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Avainsana: FMDXing

August – September

During August there were still some nice ES openings, and in the beginning of September also good tropos. Unfortunately I’ve lost them since I’ve been most of the time outside Finland –  in Hungary and Portugal, and also visiting quickly in Germany and Slovakia. Now it’s time to get back into daily life, studies have begun and so has begun QSL hunting and manic reporting in the evening time. In the beginning of this summer season I decided to get 100 FM QSL’s. Now they are 128, so I’m looking for 200 till the end of year. That’s a good motivator to check old recordings and to report even RAI’s and BBC’s! Another aim for the rest of the year is to verify the BC country # 130. The QSL of Radio Hargeisa, which I heard on 1st of Sept. bring  just country # 129.

During the Summer University in Hungary we had also enough free time for other purposes. I visited Class FM, since it’s the only Hungarian FM station, which does not react to my reports. After looking for a while I found a building without any sign. Friendly people outside told me that Radio Class FM is operating just in that building. When I tried to explain my aim to safeguards, the Sunday DJ passed by in a right moment and asked me to enter to the studio, when he heard that I come from Finland. Even the station is huge and national, it operates from a little studio with an office room next to it and that’s all. Sometimes ”big stations” are not huge. The DJ was working alone and it was a real pleasure that he found 5 minutes to show places. Unfortunately he had no time to write a QSL.. maybe next time!

Class FM
Class FM
Sunday DJ Gábor Garami working


In Portugal EDXC visitors have seen the headquarters of RTP and Radio Renascenca channels (RR, RFM, Radio Sim, Megahits), both located in Lisbon. Besides of that, we visited a little local station Radio Foz do Mondego. The director remembered one FM report from the Netherlands.

Mika Palo showing the sign of Radio Foz do Montego
Mika Palo showing the sign of Radio Foz do Montego

RDP Santa Isabel transmitting station in Central Portugal, because of the foggy weather only a parit of MW mast can be seen
RDP Santa Isabel transmitting station in Central Portugal, because of the foggy weather only a parit of MW mast can be seen.

RTP headquarters
RTP headquarters
RTP television studios
RTP television studios
RTP 1 with some interferences, even in the studio!
RTP 1 with some interferences, even in the studio!
RTP vans ready for use
RTP vans ready for use
RFM studio (Radio Renascenca rock channel)
RFM studio (Radio Renascenca rock channel)
Radio Sim studio, can be heard also on MW
Radio Sim studio, can be heard also on MW
Renascenca cars parked with Portuguese style
Renascenca cars parked with Portuguese style



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July 23 Slovenia and Italy, July 24 British Isles

Finally something on the band. Both days MUF was not much more than 96. The first station on 87.8 sounded like greek, announcing ”Athina, eksi ritem mladosti, Athina, Athina”. (Eksi means ”six” in greek). Finally I found a ”n” letter pronounced weakly and then it sounded Antina. Slogan ”Ritem mladosti” belongs to Radio Antena from Slovenia, so mystery solved. Double skip to Greece dropped down already in Ljubljana!

After that some Italians especially from Ancona on the lower band. Also some Croats, but no ID’s. Slovenian Radio Ena came strong on 90.3 – they already verified and would like to do a phone interview. Today, 24 July, DX map looks very good. Unfortunately the clouds are a bit too far from me, and the QSO’s seems to be west-east. Not north-south. However there was fading signals from Wales for more than a hour. Recordings are still under control, but sitting in the front of radio I got ID from 96.3 Radio Aire from Leeds and Heart network, 95.2 BBC Radio Cornwall, 95.9 BBC Radio Wales and 88.0 Real Radio, could be regional programme for Wales. Also many BBC 2, 3 and 4 stations with RDS’s on lower band. Enclosed please find my log of 23 July.

logi 23072013

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July 11 – Southern Italy and Balkan

This morning we got an opening to Southern Italy (Puglia & Abruzzo) and Balkan (Croatia). First alarm SMS arrived around 0550 UTC (TNX IKA!), so I moved laptop and XDR to the balcony as the first thing in the morning. While having coffee I beamed all my 4 elements towards Italy. At 0607 UTC on 95.9 MHz  I saw a strange RDS RADIO_TG. There is a BIH station using this code, but not on this FQ. Anyone knows? The station could be from everywhere, it was playing at least 4 English pop songs in a row. No audio ID heard.


After that I realized the name of the game. Radio Italia Anni 60 gave local ad for Puglia/Basilicata, on 95.7 and soon after that 96.1 was talking about the first wedding ceremony in the prison of Bari. Stations were heard up to 108 (JJH got Radio Norba Bari local on 105.5!) but the signals were only few – the most of the skip went obviously to the Adriatic Sea.


Later some croatians from Labinstica transmitter in the same time with Foggia on the middle band – these are linear from this point of view. Also one mystery: On 93.6 a reporter said ”Radio Vaticana” in the end of his report – no CVA listed on this FQ. However, during this summer I have noticed more skips over 2000km than ever. I don’t know if it was a special character of this season – or did the huge forest block all the long skips which have to arrive very horizontally. However Istanbul, Bari, and Brest,all heard properly for the first time this year, are around 2400km from here.

