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Avainsana: FFFR

Pirate Hunt 2024 (Mach 29th. – April 1st.)

Pirate Hunt 2024 will be held during Easter 2024 (March 29th – April 1st).

We try to keep rules simple:

This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.

SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!

all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 29th 0000 UTC and April 1st. 2359 UTC

ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2024)

participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later results will be published in end of May

Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2024 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Twitter Community:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Week 12, 2020 by JMN

Ma 16.03.2020

1055 11530 kHz —: Radio Denge Welat. ei tunne tätä(kään).

1102 11630 kHz CHN: CNR 17, Lingshi. Lähettää kazakkia tässä 09:00-12:00 UTC. ID 1130 UTC: ”Ortaliq xaliq radyo stansyasi”

Ke 18.03.2020

Pe 20.03.2020

1901 1648 kHz HOL: Admiraal. CD 1907 UTC

1908 1645 kHz HOL: Wilskracht CD 1912 UTC

2019 1614a kHz HOL: De Derde Man. S7-8

2045 1616 kHz HOL: UNID S9+5dB. Probably at 2050 UTC moved to 1645 kHz

2055 1645 kHz HOL: Mustang Radio

2135 1636 kHz HOL: Santana met de Cobra. ID at this time. Kuuntelun lopetus 2203 UTC.

La 21.03.2020

0452 1359 kHz G: BBC Radio Solent 13-59.

0517 1458 kHz G: BBC Radio Newcastle 14-58.

1504 4700 kHz D: Mystery Radio 21.

1541 6275 kHz HOL: Radio Batavia. ID @ 1611 UTC. S5.

1542 6665 kHz UNID. Music. LSB mode.

1606 6290 kHz UNID.

1702 6315.2 kHz I: Radio Zona Rossa. 1702 Meravigliosa (Laluna) 1706 Un Attimo Ancora (Gemelli Diversi) 1709  ”Zona Rossa” and CD.

1819 6280 kHz HOL: presumed Johnny Tobacco. Swedish oldies.

1851 6325 kHz HOL: presumed Radio Joey

1955 6310 kHz I: Radio Quarantena Italia.

2058 1644 kHz HOL: Radio Wadloper. Ilmeisesti muistolähetys, operaattorin poismenosta tulee huomenna vuosi.

2145 1615 kHz HOL: Radio De Blauwe Koe

Karanteeniviikkoinakin on riittänyt ohjelmaa. Harvoin pääsee maaliskuussa aloittamaan kasvukautta ilman metrisessä hangessa kahlaamista.

Su 22.03.2020

0427 1640 kHz HOL: Radio Bluebird. ID 0540 UTC. S5-S9+10dB. SINPO 45544

0450 1485 kHz G: BBC Radio Merseyside 14-85, Wallasey

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Logs from March 2020 by JJH

Välillä tulee radiokin avattua. Alkukevät on parasta aikaa kuulostella piraattiasemia. Tässäpä hieman lokia maaliskuulta.


6321 kHz  1510 UTC XTC – Xenon Transmitting Company 

5090 kHz  1519 UTC Mystery 21

6280 kHz  1523 UTC Radio Monique

4825 kHz  1529 UTC Dolfijn (later in the evening fq was 4830)

