0 C, jota petrattiin desimaalilla Porissa heti seuraavana päivänä.

16.06.2020 +27.5  / +13.0 C

Oirt-yritystä koko päivän, joka sisämaassa kävi vain hetkittäin CCIR:n puolella.
13 UTC tuli kelivaroitusta Utöstä F ja E. Onneksi yagia kääntäessä oli puhelin lähellä, sillä samaan aikaan lähti yllättäen toinen avaus sisämaasta Balkanille. Alkuun vain tykki-Beogradia MUF 100 MHz. MUFfin pudotessa myös pienempitehoiset pääsivät esiin. Saaliiksi neljä uutta raporttia: Radio Beograd 2 97.6 MHz, Rock Radio 96.2 MHz (Classic aloittaa tässä syksyllä taas), Plusz FM Nagyvarad 89.6 MHz ja Pro FM Resita 89.0 paikallis-IDillä.
Sitten keli siirtyi, hetki yritystä Saksaan, mutta ei lähtenyt tämäkään.

Illalla OIRTia ja tökkivää länsibandia idän suunnasta. Raastava päivä kun radioilta ei oikein uskalla lähteäkään, mutta keli makaa Stand By -tilassa. Yleensä tuo loppuillan OIRT vetäytyy pohjoisemmaksi, mutta nyt seassa tuli Ukrainaa vielä pitkälle iltaan, mikä sai pysymään radioilla. Offspring esittikin aiheellisen kysymyksen:

Odotus siis tosiaan palkittiin 2000 UTC startanneella POL-HNG-Balkan -kelillä, joka ulottui useaan otteeseen 108 MHz asti. Bandi meni välillä jopa tukkoon valkoisesta kohinasta. Uusina raportteina mm. Radio Krka 106.6 Sloveniasta ja Slavonski Radio 89.7 Kroatiasta. Muutama mielenkiintoinen ääni-ID menee vielä jälkitarkasteluun ja niistä toivottavasti löytyy pari lisää. Megatykkien seassa oli pienempiäkin asemia, mm. Radio WAWA Kraków (1 kw):

Asemat alkoivat hiipua noin 2330 UTC. Vielä UTC-puoliyön aikaan meni pari taajuutta 88.8 ja 89.4 MHz jutellen Itävallasta, lienee Ö3, mutta oli pakko luovuttaa, että jaksaa olla seuraavana päivänä skarppina.

17.06.2020 +26.4 / +15.8 C

Neljän tunnin yöunien jälkeen aamukeli Ukrainan ja Venäjän rajapintaan, hetken myös CCIR meni. Mielenkiintoisimpana Smolenskin taajuudet kelin loppupäässä. Valitettavasti tälläydyimme taajuuksille vasta aikamerkkiä ja ketju-uutisia kuulemaan joten jää arvoitukseksi olisiko ennen tasaa jaeltu alueellista, kuten Saratov teki. Päivä jatkui hyvin samantapaisesti kuin eilinen. OIRT kulki käytännössä koko ajan ja välillä käytiin CCIR:lla. Ukrainaan on tullut paljon uutta, mitä ei FM-listalta löydä. Tämä pyöritti kenttiä KULTURA_ POLTAVA_ 89,5MHz_

Parhaimmillaan käytiin 102.0 MHz asti, jossa Svoe Radio Luganskista tuli paikallisenoloisilla mainoksilla. Uutena myös Radio Iskatel Kursk 92.7 MHz ja tarkistettaviin menee Radio Radio Belgorod 88.3 MHz.