Enclosed a screenshot from Visual Log Book

south italy 11072013

And all the stations heard this morning by same DXers:

kaikki aamu 11072013


Here’s my personal log of identified stations. Please note, in some cases TX site is a guess if there are more than one tx operating on a certain FQ.

log 11072013

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July 6 – Iceland!

After a silent week, finally something heard on Saturday night. Forecasts said there have been Aurora Borealis (northern lights), which can reflect signals too. Unfortunately the audio shouldn’t be clear. I have never heard any station during these so-called Aurora conditions, so I don’t know exactly what it should be. On 93.8 I noticed a Swedish speaking station, but it was only a tropo scatter reception from Skellefteå (P1 337 km). DX maps showed skip from FIN to Northern pari of Russia, but what I get was weird Nordic language on 87.7. That´s Iceland with a back lope (RUV Rás 2 identified with it´s news tune)! After turning antenna 180 degrees opposite I checked memories of XDR. Luckily 93.8 was saved (because of P1!). It gave strong sea weather report in Icelandic and have to be RUV Rás 1 Háfell (14 kW), which I received last summer too. Quick check to the FM list – there should be Bylgjan from the same tower on 94.5, but only 2 kW. Surprisingly I heard weak English pop music and the reception got even better during the jingle: ””! I don´t know whether this was Aurora-Es or normal Es, but I’m very happy of catching for the first time a commercial station from Iceland, because it is pretty difficult direction for me. Till the last summer I thought it would be impossible because of high pine trees on that direction (if they would be my propriety, they would be already cutted!). For your curiosity, by clicking the station name you can open mp3 link. That´s all of the 20 minute conditions!

ISL 06072013



JJH – Jyväskylä, Finland

As fellow blogger JMN wrote there was quite interesting propagation on Saturday night. Aurora signals are characterized severe distortion which was noticeable in FM band on this night. Geomagnetic activity in Hankasalmi magnetometer measuring station (HAN) was: High, so conditions for Aurora was quite good. I registered some weak signals especially in 94.3 MHz but couldn’t identify station but strongly guess based on language I heard is Iceland. Anyway this is only lucky guess cause signal was very weak and flawed.

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July 1st

July begins with little opening to Ukrainian and Russian border. Not long lasting or strong signals for 30 minutes. Surprisingly weak signals were coming over 100 MHz, even there was nothing much on lower frequencies. Italic stations are only guessed.

1740 100.10 RUS Hit FM, Rostov-na-Donu (ROS) Only hit music, JY got RDS of this. 1917 6.3 v

1748 89.00 RUS Radio 7, Shebekino (or Livny?) 1516 0.2 v

1751 90.40 UKR Retro FM, Kharkiv. No ID, but played Elton John. Fade out with ”reclama”.

1804 103.90 UKR Russkoye radio, Kremenchuk/PP Vizyt, vul. Kerchenska, 7a (PO) 1565 2 v

1808 103.00 UKR Super Radio, Kharkiv/RPTS Proton, Maydan Povstannya, 7/8 (KA) 1538 3 h

Waiting for more to come tomorrow.01072013

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29/6 & 30/6 – completing June

Within one week there was no sign of Sporadic E in Central Finland, but still in the end of second ”summer” month we got two nice openings. First one to Balkan and Italy (Foggia for the first time in my earphones). Later very common direction: Bavaria/Bohemia/Austria. Another night offered a nice surprise: short skip to Northern Germany and the Netherlands – and very short to Denmark! In the very beginning I heard Danish too, while my colleagues JJH and JSU were receiving Sveriges Radio from Malmö and Hörby! However I identified the first two Danish stations just in the end of conditions. Now, thinking about it later, it is obvious that several musical stations on lower band must have been Danish aswell, because the German stations on the lower band are mostly ”talk radios”, as we know. Radio ABC from Randers – already QSLed – is my new unrecord – shortest ES skip 1084 km! Visually it looked like this (followed by the written log):


