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Avainsana: FMDXing

Everything between Slovenia and UK + Israel 29052016

Last two days have not been favorable for Central Finland. On Friday just some stations were teasing on lower band. 89.0 Yumor FM surprised with local weather for Krasnodar region. During this local break ID was ”Radiokanal FM Plyus” but the station is already QSLed, so Friday didn’t bring anything new. On Saturday I took part Finnish DX Associations board meeting. Guys told me, that there was continuous trying on low band, but the conditions never really started. Anyway it was promising for today.

Sunday morning started with replacing old Yagi and it’s coax cable with new (used) 4 element Yagi. Troposcatter and meteors have sounded much weaker than usually and now the band sounds much better (troposcatter from Sweden and Estonia was normal and meteors were numerous). During test listening first ID came from Galgalatz in Israel (double hop +3400 km), so the new set is working pretty well! In the evening conditions opened till 108 MHz, mostly to Italy, but everything from Slovenia to UK was heard. My personal log will be updated here meanwhile I am checking recordings.

Today’s QSL came from the Netherlands: Radio 102, Groningen, 6 watts.

Jan-Mikael Nurmela17-5-16


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MUF just over 87.5 MHz – 26052016

As the title says, today MUF was not very high. In the morning I had to decide if I went to work today, or leave it tomorrow. At 06 UTC got news from Southern Finland: TUR. At first it seemed an error to stay at home, but in the end who knows of tomorrow which could be even worse. For our Finnish-speaking readers: Parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla. MUF was all the time promising, and even rising close to 100 MHz couple of times. Today’s highlight was the good reception of Radio Crne Gore from Montenegro, which is new-for-me heard radio country. Against Murphy’s law there was a jingle ID over the endless beat. Montenegro has been on my catch list since Janne heard this pretty rare country! So tomorrow I have to go to the museum and the late night France today indicates something for tomorrow too. Let’s see what will be coming! I will complain only if I would lose Andorra, Azores or Azerbaidjan! 😉


Here are some notes from my logbook:

0701 UTC 88.7 TUR
0712 UTC 89.7 ROU
0740 UTC 87.8 Quran. TUR?
0800 UTC 89.3 BIH? & ROU
0810 UTC 89.5 HNG, 90.3 Balkan, 87.8/89.7 CZE
0825 UTC 88.6 Delta Uno over YLE 1 Pihtipudas
0829 UTC 89.0 KISSKISS & RUS!
0917-0923 UTC Low band Crimea 88.5 89.0 89.2 89.5 90.4
1015 UTC 88.7 Balkan music
1019 UTC 88.9 RADIO S2
1021 UTC 92.1 Ljubic(?) Radio
1034 UTC 95.7=95.8. Radio AS FM?
1035 UTC 94.5 SRB Pozdrav programa
1037 UTC 93.4 Commercials, concert stadion Tuzla
1043 UTC 94.5 RADIO-F RDS
1046 UTC 87.9 I football Verona
1048 UTC 91.7=89.0 Gianna Gianna Gianna aveva un coccodrillo
1050 UTC 89.5 Maroon 5
1101 UTC 90.3 HNG news about recent research which says that children need quality time with father too…
1120 UTC 89.5 country music in Czech (Country Radio?)
1120 UTC 90.2 I ”misericordia” Radio Maria?


1610 UTC 91.7 Bulgarian ”narodna muzika”
1615 UTC 88.5 I
1642 UTC 89.0 ”You are listening to (fade-out)”. Radio ZU based on music style?
1725 UTC 88.5 Marx & Engels in French
1727 UTC 90.4 I
1729 UTC 90.3 F
1738 UTC 89.0 & 89.5 MX
1832 UTC 90.1 INTER -RDS =88.7/89.0
1833 UTC 91.2 Accordion music


Visual log of identified stations can be seen here!

Today brought also two new FM QSL’s. Nice e-mail in Serbian from Radio Vladimirci and look-a-like card from Fréquence 10, Dinan (22), France!

Frequence 10 QSL


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Weak opening to France and UK 25052016

Third Sporadic E opening noticed this year here in Uurainen. Also this time pretty weak signals from both sides of English Channel. Mostly high power transmitters with MUF 98. Janne had common BBC stations in Jyväskylä with same MUF, no France at all. Full log can be found here.