18.06.2020 +24.6 / + 17.1 C

Yöllä saatiin kauan kaivattua sadetta muutaman salaman kera. Aamu alkoi OIRTilla Valko-Venäjälle. Nopeasti skippi piteni Länsi-Ukrainaan (Odessa) ja CCIR. Sitten kesän trendialuetta, mustan meren reunoja, Turkkia, Romaniaakin. Ei lähtenyt kunnolla, paras meni mereen. Yhtäkkiä roiskiva keli heitti Kroatiaan ja välissä nopeita piikkejä BBC, Sveitsi/Ranska ja lyhyemmän Unkarin ja vahvan Slovakian kautta taas Ukrainaan. Slovakialainen Radio Wow meni paikallisen Järviradion (31 km) yli suvereenisti. Olisikohan salama vähän korjaillut asennuksia, kun se tuntuu olevan tavallista vaimeampi.

0720 UTC Kroatia-pilvi jäi kuitenkin elämään ja tarjosi reilun tunnin pitemmän loikan Keski-Italiaa, tentatiivisena jopa Rooman China FM 89.5 MHz (2455 km). Korkein noteeraus 105.3 MHz, mutta kovasti feidaavaa. Kroaatti pesi Taka-Keljon Suomipopin 95.1 MHz (34 km)

0830 UTC Piikki Romaniaan, asemia ainakin 96.2 MHz mutta ei lähtenyt tämäkään..

1830 UTC lähti Itäisen Ukrainan kelit heti kerralla 108 MHz asti jonkunmoisen OIRT-lupailun jälkeen. Nopeasti tultiin alas mutta tunnin verran asemia tökki alabandilla (87.5-92 MHz). Retro FM rullasi hienosti RDS:ää merkki kerrallaan …91,5 MHz BERDIANS´K…

Myöhemmin illalla vielä mm Romaniaa ja OIRTilla Komia ja lisää Ukrainaa.. huomisen suunta oli siloteltu.

19.06.2020 +22.8 / +12.6 C

Aamu alkoi OIRTilla Valko-Venäjälle. Nopeasti skippi piteni Länsi-Ukrainaan ja CCIR. Hetkinen… minähän kirjoitin samat sanat eilisaamuna. Mutta näin ovat kesän trendit dominoivia! Tällä kertaa ei menty kuitenkaan Odessaan vaan Lviviä ja Ternopilia. Kelin kärkeen tulee yleensä ”paras”. Tällä kertaa se oli lyhyt skippi Liettuaan 869 km (PI-tunnistus ja kieli-ID). Dachan lyhyysennätys parani 111 km vajaan viikontakaisesta Retro FM:stä (980 km). Sen jälkeen puolen tuntia yritystä Serbiaan puoleen bandiin saakka.

Nämä oli tällaiset ”murrealueen 7e/f kelit” joihin parhaiten pääsivät mukaan Uuraisten lisäksi Puponmäki ja Vesanto. Pitkin aamua myös BBC-nostoja, D ja CZE-havaintoja Sisä-Suomessa, mutta ei varsinaista keliä.

0900 UTC Tunnin keli Italiaan, joka roikotteli pitkään 108 MHz saakka. Tavanomaista Emilia-Romagnaa. Kärkeen muutama kroaatti, joista itselleni uutena Rovinj FM 88.5 MHz.

Mahdollisista juhannuskeleistä sitten oma postauksensa 🙂

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Week 15-18, 2020 by JMN

Ma 06.04.2020

1936 1476 AUT: Plattenkiste Radio, Bad Ischl (sal) ”Museumsradio AM 14-76” -slingaa.

Ti 07.04.2020 Warmest day of the year +13.3 c.

Ke 08.04.2020 A great QSL day

La 11.04.2020

1721 6240 I: Radio Tango Italia.

Su 12.04.2020

1515 6280 HOL: Mustang Radio

1635 6315 I: tent. Radio Zona Rossa. Adriano Celentano and CD 1756 UTC.

1805 6285 HOL: Arrow Classic Rock. UNID relay.

1835 6305 G: Radio Merlin International. S6.

2024 6295 IRL: Reflections Europe.

2029 4840 HOL: presumed Johnny Tobacco.


Ma 13.04.2020

1340 6290 HOL: Radio Monique International. S3-4.