2013-06-25 MS 1607 87.80 POL PR 3, Żagań/Wichów (LU) 1335 30 h
2013-06-29 Es 1624 88.90 SRB Radio Index, Beograd/Torlak (Srb) PS:_INDEX__ 2001 3 v
2013-06-29 Es 1632 89.60 BUL BNR Horizont, Koriten (dob) No ID, PX Вива ла музика 2071 1.5
2013-06-29 Es 1640 92.20 BUL BNR Hristo Botev, RRTS Botev vrah (pld) HR.BOTEV 2200 117.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1644 90.40 ROU Realitatea FM, Sibiu/Păltiniş (SB) PS:_RLT_FM_ 1877 0.1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1657 92.70 HRV HRT-HR 1, Murter/Raduč (si) 2174 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1658 93.10 BIH BN Radio, Majevica/Busija (brc) 2039
2013-06-29 Es 1700 93.60 BIH Radio OSM, Sarajevo/Trebević (sar) No ID, spot for Pale 2126
2013-06-29 Es 1703 96.00 I Radio Mater, Castelnuovo della Daunia (fg) PS:R._MATER 2424 v
2013-06-29 Es 1704 98.40 I Radio Budrio, Brisighella/Via Rontana (ra) PS:BUDRIO 2216 2.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1713 96.40 I RMC – Radio Monte Carlo, Montescudo/Monte Godio (rn) 2228 1.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1715 95.80 I Virgin Radio, Segusino/Monte Pianar (tv) Or other tx. 2034 v
2013-06-29 Es 1716 98.00 I Radio Subasio Marche, Fabriano/Poggio San Romualdo (an) 2276 2 v
2013-06-29 Es 1725 98.60 I Radio Deejay, Avio/Malga Riondera (tn) 2079 v
2013-06-29 Es 1726 96.00 I R101, Chianciano Terme/Monte Pereta (si) 101 mentioned x2 2338 v
2013-06-29 Es 1732 87.50 I Radio Subasio, Fermo/Capodarco (fm) 2279 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1734 89.00 I Radio Kiss Kiss, Sulzano (bs) 2109 v
2013-06-29 Es 1736 89.60 HRV Radio Centar Studio Poreč. No ID, IT & HRV songs 2068 7 h
2013-06-29 Es 1741 88.50 HRV Gradski Radio, Golaš (pa) Should be Soundset Istra? 2076 v
2013-06-29 Es 1747 98.30 I PaneBurroMarmellata, Serramazzoni (mo) PS:PANEBURR 2213 v
2013-06-29 Es 1748 99.60 I Radio 105 Network, Borgo Val di Taro (pr) Or other tx. 2243 v
2013-06-29 Es 1756 88.80 I Radio Deejay, Cesena/Monte Cavallo (fc) 2222 v
2013-06-29 Es 1802 90.10 I Radio 105 Network, Modigliana (fc) Qst è il px che non piace 2223 v
2013-06-29 Es 1803 91.50 HNG Kék Duna Rádió, Győr – Szabad hegy (Gyo) 1720 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1804 93.00 I Radio Gamma, Castel San Pietro Terme (bo) NoID, local spots 2209 v
2013-06-29 Es 1813 92.20 D MDR 1 Radio Sachsen, Dresden-Wachwitz (sac) 1453 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1815 92.10 D Bayern 1, Brotjacklriegel (bay) PS:Bayern_1 1698 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1815 89.50 D Bayern 2, Wendelstein (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1846 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1819 92.20 CZE Country Radio, Příbram/ul. Drkolnovská 286 (ST) 1588 0.2 v
2013-06-29 Es 1823 99.00 AUT Hitradio Ö3, Salzburg 1/Gaisberg (ORS) (sal) 1805 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1828 96.50 D Bayern 2, Brotjacklriegel (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1698 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1947 89.50 ROU Itsy Bitsy, Tulcea (TL) 1939 5 h
2013-06-30 Es 1552 89.30 D hr3, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) PS:__hr3___ 1708 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1558 93.00 D BFBS Radio 1, Braunschweig/Drachenberg (nds) 1436 80 h
2013-06-30 Es 1603 95.80 D WDR 5, Ederkopf (nrw) PI:D395 PS:WDR_5___ 1650 20 h
2013-06-30 Es 1612 88.40 D Radio WMW, Bocholt/Hohenstaufenstr. (nrw) 1630 1 h
2013-06-30 Es 1613 88.80 D WDR 5, Langenberg/Hordtberg (nrw) PS:WDR_5___ 1653 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1623 88.20 HOL Radio 2, Roermond/Alticom Toren (lim) PS:RADIO_2_ 1715 100 v
2013-06-30 Es 1652 89.70 G BBC Radio 2, Tacolneston (EN-NFK) PS:BBC_R2__ 1810 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1652 89.10 G BBC Radio 2, Wrotham (EN-KNT) PS:BBC_R2__ 1948 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1653 91.30 G BBC Radio 3, Wrotham (EN-KNT) PS:BBC_R3_ Over local! 1948 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1701 90.30 HOL Radio Lelystad, Lelystad (fle) PS:ADVER- 1617 0.398 v
2013-06-30 Es 1703 90.20 D MDR JUMP, Inselsberg (thü) PS:MDR_JUMP 1578 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1717 88.00 HOL Radio 2, Smilde/Alticom Toren (dre) PS:RADIO_2_ 1545 93.3 v
2013-06-30 Es 1719 89.50 DNK R.ABC, Gjerlev J – Hald/kærbyvej 1 (mjy) 1084 3 c
2013-06-30 Es 1722 87.80 DNK Nova FM, Ølgod/Baunshøj (sdk-sjy) PS:NOVA_fm_ 1211 10 h

Audio of several stations can be heard by clicking the station name – as requested!

Tune in June

As a compilation of this June, I wouldn’t say this was the best June ever, but maybe the second best. I still remember June 2010 with fantastic whole day conditions in the beginning of month followed by several big days. But to be honest, May and July of 2010 were offering nothing to remember. From this point of view season 2013 could be nominated maybe one of the best summers ever,  IF the conditions will continue similar in July. We got awaited classical openings to Germany and Italy, but also some openings to interesting new ”black” areas that were totally new for me. From the beginning of August till the mid September I’ll be outside Finland, so the autumn doesn’t make the difference.