Couple of recent pirate QSL’s:

#201 Radio Astronaut, Wierden (Ov.), the Netherlands

J-M Finland

#202 Rock ’N Roll Radio, Central Italy



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Logs for May


Preparing for ES season, but this has been totally silent season. Some OIRT conditions from Swedish Lapland. Lot’s of meteor reflections on Es monitoring frequency 88.7 MHz. The goal is to catch NRK Oslo before it will leave FM.

6290 CZE: Radio Caroline
6305 G: Radio Merlin
6325 HOL: Radio Montferland 2100. New-for-me.

4 element Yagi on the 2nd floor balcony


Today’s maximum was +22.2 degrees Celsius. Same than Las Palmas, Amsterdam or Warsaw. Yesterday’s maximum was +20.8 (same than Las Palmas, Warsaw, Vienna and Zürich). Both days were warmer than in Bucharest, Istanbul, Lisbon, Madrid, Malaga, Nice, Paris, Prague, Varna or Venice. Just to break the prejudice of ”cold north”

6280 HOL: Radio Witte Reus 2030
6290 CZE: Radio Goofy 1940
6300 HOL: Radio Mazda 1930


Getting colder (+14.4’c) but still warmer than Lisbon (+12), same than Madrid or Tallinn. Checked SER break around 2055 UTC, only few frequencies open with dominant stations.


No SW conditions to Latin America this morning… Today’s maximum temperature was +16.9’c. Warmer day than in Lisbon, Madrid, Moscow, Prague, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna or Zürich.

1044 E: SER Radio Valladolid, Valladolid. Finally San Sebastián gave space for this. 2155
1224 E: COPE Lugo, Lugo. ”88.9, 101.2, 96.6, 100.1 fm, 1224 onda media, Cope Lugo” 2227
1287 E: SER Radio Lleida. Lleida. Commercials for Burgos at 2233 without ID. 2054
1620 HOL: Radio Poema, Veluwe. 2015

150 m Afro backlope feed to 2nd floor window


Today +17.7c in Central Finland. In Malaga and Nice was measured +18, Lisbon, London, Palma de Mallorca, Venice and Vienna +17 degrees Celsius. Madrid (13), Moscow (16), Oslo (10), Stockholm (16), Zürich (10) were clearly colder today. That’s for today’s weather logs, couple of listening logs will follow:

6205 IRL: Coast FM (Tenerife) 2125
6320 G: Little Feat Radio. s9+10dB. 2040
6920 I: Key Channel Radio. 2105

No new catches from Spain on MW.


Today +17.5 degrees Celsius in Central Finland were comparable with the temperature in Madrid, Moscow or Rome (+18) and clearly warmer than in Oslo or Zürich (10), London (11), Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen or Paris (12), Frankfurt (13), Berlin or Tallinn (14), Lisbon, Prague or Warsaw (16). ES season was officially opened today in Central Finland with weak and fading conditions to France (later to Benelux). MUF was 108 but most of the stations were high power stations or the most common catches. Visual log: OIRT trying in the evening, more to come tomorrow?

1143 E: COPE Jaén, Jaén. 2230
1224 E: COPE Lugo, Lugo 2155


Rainy, cold and teasing day. Only +11.3 degrees Celsius measured, similar than in Frankfurt or Oslo (11). Colder in Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Prague, Stockholm or Zürich. No local breaks noted on SER or COPE for Sunday late evening.

6390 D: Radio Orion 2000 0916
70.43 RUS: Radio Rossii, Volgograd-tx 1015
88.7 BUL: tent. Radio Varna, Dobrich. Talk about classical music compositors in Bulgarian. JJH got a PI code. 1232
88.7 G: BBC Radio 2. Meteor scatter. 1245
88.7 RUS(?): UNID under Radio Varna. ”Slushate vesti radija”. Promoting coming radio news? 1254
6850 I: Radio Bandido, Lago di Varese. Country music and horses! A new-for-me Italian. 1815
6210 HOL(?): Music Wave, probably via Sluwe Vos Radio. ”” 1905
6280 HOL: Quadzilla Radio. A new-for-me station again on the 48 mb. Nice evening! 1915
6195 HOL: Radio Python – the shortwave snake. S9+20 dB. 1950
6040 UNID: Eighties Radio. 80’s music with jingles. Must be a pirate project. 2000


Since today I work again in the Petäjävesi radio museum – an excellent touristical attracion ;). Warm day (+19.4 degrees Celsius), similar than Nice (+19). Especially compared to Prague, Warsaw or Zürich: +9, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt: +12, Copenhagen, Moscow, Oslo, St. Petersburg, Vienna: +13, Berlin, Tallinn: +14, Beograd +15, London, Paris, Venice +16, Bucharest +18. Choose your next summer holiday destination and come to Central Finland 🙂

Spain totally gone on MW, but good conditions to Middle East. Instead of COPE, Radio Kuwait 1134 kHz was very strong for more than half an hour, s9+20-40dB. FM-QSL collecting has started and new QSLs can be found here.