5810 kHz  1539 UTC Retro Radio, Dublin

5825 kHz  1543 UTC Radio 319

6305 kHz  1547 UTC Radio Merlin Int

6295 kHz  1555 UTC Relections Europe

5836 kHz  1602 UTC All 80’s 

6320 kHz  1651 UTC Radio Joey


1637 kHz  1929 UTC Radio Santana


1635 kHz  1857 UTC Radio Barones


6290 kHz  1737 UTC Radio Parade Int


1637 kHz  0712 UTC Zender Interpol

6210 kHz  0943 UTC King SW

6290 kHz  0947 UTC Radio Cuckoo

6325 kHz  1008 UTC Misti Radio

7705 kHz  1055 UTC FRS Holland

6305 kHz  1244 UTC Radio Merlin Int

6388 kHz  1250 UTC Zeewolf

6320 kHz  1307 UTC Radio Joey

6285 kHz  1501 UTC Radio Monique

6245 kHz  1510 UTC Radio Mustang

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Week 11, 2020 by JMN

Ma 09.03.2020

1920 5825 kHz BEL: Radio 319
2003 1638 kHz HOL: Bluebird Radio s9.
2009 1646 kHz HOL: Radio Oldtimer. ID.
2119 1664 kHz HOL: Radio Armada. Jingle @ 2127 UTC
2129 1695 kHz SRB: YU Jedan
2131 1695 kHz SRB: Romeo Radio
2132 1695 kHz SRB: Laki
2136 1695 kHz UKR: UNID breikkasi serbialaisten väliin.

Ke 11.03.2020

2000 1611 kHz RUS: UNID Soviet recordings
2004 1611 kHz HOL: UNID HOL Duran Duran and Marina Marina Marina
2020 5835 kHz HOL: presumed Jan Van Gent
2038 1637 kHz HOL: UNID.
2038 1665 kHz HOL: Radio Kristal. ID 2120 UTC.
2122 1660 kHz GRC: UNID. CD 2141 UTC + QSO.
2144 1660 kHz GRC: UNID. Lyhyt spiikki ja musaa. QRM alkoi n. 2235 UTC Norjasta.
2325 1690 kHz GRC: UNID. CD 2327 UTC.
2328 1690 kHz GRC: UNID. CD 2340 UTC.
2341 1680 kHz GRC: UNID. Kuulutus 2343 UTC. S9+10dB. 2348 UTC Reggaeta. 2350 Mahdollinen ID ja CD.

To 12.03.2020

0900 5825 kHz BEL: Radio 319. Confirmed in chat. Relay of United DJ px. ID in the afternoon @1620 UTC.
1023 6305 kHz G: Radio Merlin International. Music and talk. Confirmed played songs in chat. Jingle @ 1156 UTC.
1623 5836 kHz UKR: presumed Radio Evropa
1823 5780 kHz IRL: Zenith Classic Rock. ID.
1855 1655 kHz HOL: Eigenrisico. CD 1859 UTC.
1911 1633 kHz HOL: Zender Belladonna. ID 1911 UTC.
1918 1637 kHz HOL: Santana. ID few times. CD 2232 UTC.

Pe 13.03.2020. Bad conditions, only short skip. Weak signals and noisy band, got better towards late evening!

1715 6262 kHz HOL: Studio 52. ID.
1725 6305 kHz G: Radio Merlin International. Weather Girls ”It’s Raining Men” and ID. Weak.
1730 5825 kHz BEL: Radio 319. Very good modulation. ID @ 1735 UTC.
1736 5780 kHz IRL: Radio Harmony. ID @ 1750 UTC ”…on Harmony”. Time signal @ 1800 UTC.
1804 5200 kHz HOL: presumed Radio Jan Van Gent. Playing Bebida Magica (Los Jaivas).
1828 5140 kHz D: Charleston Radio International. ID 1842a UTC
1838 6875 kHz I: presumed Radio Europe. Only music.
1856 1635 kHz HOL: Radio Barones. Many IDs by XYL: ”U luistert naar Barouuuuuu”
2028 1617 kHz HOL: Turftrekker. ID 2054 UTC. CD @ 2056 UTC.
2114 1680 kHz SRB: YU-1. ”Yu Jedan Velika Plana Serbija” QSO Superstar Grecja.
2119 1680 kHz SRB: Romeo Radio. ID 2120 UTC. QSO YU-Jedan.
2145 1611 kHz HOL: presumed Veluwse Star. Talk but no ID heard.
2227 1612 kHz HOL: UNID. Vain musiikkia alusta loppuun 2227-2240 UTC.
2241 1675 kHz SRB: Romeo Radio. ID 2242 UTC.
2319 1636 kHz HOL: Alabama. CD 2326 UTC.
2327 1636 kHz HOL: Zender Vonkenboer. Raportoi asemille Monte Carlo, Alabama ja Elektron. S7.