Highlights in June 2013 – Top4

1) Double hops to Eastern Mediterranean 17/6/2013

2) Short skip to Denmark 30/6/2013 (last time heard by me in 14/6/2006)

3) Lot of private stations from France (normally TDF – nothing more). This could have something to do with cutted trees:

4) Nice stabile signals on lower band from Brasov – new city for me! (19/6/2013)

For our Finnish speaking readers (and those who like to use Google Translate) I would consider the great compilation made by JVA from Oulu, halfway to Lapland:

For everyone, please look at June visually:





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19-22/6/2013, 72 hours of mostly nothing

In two days there has been no conditions and MUF map has been totally empty, today it seems to be a bit better. Instead between Wednesday and Saturday there was almost all the time something going on – but mostly nothing! It was difficult because the direction changed all the time and the MUF was not much over 87.5. Mostly nothing, but if scanning the band continuously it was possible to log many stations, also new ones – mostly from one mast. So between silent periods of 15 minutes something could be heard. And sometimes there were stations only around 92 MHz when the lower band offered nothing. Not enjoyable or easy at all.

The highlights were short RUS opening till 108 MHz in Wednesday, awaited opening to Germany (also 108) in Thursday morning and later in the evening short skip conditions to Denmark and the Benelux. Unfortunately it happened in Midsummer evening, when everyone is celebrating the longest day of the year (24 hours of light in North Finland!). So no-one send me an alarm message and I realized the conditions by checking the band – unfortunately too late when the best skips were gone. No Denmark heard this time! I have heard it only once, because it is too ”close” for Central Finland (1000km). I missed also nighttime conditions to Iceland on 21 and 22 June. Above please find my log for these 72 hours. Totally 12 countries identified. UNID’s from Greece (96.3), many from Turkey and also Norwegian heard! There are several hours when I was not able to check conditions, because doing other things.

Date Time Frequency Country code Station Transmiter Distance (km) Power Polarization