#198 free radio QSL: Radio Bandido, Lago di Varese (VA) 6850 kHz



+15.2 degrees Celsius measured in Uurainen, like in Frankfurt – beating again half Europe. Prague +10, Warsaw +11, Berlin, Stockholm, Tallinn +12, Copenhagen and Zürich +13, Moscow, Oslo and Vienna +14. MUF map was promising but CCIR didn’t open. Spanish stations were strong on MW. 2055 UTC SER on 1287 kHz gave ID as Radio Lleida, 2155 UTC instead SER Catalunya as usually in this last local window. Also Burgos was audible but not enough clear ID for a report. Next time better luck. Also pirate conditions were good tonight!

88.7 G: BBC Radio 2. Meteor scatter. 1435
6040 UNID: 80th Radio, audible continuously tonight.
6310 HOL: Radio 102, Groningen (Gr.) 6 watts. 2115
1625 HOL: Zender Napoleon. 2258


Today’s maximal temperature +15.2 degrees Celsius was warmer than +12 in London, +13 in Copenhagen and Tallinn or +14 in Warsaw or Moscow. No Sporadic E, so there is plenty of time for house maintaining and other garden work. Couple of pirate logs for tonight, COPE and SER were concentrated on match between Liverpool and Sevilla.

6318 CZE: Radio Green Frog. Studio in Calau, tx via Goofy, RPT via Doc. 2105
6210 I: tent. Radio Barraquda, Milano. Later on 5896 USB. Only nonstop music. 2118


Noisy conditions on 48 mb, but still couple of new-for-me stations were audible on the waves! Today’s +17.8 C were warmer than +11 in Zürich, +14 in Paris, St. Petersburg or Venice +15 in Brussels or +16 in Amsterdam Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London, Moscow or Oslo. In Warsaw +18 C.

6230 AUS: VMW, Wiluna WA. USB-mode. Marine weather forecasts. Covering Panda Radio surprisingly. 1800
6300 HOL: Mike Radio. S9+10dB. 1820
6307 CZE: Radio Caroline. 1855
6210 HOL: Panda Radio. 14 watts. Not very good signal, because of the conditions were not so perfect. 1900
6318 CZE: Radio Bílá Díra (via Goofy). Announced e-mail address not working!? 1935


Noisy conditions on 48 mb. Today’s +19.1 were more than in Benelux, Germany, London, Paris or Zürich for example.

6265 20.5. 2132- I: Rock’n’roll Radio. New station? At least new name.
6307 20.5. 2045-2131 CZE: Radio Green Frog (Grüne Frosch). Relay via Goofy.


Pretty ok conditions on 48 mb, not so much noise. I took part to the biggest annual radio flea market organized in Finland: see the pictures here.

6308 CZE: Radio Goofy. S9+5dB. 1905
6290 HOL: Radio Astronaut, Twente. Max S7 with 10 watts. 1945-2001
6424 HOL: Radio Ramona. Long time no hear. 2030
6320 HOL: Radio Powerwave, (via SkyWave). 2110
6381 HOL: Radio Etherfreak (Dr.) 2235


Warm day with Mediterranean temperatures (+20.1 degrees Celsius, same than Athens or Lisbon)! Warmer than for example in Amsterdam, Brussels, Istanbul, London, Nice or Paris. Weak but long Sporadic E opening to Balkan. Heard Macedonia here for the first time, but no luck with ID. The sound of national radio made me avoid these frequencies most of the time, even the combination 92.3/94.5 was strange.. Just couple of logs from 48mb.