1348 6260 HOL: KR1. S2-4.

1415 6295 UNID lähetin pätki, levyjä ilman kuulutusta S5-7.

1425 5836 UKR: presumed Radio Evropa.

1431 6952 HOL: presumed Jan Van Gent relay Amplivier Radio

1510 6320 HOL: presumed Radio Joey.

1548 6210 HOL: presumed Texas Radio Shortwave

1950 3920 HOL: Radio Piepzender. ID @ 2028 UTC.

Ke 15.04.2020 ES Season opened in Central Europe

To 16.04.2020

Test listening of Sony ICF-SW35

1845 5910 ROU: Radio Romania International. Săftica. S/OFF 1857 UTC.

La 02.05.2020 – Warmest day of the year so far +16.0C

1903 6320 HOL: presumed Radio Joey. Max s9+10dB.

1955 6285 I: presumed Enterprise Radio. S5-6

1957 6330 UNK: WKOS. ID and greetings. S8.


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Week 14, 2020

Ti 31.03.2020

1949 1377 kHz TZA: Radio Free Africa, Mwanza. TNX PSO!

2056 594 kHz I: IRRS via Challenger Radio, Villa Estense PD

Tanzania replied later on Friday afternoon bringing verified MW country #80. LW included it would be #82.


To 02.04.2020

0139 1161 G: Tay 2 Dundee/Greenside Scalpern

0143 1161 G: Greatest Hits Radio Goxhill/Neatgangs Lane

0146 882 G: BBC Radio Wales 882 Tywyn, Tywyn

0159 1494 IRL: Coast FM Tenerife, Sligo

0324 1017 G: Absolute Classic Rock, Shrewsbury

It has been snowing all week long – so spring is delayed. Maybe it is because of climate change, but four seasons seem to be delayed for past few years – or better say two of them are cancelled. Nowadays there is no spring for 3 months, we just go from fresh long lasting winter to full early hot summer in couple of weeks. Same with autumn, the warm summer-like weather continues longer than before and it may be switched in only 2 weeks to icy landscape.

La 04.04.2020

0419 1584 ROU: Radio Vocea Speranței. 4 transmitters each 1 kW.

0501 5975 AUT: NHK, Moosbrunn. News about flight companies, Japanese music program.

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Week 13, 2020 by JMN

Ma 23.03.2020

0454 1125 kHz G: BBC Radio Wales 1125, Llandridod Wells.

0517 630 kHz ROU: Radio Timisoara.

1604 4700 kHz D: Mystery Radio 21. ID @1607 UTC.

1620 6315 kHz I: UNID. Now Or Never (1624 UTC) S6

1944 6225 kHz UNID. Maybe a German Station?
1944 UTC Traffic Lights (Lena)
1946 UTC Heroes (Måns Zelmerlöw) S4-6
1950 UTC Black Smoke (Ann Sophie)
1952 UTC Wayne (Culcha Candela Feat. Curlyman) Sudden CD or disappeared.

2142 3460 kHz UNID. LSB Mode. Nonstop music. S6.

Päivän positiivinen koronauutinen FM-kuuntelijoille:

Ti 24.03.2020 Warmest day so far this year + 7.4 degrees Celsius – Vuoden lämpimin päivä tähän asti +7.4 c

0328 846 kHz IRL: presumed Radio North, Co. Donegal. No ID but 0400 UTC John Morrison Ministrys short program as scheduled. Otherwise nonstop oldies and country.

0418 765 kHz G: BBC Essex, Bakers Wood.

0430 999 kHz G: BBC Radio Solent 999, Fareham

0528 855 kHz G: BBC Radio Norfolk 855, Postwick.