2013-06-19 Es 1317 90.10 UKR Radio Melodiya, Dnipropetrovsk (DP) 1670 1.5 v
2013-06-19 Es 1331 90.40 UKR UR 1 Persha Prog., Sevastopol/RTPTS ARK (KR) 2059 3
2013-06-19 Es 1356 89.00 RUS Yumor FM, Goryachiy Klyuch (KDA) Network ID 2173
2013-06-19 Es 1406 90.40 UKR Retro FM, Mariupol/DFKRRT (DO) Local reclam 1873 3
2013-06-19 Es 1417 91.50 UKR Lyuks FM, Simferopol/vul. Krylova, 161 (KR) 2033 1.5
2013-06-19 Es 1446-1520 89.50 ROU Radio Braşov Special, Săcele (BV) 1877 0.04 v
2013-06-19 Es 1455 89.00 ROU Radio ZU, Bucureşti (BU) PI:E2AA PS:Radio_ZU 2009 3 v
2013-06-19 Es 1457 91.70 BUL BNR Radio Burgas, Tsarevo (bur) PS:_BURGAS_ 2272 2.2 v
2013-06-19 Es 1500 91.70 ROU National FM, Bucureşti (BU) 2009 1 v
2013-06-19 Es 1505-1508 90.30 BUL Radio 1, Veliko Tărnovo/RPTS Rezonans (vlt) 2157 0.5 v
2013-06-19 Es 1527 87.80 ROU Radio Braşov, Braşov / Tâmpa (BV) 1875 0.04 v
2013-06-19 Es 1603 90.30 UKR Nashe Radio, Sumy/SFKRRT, vul. Skryabina, 3 (SU) 1403 3
2013-06-19 Es 1613 89.00 RUS Yumor FM, Goryachiy Klyuch (KDA) Local reclam for 89.0 2173
2013-06-19 Es 1616 90.40 UKR Retro FM, Mariupol/DFKRRT (DO) Local reclam 1873 3
2013-06-19 Es 1622 107.70 UKR Hit FM, Vinohradiv (ZK) tentative, ”radiohiti” 1603 0.05
2013-06-19 Es 1625 90.60 RUS NRJ, Krasnodar (KDA) Network ID 2126 4 v
2013-06-19 Es 1627 91.20 RUS Militseskaya Volna, Kanevskaja (KD) Network ID
2013-06-19 Es 1630 106.50 RUS Yumor FM, Bryansk (BRY) not 100%, unclear ID 1154 3 v
2013-06-19 Es 1731 91.00 UKR Gala Radio, Odesa/OORTPTS (OD) 1815 3.02 h
2013-06-19 Es 1739 88.50 ROU Kiss FM, Vaslui (VS) PI:515A PS:KISS_FM_ 1768 2 h
2013-06-19 Es 1745 90.20 KOS Radio K4 Shqip, Goleš (Kos) 2235
2013-06-19 Es 1752 91.80 I RDS – Radio Dimensione Suono TN or BZ-tx. 2066 v
2013-06-19 Es 1757 88.50 ROU Kiss FM, Vaslui (VS) 1768 2 h
2013-06-20 Es 0712 88.20 CZE Radio Evropa 2, Praha/Petřín (PR) 1535 5 c
2013-06-20 Es 0714 88.70 D Bayern 2, Grünten (Allgäu) (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1911 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0716 96.10 D Bayern 2, Hühnerberg (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1776 25 h
2013-06-20 Es 0718 96.30 D Funkhaus Europa, Berlin/Scholzplatz (brb) 1325 80 h
2013-06-20 Es 0718 96.40 D vilradio premium musik, Fürth/Maxstraße (bay) 1697 1 h
2013-06-20 Es 0720 95.90 CZE ČRo Radiožurnál, Liberec/Ještěd (LI) PS:R-ZURNAL 1453 20 h
2013-06-20 Es 0722 94.80 D Bayern 1, Bamberg/Geisberg (bay) NO ID, =93,5 1653 25 h
2013-06-20 Es 0722 93.50 D Bayern 1, Coburg/Eckardtsberg (bay) NO ID, =94.8 1619 5 h
2013-06-20 Es 0726 94.90 D SWR2, Waldburg (bwü) PS:__SWR2__ 1907 60 h
2013-06-20 Es 0727 100.50 D Vogtland Radio, Reichenbach (sac) No ID, spot Vogtland 1546 1 h
2013-06-20 Es 0728 100.30 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Ochsenkopf (bay) PS:__DLF___ 1615 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0729 101.80 D Radio 7, Ulm/Ermingen (bwü) 1840 10 h
2013-06-20 Es 0730 0733 91.40 D Bayern 1 Franken, Büttelberg (bay) 1722 25 h
2013-06-20 Es 0734 96.30 D Bayern 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 1642 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0739 100.40 D Radio Regenbogen, Hornisgrinde/SWR (bwü) 1875 80 h
2013-06-20 Es 0746 90.60 D hr1, Hardberg (hes) No ID, ”Hessentag” 1763 50 h
2013-06-20 Es 0752 93.10 D Bayern 2, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1642 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0756 102.80 D Radio Regenbogen, Heidelberg (bwü) No ID= 100.4 1779 50 h
2013-06-20 Es 0757 101.40 F France Bleu Alsace, Strasbourg/TDF Nordheim (67) 1897 48 h
2013-06-20 Es 0759 103.10 D RPR 1., Bornberg (rlp) 1806 25 h