91.8 SRB: TDI Radio. ID: TDI 1456
89.5 SRB: Radio Vladimirci, Vladimirci 1506
88.7 ROU: Itsy Bitsy, Satu Mare. 1555
88.9 KOS: Radio Kosova, Zatric 1600
88.5 ROU: Digi FM, Resita-tx. 1616
91.7 SRB: Radio Beograd 1, Besna Kobila -tx. 1628
89.0 BUL: Radio Focus. Not listed. 1632
6295 HOL: Black Bandit Radio. 2215
6319 HOL: Radio Caroline International 2230


Warm day +23.8 C, as warm as in Berlin, Malaga, Rodos or Tel Aviv. Warmer than in Benelux (13-14), Frankfurt (15), Copenhagen, Istanbul or London (18), France (12-23). Madrid or Moscow (19). Lisbon (21), Mallorca, Prague or Varna (22), Italy (20) or Zürich (8). No logs for today.


No logs for today, but 25.5 degrees Celsius have beaten the most of Europe:

Weather 2405


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Summer is here!

Summer is here.

Dacha is open to the guests.

Uurainen is signing on.

Today was as warm as in Athens, Paris or Tel Aviv (+24), beating the temperatures in such Mediterranean localities like Madrid, Malaga, Rome, Venezia, Nice, Lisboa, Istanbul etc.

The Sporadic E season has been opened already in Finland with marginal conditions in April and May. Finally today, May 8th, the monitoring station of Uurainen is activated. Everything is working well, when meteor reflections come throughout the noise. Janne has been suntanning in Turkey, so no logs so far from Central Finland for this season.

AM antennas are still up. During last 10 years I have been spending too many summer nights waiting for a single sign of ES.. It’s time to go back to the habit in the early 2000 when I used to enjoy African short wave stations. Also MW band might offer surprising signals as it’s way clearer compared to the situation still in 2001-2005. If the conditions will be favorable, Spanish AM stations will remain on catch list.

Latest QSL from Saturday evening, #195 verified free radio, #109 from the Netherlands

Small guest house seen from the 2nd floor balcony is ready for the guests


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Meteor Season beginning!

When the tropo ends, ES starts. But in my opinion, the most difficult stations to tune in are located between 650 and 1300 km from the QTH (reception location). For that, meteor scatter is an optimal propagation type to fill this black hole, or let’s say grey area. Tropospheric ducting reaches only few times per year that distance. Troposcatter maximum seems to be instead somewhere around 600 km. The shortest reported Sporadic E hops are just a bit over 700 km, but practically the skip less than 1300 km can be considered a rarity.

different cond types 2015

From the point of view of a listener living in Central Finland, that grey area counts Southern Sweden, most of Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad, Northern Poland, Belarus, Norway and Denmark, Northern Germany and of course huge part of Russia. Sometimes great ducting can bring signals from Southern Sweden and Northern Poland, and Sporadic E in theory could bring all of them, but as both are unsure and rare phenomens, the best way is to have a look on Meteor shower calendar. No more depressing forecast maps! Finally you know when the conditions will be 😉

Comet of Origin: 1P/Halley
Radiant: Just to the north of constellation Orion’s bright star Betelgeuse
Active: Oct. 4-Nov. 14, 2015
Peak Activity: Oct. 21-22, 2015
Peak Activity Meteor Count: 20 meteors per hour
Meteor Velocity: 41 miles (66 kilometers) per second

Comet of Origin: 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
Radiant: constellation Leo
Active: Nov. 5-30, 2015
Peak Activity: Nov. 17-18, 2015
Peak Activity Meteor Count: 15 meteors per hour
Meteor Velocity: 44 miles (71 kilometers) per second

Comet of Origin: 3200 Phaethon
Radiant: constellation Gemini
Active: Dec. 4-16, 2015
Peak Activity: Dec. 13-14, 2015
Peak Activity Meteor Count: 120 meteors per hour
Meteor Velocity: 22 miles (35 kilometers) per second


After explaining WHY, the question is WHAT you need

an antenna; a whip antenna is usually not enough to catch meteor reflections, but even a small Yagi (3 of 4 elements) is enough good. I would say it is even optimal during long overnight recording, because you don’t have to change direction every now and then. Pointing simply towards South it brings most of continental Europe to earphones

a good empty frequency; choosing a frequency I have two criteria. It has to be empty, so that not even a semi local station could occupate it during overnight recording. It is very annoying to check recording if the meteor bursts are not easily visible on the screen. Another criteria is the target. The frequency should offer some (new) high-power stations to catch (let’s say up to 30kW).

lots of luck; in the end, you need to be lucky to catch a reflection when there is no music, but something that could be identified. It’s even harder if the reflection lasts usually less than 20 second (thus longest reflections are closer to 5 minutes!) With lots of luck you realize that you actually have caught an ID of <10kW station that was not even on your target list. It happens every now and then!