Closures of some BBC local radio medium wave services

Ke 25.03.2020 Warmest day so far this year + 8.9 degrees Celsius – Vuoden lämpimin päivä tähän asti +8.9 c. Huonompi (heikompi) brittiaamuyö kuin vaikkapa eilen, eikä eilinenkään tulitusta täällä ollut. Walesin slingasta 882:lla ei merkkiään. Iberiaan vetäisi nyt mutta ei ole breikkejä. Mm. 810 SER Radio Madrid ja 882 COPE olisi paljon kivempi juttu breikin aikana. Smoothin riivaamalla taajuudella 1359 kHz jälleen Solent ja yllätys-ID Greatest Hits Radio across Coventry and mikälieshire.

0502 1359 kHz G: Greatest Hits Radio West Midlands, Coventry/Shilton

1939 1665 kHz SRB: Radio Kalibar

1944 1665 kHz SRB: Radio Romeo

2100 846 kHz CHN: Jiangsu RGD Jiankang Shenghuo Pinlü, Nanjing/Gulizhen

2210 1017 kHz I: Amica Radio Veneta, Vigonza/Peraga-via Germania PD

To 26.03.2020

0445 882 kHz G BBC Radio Wales 882 Tywyn, Tywyn

0501 1161 kHz G Tay 2, Dundee/Greenside Scalp

0503 1485 kHz G BBC Radio Merseyside 14-85 mw, Wallasey

0512 1485 kHz LVA Radio Merkurs Riga/Daugavriva

0515 882 kHz G BBC Radio Wales 882 Tywyn, Tywyn

0541 855 kHz G BBC Radio Norfolk 855, Postwick

2230 990 kHz G: BBC Radio Devon, Exeter/Pearce s Hill

2325 1116 kHz G: BBC Radio Derby, Derby/Burnaston Lane

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Week 12, 2020 by JMN

Ma 16.03.2020

1055 11530 kHz —: Radio Denge Welat. ei tunne tätä(kään).

1102 11630 kHz CHN: CNR 17, Lingshi. Lähettää kazakkia tässä 09:00-12:00 UTC. ID 1130 UTC: ”Ortaliq xaliq radyo stansyasi”

Ke 18.03.2020

Pe 20.03.2020

1901 1648 kHz HOL: Admiraal. CD 1907 UTC

1908 1645 kHz HOL: Wilskracht CD 1912 UTC

2019 1614a kHz HOL: De Derde Man. S7-8

2045 1616 kHz HOL: UNID S9+5dB. Probably at 2050 UTC moved to 1645 kHz

2055 1645 kHz HOL: Mustang Radio

2135 1636 kHz HOL: Santana met de Cobra. ID at this time. Kuuntelun lopetus 2203 UTC.

La 21.03.2020

0452 1359 kHz G: BBC Radio Solent 13-59.

0517 1458 kHz G: BBC Radio Newcastle 14-58.

1504 4700 kHz D: Mystery Radio 21.

1541 6275 kHz HOL: Radio Batavia. ID @ 1611 UTC. S5.

1542 6665 kHz UNID. Music. LSB mode.

1606 6290 kHz UNID.

1702 6315.2 kHz I: Radio Zona Rossa. 1702 Meravigliosa (Laluna) 1706 Un Attimo Ancora (Gemelli Diversi) 1709  ”Zona Rossa” and CD.

1819 6280 kHz HOL: presumed Johnny Tobacco. Swedish oldies.

1851 6325 kHz HOL: presumed Radio Joey

1955 6310 kHz I: Radio Quarantena Italia.

2058 1644 kHz HOL: Radio Wadloper. Ilmeisesti muistolähetys, operaattorin poismenosta tulee huomenna vuosi.

2145 1615 kHz HOL: Radio De Blauwe Koe

Karanteeniviikkoinakin on riittänyt ohjelmaa. Harvoin pääsee maaliskuussa aloittamaan kasvukautta ilman metrisessä hangessa kahlaamista.

Su 22.03.2020

0427 1640 kHz HOL: Radio Bluebird. ID 0540 UTC. S5-S9+10dB. SINPO 45544

0450 1485 kHz G: BBC Radio Merseyside 14-85, Wallasey

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