La 14.03.2020.

0029 1400 kHz GRD: presumed Harbour Light of the Windwards
1725 6290 kHz G: Radio Parade International
1758 6380 kHz HOL: Radio 102. ID @ 1810 UTC.
1811 6305 kHz G: Radio Merlin International. ID, better reception than usually.
1815 6325 kHz HOL: Abu Dhabi Radio. ID @ 1818 UTC.
1822 6207 kHz HOL: Misti Radio. ID @ 1823 UTC.
1826 6390 kHz GRC: presumed Zeppelin Radio. No ID.

Su 15.03.2020

0625 1140 kHz CAN: CHRB High River AB. ”AM 11-40”
0646 1637 kHz HOL: Zender Interpol. Very weak. ID @0656 UTC and @0701 UTC. End of reception: 0703 UTC
0840 6210 kHz UNID big carrier, no audio. Others were hearing King SW here with music.
0847 6290 kHz IRL: Radio Cuckoo. ID @ 0848 UTC.
1832 6325 kHz HOL: presumed Radio Joey. Thanked in chat for signal report, but no ID heard.
1947 6170 kHz KRE: Voice of Korea, Kujang. In German.
2000 6170 kHz F: Radio Algerienne Chaine 1, Issoudun. ID in French ”Radio Algerie”. S9+10 dB.
2100 5790 kHz BEL: Radio 319.
2105 6295 kHz IRL: Reflections Europe. PX: ”Moments of Inspiration”. Address to Texas and ID @2121 UTC.
2124 1648 kHz HOL: UNID.
2130 1685 kHz SRB: Romeo Radio. Problem with big echo.
2134 1615 kHz HOL: De Blauwe Koe (Blue Cow). Multiple IDs.
2350 1161 kHz G: BBC Three Counties Radio 1161 MW, Kempston/Bedford. Erottui Madonnan (Greatest Hits Radio) takaa juuri ja juuri ”…online at This is BBC Three Counties Radio on 11-61 medium wave, we are no longer…”


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Pirate Hunt 2019 results and announcement.

The organizers of the Pirate Hunt competition has decided this year to publish the results of the competition without the rankings.  It has been alleged that listeners with SDR receivers are in a better position than listeners with normal receivers, so in order to avoid unnecessary displeasure, we decided to solve the problem this way.  Many thanks to all participants.

When we first decided to run the competition, our idea was to have a nice Easter activity without strict rules. Just relaxing and having fun.  Over the years, perhaps the right criticisms have been made of competition: our choices were to either renew the competition or put the competition to a break.  Since both of the organizers do not organize competitions for the day job and we noticed that our original idea is disappearing into the requirements jungle.  So far we have decided to put the competition on hold.

We warmly thank all the competitors who have participated over the years, as well as those who thankfully published our competition announcements on their website.  Thanks and FFFR!

Pirate Hunt is not organized in the 2020


Pirate Hunt 2019 results:

Ten competitors from four different countries took part in the competition. The names are in random order:

Ismo Kauppi, Lohja, Finland. UK DXer Paul, Swindon, England. Rick Random, Raisio, Finland. Janne Heinikangas, Jyväskylä, Finland. Staffan Crona, Sweden. Lennart Weirell, Västerås, Sweden. Kari Helopaltio, Nurmijärvi, Finland. Jouni Kilpinen, Helsinki, Finland. Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria. Kari Kallio, Lahti, Finland.

Thanks to the participants and everyone will receive a diploma for participating.




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Pirate Hunt 2017

Pirate hunt ”Pongaa Piraatti Pääsiäisenä” 2017 will be held during Easter 2017 (celebrated in Finland on April 14th – 16th). We try to keep rules simple:

  • log as many PIRATE station as possible between April 14th 0000 UTC and April 16th 2359 UTC
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
  • post your full logs on forum (, Facebook group or by e-mail staff @, during or after the contest (but until April 30th, 2017)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in May

Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2017 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

A warm welcome!


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