Just to give few examples:

1. My only one from Lithuania: Lietuvos Radijas (LRT Radio Reklama) 98.8 MHz, only 4 kW – 825 km.

2. PR regional stations are good targets, high power tx’s, lot’s of local programs
Polskie Radio PiK 100.1 MHz – 120 kW – 1112 km

3. Radio Norge 100.1 MHz – 57 kW – 1075 km

4. Even a short reflection can bring ID (Radio Zet PL)…

5. But always there is no space for whole station name! Challenging!

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Tropot 04.10.2015

04102015 0600 UTC tropoennuste

Rannikolta tuli tropotietoa jo 0538 UTC. Tanskaa, Norjaa ja Etelä-Ruotsia oli noteerattu (mm. Århus-Helsinki 973 km)! Ensimmäiset tiedot ruotsalaisista sisämaassa tulivat Jannelta 0636 UTC (P4 Emmaboda 95.6 829 km ja P3 Kisa 96.9 731 km). Tuo Emmabodan lähetin kuuluikin sitten päivän läpeensä, matkaa Uuraisilta 843 km. 0645 UTC havaitsin ensimmäisen ruotsalaisen taajuudella 88.9 ja siihen sopi saman tien Skövden lähetin 782 kilometrin päässä.  Saman lähettimen P4 meni Iskelmä Jämsän yli 100.3:lla. Nyt tiedettiin että mennään kauas! SR P4:ltä tulee näin sunnuntaisinkin alueelliset uutiset puolelta, mutta Skaraborgia en ehtinyt idaamaan. Ketjukuulutus ja pitkä pätkä paikallisuutisia jäi kuitenkin jemmaan raporttia varten. Helsingissä JTK napsi samaan aikaan jo saksaa Rostockista (1021 km): MV 100.8, Ostseewelle 104.8 ja NDR 88.2.

0700 UTC jälkeen Tanskasta kuului Aalborg Helsingissä 93.3 MHz:llä ja Uuraisilla 89.7 MHz:llä. Tanskaa alkoi pian löytyä myös Jyväskylässä ja Lohjalla. Lempäälässä oli kuulemma paras sisämaan DNK-tropo koskaan, havaittuja taajuuksia kymmenkunta!

0730 UTC SR Kronoberg IDasi 101.8:lla. Ennen 0800 UTC tuli noste Halmstadiin. SR-taajuudet 91.2 ja 95.4 kuuluivat hyvin. Kiitos JTK:n livevinkin ehdin tallentamaan Mix Megapol 104.2 Halmstad -paikallisidin tällä nostolla. Asemalla on H-polarisaatiolla 10 kilowattia ja matkaa kertyi 945 km.

0818 UTC osui oma henkilökohtainen tropoennätys, kun DR P3 Aarhus idasi 91.7:llä. P3-jingleä tuki vielä muutama Tanskan sana, joten sekoamisvaaraa Ruotsiin ei ollut (1116 km). 0830 UTC IDaili SR Kalmar 102.7 Västervikistä maltilliset 729 km. Tämä tuli parhaimmillaan täysillä tolpilla. JJH napsi samaan aikaan DR P4:ää 98.5:llä (1157 km), Uuraisilla ja Kangasalla siinä tuli todennäköisesti Latvijas Kristigais Radio musiikkityylin ja kielen perusteella. Näin menevät tropoputket välillä ristiin – sananmukaisesti! Tallinnan Retro FM 97.8 nousi vielä säikyttelemään englanninkielisellä showllaan. Ei ollut sentäs BBC, vaikka putki näyttikin pitkälle kartalla. Tanskatropo oli Jimillä Bromarvissa vahvaa, Alfa 106.6 tuli väärällä polarisaatiolla läpi ja Jukalla Helsingissä Riikaa hyvin. Uuraisilla puristui hetkeksi tanskaa 97.5:lle ruotsalaisen alta, mikä olisi vielä 4 kilsaa kauempaa (1120km)