2013-06-20 Es 0801 102.70 F Radio Mélodie, Sarreguemines/Nousseviller (57) 1868 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0805 107.60 D big fm (Rheinland-Pfalz), Bornberg (rlp) 1806 25 h
2013-06-20 Es 0809 105.60 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz, Donnersberg (rlp) No ID, traffic 1786 60 h
2013-06-20 Es 0810 88.00 D SR 1 Europawelle, Göttelborner Höhe (saa) 1847 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0821 87.80 F Radio Star, Belfort/Towercast (90) 2017 0.5 v
2013-06-20 Es 0825 87.80 F France Bleu Bourgogne, Troyes (10) PS:BLEUBOUR 2075 60 v
2013-06-20 Es 0827 87.80 CZE Rádio Blaník, Praha/spalovna Malešice (PR) 1532 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0832 89.30 D hr3, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 1708 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0836 88.90 LUX RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg, Dudelange/Ginsterberg (gld) 1870 100 h
2013-06-20 Es 0837 90.10 BEL Radio 700, Elsenborn/Herzebösch (wal-lge) 1772 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0838 89.20 F Nostalgie, Montbard/Les Justices (21) 2109 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0844 89.10 BEL 7 FM, Bastogne/Rue de Wiltz (wal-lux) 1834 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0849 88.80 F Virgin Radio, Reims/Moulin-de-la-Housse (51) 1970 2 v
2013-06-20 Es 0856 90.20 F NRJ, Thionville/le Val Marie (57) or (77)-tx. 1877 1 v
2013-06-20 Es 0904 89.10 I RTL 102.5, Pellegrino Parmense/Monte Canate (pr) 2210 v
2013-06-20 Es 0912 88.40 F Horizon, Corbeil-Essonnes/Hauts Cornus (91) 2095 2 v
2013-06-20 Es 0914 89.10 I RTL 102.5, Pellegrino Parmense/Monte Canate (pr) RTL102.5 2210 v
2013-06-20 Es 0915 90.20 I Radio Maria, Serramazzoni/Monte Faeto (mo) PS:R.MARIA_ 2220 5 v
2013-06-20 Es 0916 89.20 I RMC – Radio Monte Carlo, Serramazzoni (mo) PS:_RMC_1_ 2220 v
2013-06-20 Es 0918 89.00 I RAI Radio2, Monte Venda (RAI) (pd) PS:__RAI___ 2103 150 c
2013-06-20 Es 0919 89.50 I RAI Radio1, Bologna/Colle Barbiano (bo) PS:__RAI___ 2201 60 h
2013-06-20 Es 0919 90.10 I Ciao Radio, Pianoro/Monte Calvo (bo) No ID spot for Pianoro 2204 v
2013-06-20 Es 0920 91.20 I Rete Alfa, Ferrara/Via Aranova (fe) No ID, spots for Ferrara 2157 2 v
2013-06-20 Es 0920 91.20 I R101, Lesignano de Bagni (pr) PS:_R_101__ 2216 20 v
2013-06-20 Es 0930 89.00 I Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana, Monte Mezzocorona (tn) 2025 v
2013-06-20 Es 1514 93.50 G BBC Radio 4 FM, Wrotham (EN-KNT) PS:BBC_R4__ 1948 250 m
2013-06-20 Es 1515 95.80 G Capital Radio, London/Croydon TV Tower (EN-GTL) 1958 4 m
2013-06-20 Es 1515 96.10 G BBC Solent 96.1, Rowridge (EN-IOW) 2078 10 m
2013-06-20 Es 1517 94.90 BEL BRF 1, Sankt Vith/Recht (wal-lge) 1790 10 v
2013-06-21 Es 1844 90.60 D hr1, Hardberg (hes) 1763 50 h
2013-06-21 Es 1844 90.20 D MDR JUMP, Inselsberg (thü) PS:MDR_JUMP 1578 100 h
2013-06-21 Es 1846 92.70 D hr3, Hardberg (hes) 1763 50 h
2013-06-21 Es 1853 89.70 G BBC Radio 2, Tacolneston (EN-NFK) PS:BBC_R2__ 1810 250 m
2013-06-21 Es 1933 89.70 UKR Radio Europa Plus, Simferopol (KR)
2013-06-21 Es 1957 91.70 ROU RFI Romania, Cluj-Napoca/Feleac (CJ) 1759 30 h
2013-06-21 Es 2021 89.00 ROU Radio ZU, Bucureşti (BU) 2009 3 v
2013-06-21 Es 2028 89.60 ROU Radio Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia (AB) PS:REINTRE- 1831 0.1 v
2013-06-22 Es 0900 90.80 UKR Stylnoye radio Perets FM, Luhansk/hotel Arena (LU) 1769 3 v
2013-06-22 Es 0901 91.20 RUS Yumor FM, Rostov-na-Donu (ROS) Network ID 1915 2 v
2013-06-22 Es 0909 96.10 UKR Lyuks FM, Donetsk/DFKRRT, vul. Kujbysheva, 61 (DO) 1786 3
2013-06-22 Es 0938 88.50 RUS Elit Radio, Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy (ROS) Local reclam 1824 0.165 v

Audio of some stations can be heard by clicking station name. And again same visually!


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17.6.2013 – double hops!

In the early evening MUF maps looked good, and soon there were first fading signals from the penisola of Krim (Ukrainian coast). Probably the best skip went however to the Black Sea. Also Bulgarian and Romanian coast stations were noticed. After first hour I got Turkish on earphones – also Quran recitation, which in my mind was probably TRT. Suddenly Kiss FM Cyprus IDed on 89.0! They have 3 transmitters on this frequency, 3088-3119km, so the 3000 km is reached without any doubt. In that moment I finally realized that these weak Turkish signals could be Arabic aswell! Odesa (the first skip) came strongly, but luckily they don´t use many frequencies under 100 MHz, so there was enough space for second hop from Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel and maybe also Syria, or Egypt, who knows. Please note, that there are many doubts in the log and all the italic stations are only suspected. Your help with unidentified and tentative stations would be highly appreciated, audio can be heard by clicking the station name! After these golden 30 minutes the first clouds moved suddenly towards west, the band was full of Romanian and the double hop was no more possible. Many stations from Cyprus were heard in Southern and Central Finland and also few from other Eastern mediterranean countries.


1611 89.30 UKR Radio DJ FM, Simferopol/hotel Zirkovyj, vul. Mate Zalky, 17b (KR) 2028 0.2
1620 89.50 UKR Radio Sharmanka, Sevastopol/vul. Rudnyova, 41 (KR) 2057 1.5
1624 91.70 UKR Super Radio, Sevastopol/vul. Rudnyova, 41 (KR) 2057 0.5
1631 89.00 ROU Radio ZU, Bucureşti (BU) 2009 3 v
1633 99.00 UKR Europa Plus – Ukraina, Kherson/KHFKRRT, vul. Perekopska, 5 (KE) 1820 1.5 v
1639 90.80 UKR? Radio Shanson. UNID-tx.
1656 91.50 UKR Lyuks FM, Simferopol/vul. Krylova, 161 (KR) 2033 1.5
1700 90.30 BUL BNR Radio Shumen, Silistra/RRS Medžit tabija (sil) 2049 30 h
1704 92.30 SYR Sham FM, Damascus/Jabal Qasyun ”…Dimask” or Al Nour (LBN)? 3309 25 v. 
1705 89.10 LBN Al Quran Al Karim, Tripoli (asl) TENTATIVE, GUESS, ONLY KORAN! 3206 v
1714 89.00 UKR Radio Melodiya, Odesa, vul. Lyustdorfska doroga, 55 (OD) 1818 1.5 v
1716 89.00 CYP Kiss FM, Nicosia (kyp-nic) 3088 v and other jingle (mp3). 3 tx’s, this is closest.
1719 89.60 TUR Genc Radyo (Zonguldak), Zonguldak/Merkez (kdz-zon) 2378 1.5
1720 94.80 CYP CyBC-RIK Trito Prog., Mount Olympos  tentative, talk ”..Kyprou..” 3107 30 c
1723 91.00 UKR Gala Radio, Odesa/OORTPTS, vul. Fontanska doroga, 3 (OD) 1815 3.02 h
1726 96.80 CYP Radio Sfera Kyprou, Kalo Khorio (kyp-lar) No ID, nonstop greek music 3114
1726 98.80 LBN NRJ Lebanon, Fatqa (jlb) tentative, talk of Bryan Adams 3245
1727 94.40 ROU Radio 21, Brăila (BR) 1917 0.5 v. No ID, px ”Request 629” and RDS RADIO_21.
1728 95.70 ROU Pro FM, Bârlad (VS) 1814 10 h. RDS: PRO_FM
1729 94.50 ISR IBA 2 Reshet Bet, Haifa/Karmel (haf) tentative, wx for Eilat, Kol Rega? 3377 5 v
1740 90.30 ROU Radio ZU, Comăneşti/Laposi (BC) TUNE ONLY 1794 30 h
1747 102.00 BUL BNR Horizont, Shumen/RRTS Venets (shm) 2115 100 h RDS: _VENETS_
1750 97.10 ROU Radio 21, Suceava/Mihoveni (SV) 1650 30 h. RDS RADIO_21.
1752 96.30 ROU SRR Radio Iaşi, Iaşi/Pietrărie (IS) PS:IS_96,3_ 1719 100 h
1752 90.80 ROU SRR Radio Iasi. Same program on 96.3.
1753 96.00 ROU Radio România Actualităţi, Câmpulung Moldovenesc/Rarău (SV) 1673 30 h RDS
1755 91.20 ROU Magic FM, Piteşti (AG) 1961 0.146 v. Or 2 other tx’s. Also RDS MAGIC_
1755 98.40 ROU: Radio Romania Cultural, suspected of it’s style. Only one ROU on this FQ.
1759 88.40 ROU Radio Impuls, Sibiu/Dealul Guşteriţei (SB) end of jingle ”…puls” 1858 0.2 v
1836 90.30 HNG Árvízvédelmi Rádió, Szeged/Újszeged (Cso) RDS: ARVIZ_FM 1840

And same visually:


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12/6 & 13/6/2013

Kesäkuun 12.6. pyörittiin ensin Englannin kanaalin molemmin puolin (30min), sitten alkoi tulla Saksan ja Ranskan rajapintaa ja lopuksi Benelux-avaus, joka tosin tuli vietettyä suurimmaksi osaksi saunassa sokkotaajuuksia jäähyllä vaihtaen. Sokoilta löytyi myös pari asemaa Normandiasta. Chambéry (73)  ja Annecy (74) ovat suorassa linjassa Bas-Rhiniin (departementit 67 ja 68 Saksan rajalla) nähden. Väliin jää iso pala läntistä Sveitsiä, josta ei kuitenkaan tarttunut aseman asemaa. Sen sijaan PUL Ruovedeltä keräsi tuostakin välistä hienosti asemaa OLLin mukaan!



1559 104.80 G BBC Sussex, Burton Down (EN-WSU) tentative 2024 2 v
1601 99.00 F Radio Bonheur, Lannion/Park Crech (22) 2338 1 v
1604 97.80 F France Culture, Brest/Roc Trédudon (29) PS:_CULTURE 2388 100 h
1606 95.40 F France Inter, Brest/Roc Trédudon (29) PS:__INTER_ 2388 100 h
1607 94.90 G BBC London 94.9, London/Crystal Palace (EN-GTL) 1956 4 m
1611 96.00 F Variation, Lannion/Creih Collet (22) PS: VARIA… 2339  0.5 v
1615 100.50 F Radio Nord Bretagne, Morlaix/Langolvas (29) PS:_R_N_B_ 2369 0.5 v 1st in FIN
1617 103.10 G Heart Kent, Bluebell Hill (EN-KNT) 1937 4 m
1618 103.30 F Europe 1, Guingamp/Plouisy château deau (22) PS:EUROPE_1 2341 0.5 v
1623 93.50 G BBC Radio 4 FM, Wrotham (EN-KNT) 1948 250 m KILLED R. CITY 15KM/200W
1631 89.00 F Azur FM, Colmar/Sint-Niklaas (68) 1957  0.5 v
1634 100.50 F Virgin Radio, Annecy 2/Bélvedère de Jeanne (74) 2216 1 v
1646 101.90 F Radio Dreyeckland, Sélestat/rue de la Scheer (67) PS:DREYECKL 1932 1 v
1650 93.30 F Azur FM, Sélestat/château deau (67) 1936 1 v
1654 95.40 F RFM, Chambéry/les Tonys Towercast (73) RFM jingle but unclear? 2257 1 v
1718 96.80 F France Inter, Reims/TDF Hautvillers (51) 1989 150 m
1724 107.80 BEL Radio Contact (Wallonie), Sambreville/Arsimont (Rue Haut-Baty) (nam) 1838 1 v
1724 107.60 D big fm (Rheinland-Pfalz), Bornberg (rlp) 1806 25 h
1725 107.40 F MFM Radio, Nevers/rue du Bois-dArdenet (58) 2220 1 v
1729 102.70 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Nordhelle (nrw) tentative (programme style) 1648 20 h
1730 99.10 D SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz, Donnersberg (rlp) tentative (regional traffic info) 1786 60 h
1735 100.50 BEL 100,5 – Das Hitradio, Raeren-Petergensfeld (wal-lge) No ID but slogan 1756 20 v
1741 101.80 BEL Radio Contact (Wallonie), Meix-le-Tige/Rue de la Chevée (wal-lux) 1871 1 v
1747 104.00 D big fm (Rheinland-Pfalz), Koblenz/Kühkopf (rlp) 1734 40 h
1749 103.20 F France Bleu, Bourges/Neuvy (18) Network ID 2210 15 h
1758 88.40 HOL Slam!FM, Roosendaal/Alticom Toren (nbr) 1747 42.7 v
1815 90.30 F Europe 1, Fougères/Lécousse (35) 2273 0.5 v
1855 89.20 F Radio Cristal, Falaise/Fourneaux-le-Val (14) 2185 1 v