04102015 0900 UTC tropoennuste

0904 UTC JY nappasi Radio SWH:n Kuldigasta (100.1 MHz). 0930 UTC jaksoi idille pitkin aamua vaihtelevasti ketjulla kuulunut 103.4 SR Jönköping 877 km. Taajuus on todella paha Taka-Keljon Radio Vegan takia (103.5 MHz). Ennen kello 10 UTC Riika nousi esiin 91.5:lle ja 99.8:lle puristui musiikkiasema, joka Uuraisilla putosi pian pois. Jyväskylässä JY irrotti siitä kuitenkin NDR 2 -ID:n ihan pohjoisrannikon saarella olevasta lähettimestä (1197 km). Tästä meni Juha vielä pidemmälle Tanskaan. Radio 24syv 100.5MHz/1205km taisi olla päivän pisin leiska. 1020 UTC tuli vielä yllättävä noste Karlshamniin (93.4 MHz/921km) ja se kesti puolen paikallisuutisille asti (SR Blekinge 100.4 MHz).Vielä 1130 UTC SR Kronoberg jaksoi idailla 101.8:lla.

04102015 1200 UTC tropoennuste

1200 UTC kieppeillä kuului Vikerraadio Valgjärven lähettimestä (106.1 MHz/494 km). Ko. lähettimen olen noteerannut kerran aiemmin Uuraisilla. JJH edit. Valgjärven lähetin kuului hyvin myös Jyväskylässä. Tätä en ole montaa kertaa aiemmin kuullut. Riika (624 km) jaksoi edelleen satunnaisten ruotsalaisten kanssa, mutta 107.7 ei vain irtoa, vaikka taajuus on tyhjä.

04102015 1500 UTC tropoennuste

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07 & 08 July 2015

July 7th was a good day for FMDXers, all day long. I was not at home, but here are some loggings by Janne in Jyväskylä (30 km SE from me). Jim from Bromarv (South-West Finland) reports:

0930 utc aloitettiin puolen tunnin Ranskakelillä, mukana myös Galician kulma. 1120-1200 utc oli vuorossa lisää Ranskaa, muf 108. Ranska rysähti kunnon menoon taas 1410-1450 utc, muf koko ajan 108. 1715-1735 tykitti vuorostaan Venäjän Balakovo muffin 108:aan. Ja lopuksi 1900 utc vielä vartti Romaniaa ja Bulgariaa, muffi noin 97 megaa.

July 8th was even better, at least what comes to the amount of loggings. Janne’s results can be seen here. My personal log is here. We both got around 10 new stations.

Denmark is a rarity here
Denmark is a rarity here

I was not at home 0839-1207 UTC, so I missed the ROU/MDA/TUR opening. We were visiting the old church of Petäjävesi that belongs to the UNESCO world heritage list. This year is the 250th anniversary.

Petäjävesi old church
Petäjävesi old church

On the way we stopped on Radio and Telephone Museum which is always an interesting pit stop. Petäjävesi is located 37 km from Uurainen.

Some of the receivers in the museum were for sale
Some of the receivers in the museum were for sale

July 9th we visited Aviation Museum in Tikkakoski (15 km from here).

Old Finnish planes
Old Finnish planes

It has also a small exhibition of military receivers and transmitters.

Transceiver used in Fokker planes
Transceiver used in Fokker planes
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June 2015 conclusion

What we enjoyed (in Central Finland)

-lots of meteor reflections in June, more than usually

-one of the best openings, at least for me, to Germany (26/6) and Russia (17/6)

-Juha got nice Spanish double hop from Galicia

What we missed (in Central Finland)

-no opening for Romania or Ukraine

-no proper opening for France, just from the corner

-as often, best openings reached only coastal area but not inner country. Seasons 13-14 were nice exceptions!

june 2015 One method to rank summers could be the number of audio clips. Usually I create a mp3 only when I hear a new-for-me station, so it doesn’t tell the whole truth. Another way could be a summary of all loggings (years 2010-11 not yet logged in FM-List…)

Season / number of clips (new ES stations) / number of logs (all stations)
2008 / 46 / 73
2009 / 9 / 18
2010 / 225 / NA
2011 / 78 / NA
2012 / 95 / 121 (NB: the best day 14/7 was spent on work)
2013 / 315 / 364
2014 / 225 / 565
till 6/2015 / 116 / 204

Could be much worse, eh!?

A German station Radio Charivari was not heard on June 26th. Maybe next time! If you didn't notice, these girls are potential verie signers with Charivari shirts.
A German station Radio Charivari was not heard on June 26th. Maybe next time! If you didn’t notice, these girls are potential verie signers with Charivari shirts. (Photo from
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