Kesäkuun 13. keleillä täällä oli suuntana Volgogradin ja Saratovin oblastit. Kamyshinin tolpasta varmasti kaikki asemat tulivat sen puolitoista tuntia.


0833 87.90 RUS NRJ, Saratov/ORTPTS Lysaja Gora (SR) 1724 4 v
0839 106.20 RUS Dorozhnoye Radio, Pachelma/RTPS (PZ) 1456 3
0841 105.30 RUS Russkoye Radio, Saratov (SR) or Mikhaylovka (VG)-tx! 1724 4.57 v
0849 106.10 RUS Russkoye Radio, Kamyshin/Ul. Lenina 23 (VG) 1833 0.263 v
0851 100.10 RUS Avtoradio, Rtishchevo (SR) 1572 0.4
0856 100.90 RUS Russkoye Radio, Rtishchevo (SR) 1572 0.46 v
0859 101.90 RUS Avtoradio, QTH?
0900 104.00 RUS Retro FM, Volgograd/Radiocentr 3 (VG) 1926 7.94 v
0900 104.60 RUS Belyi Lebed, Alekseevskaya (VG) or Krasnyi Yar -tx. 1692  2 v
0903 102.00 RUS Radio Shanson, Orsk/RTPS (OR) 2326 4 h Moscow tel. no. TX NOT SURE!?
0903 102.80 RUS Retro FM, Kamyshin/Ul. Lenina 23 (VG) or Balashov (SR) 1833 0.208 v
0909 96.10 RUS Elit Radio, Balashov (SR) 1603 0.3
0910 103.20 RUS Yumor FM, Kamyshin/Ul. Lenina 23 (VG) 1833 0.2 v, spots, 1st time in FIN
0920 103.00 RUS Hit FM, Saratov/ORTPTS Lysaja Gora (SR) 1724 20 v local spots, Shit FM(!)
0921 101.90 RUS DFM, Rtishchevo (SR) 1572 Local commercials, first time in Finland
0933 107.80 RUS Russkoye Radio, Morshansk/CT Bashnja OAO (TA) 1385 0.316 v
0942 107.40 RUS Global FM, Tambov/RTPS Pervomayskiy (TA) 1430 7 h
0945 100.70 RUS Dorozhnoye Radio, Kamyshin/RTPS (VG) 1830 3.162 v 1st time in Finland
0945 100.40 RUS Avtoradio, Livny/RTPS (ORL) 1324 0.708 v
0950 100.00 RUS Radio Vedo, Volgograd/Radiocentr 3 (VG) 1926 6.76 v
1000 103.90 RUS Radio Sport, Saratov (SR)
1001 104.80 RUS Yumor FM


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Pitkähkön hiljaiselon jälkeen hieno Es-avaus, joka ainakin omassa QTH:n tarjosi pääsääntöisesti asemia ranskasta ja saksasta. Allekirjoittaneelle ranska on aina ollut hankala suunta, mutta tällä kertaa oli mukava pienen alkukankeuden jälkeen päästä poimimaan jokunen itselleni uusi asema sieltä suunnilta. Harrastamiseni kun nykyään on pitkälti hyvien fiilisten hakemista, niin keskityin lähinnä määrän sijasta laatuun ja verkkaisesti tutkimaan mitä kelit eteen tuovat. Tällä kertaa jopa ihan positiivisia yllätyksiä, joita on kiikaatuolissa mukava muistella 🙂
Huhujen mukaan myös sivuston toinen blogaajakin (JMN) pääsi nauttimaan kelien annista Uuraisilla:

”Ranskalaisia pikkuasemia bandi täynnä. Ihan jees meno”…

Odottelemme siis huikeita tuloksia sieltä suunnalta. Keski-Suomen kelien saalis on toistaiseksi vielä arvoitus, mutta oletan muillakin olleen vetoa samaan suuntaan. E-Suomen kuuntelijoilta tihkui hieman enemmän informaatiota kelien kulusta ja edellä mainittujen lisäksi siellä suunnalla kuului myös Iberia…

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