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Avainsana: Pirate Hunt

Pirate Hunt 2024 (Mach 29th. – April 1st.)

Pirate Hunt 2024 will be held during Easter 2024 (March 29th – April 1st).

We try to keep rules simple:

This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.

SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!

all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 29th 0000 UTC and April 1st. 2359 UTC

ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2024)

participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later results will be published in end of May

Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2024 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Twitter Community:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Pirate Hunt 2023

Pirate hunt 2023 will be held during Easter 2023 (April 7th – April 10th).

We try to keep rules simple:

  • This contest is ”Just for fun”! No need to argue.
  • SDR’s included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 7th 0000 UTC and April 10th 2359 UTC
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.
  • post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2023)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in end of May
  • Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification

Pirate Hunt 2023 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)
Like Our Page in Facebook:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Pirate Hunt 2019 results and announcement.

The organizers of the Pirate Hunt competition has decided this year to publish the results of the competition without the rankings.  It has been alleged that listeners with SDR receivers are in a better position than listeners with normal receivers, so in order to avoid unnecessary displeasure, we decided to solve the problem this way.  Many thanks to all participants.

When we first decided to run the competition, our idea was to have a nice Easter activity without strict rules. Just relaxing and having fun.  Over the years, perhaps the right criticisms have been made of competition: our choices were to either renew the competition or put the competition to a break.  Since both of the organizers do not organize competitions for the day job and we noticed that our original idea is disappearing into the requirements jungle.  So far we have decided to put the competition on hold.

We warmly thank all the competitors who have participated over the years, as well as those who thankfully published our competition announcements on their website.  Thanks and FFFR!

Pirate Hunt is not organized in the 2020


Pirate Hunt 2019 results:

Ten competitors from four different countries took part in the competition. The names are in random order:

Ismo Kauppi, Lohja, Finland. UK DXer Paul, Swindon, England. Rick Random, Raisio, Finland. Janne Heinikangas, Jyväskylä, Finland. Staffan Crona, Sweden. Lennart Weirell, Västerås, Sweden. Kari Helopaltio, Nurmijärvi, Finland. Jouni Kilpinen, Helsinki, Finland. Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria. Kari Kallio, Lahti, Finland.

Thanks to the participants and everyone will receive a diploma for participating.




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Pirate Hunt 2019

Yes! Pirate Hunt Comes Again! Traditional Easter contest will be held 4th time during Easter 2019 (April 19th – April 21st).

We try to keep rules simple:

-log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 19th 0000 UTC and April 21st 2359 UTC

-all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

-ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

-post your full logs on forum (, Facebook group or by e-mail staff @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2019)

-participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later

-results will be published in end of May

Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2019 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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Easter Pirate Hunting

P.P.P Pirate Hunt 2017 contest is over, this time only three pretty intensive days with bad or average conditions. Last time 5 days in row were a bit too much, they say! Some logs of the contest will be seen here. Thank you for all participants and keep the logs coming on till the deadline (end of April)! A special thanks for listeners who have promoted the event and of course to the stations. Some free radios have even promised a special QSL for this event!

Personal log for Monday 17-04-2017
6320 kHz 0730-1010 Radio Enterhaken, maybe a relay from Scandinavia
6285 kHz 1825- HOL: Radio Telstar International. s9++
1640 kHz -1900 RUS: UNID songs and announcement. Signing off at 19 UTC.
1670 kHz 1920 HOL: Speedy Gonzales (Mexicano)

Free QSL #212: Radio Piraña Internacional, South American QTH 6930 kHz (only 10 watts)

Free QSL #213: Radio Professor Sickbock, Vroomshoop (Ov.) 1640 kHz

Free QSL: Enterprise Radio, Italy 6310 kHz

Free QSL #214: EDMR European Music Radio, Nijmegen (Ge.) 4970 kHz


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Pirate Hunt 2017

Pirate hunt ”Pongaa Piraatti Pääsiäisenä” 2017 will be held during Easter 2017 (celebrated in Finland on April 14th – 16th). We try to keep rules simple:

  • log as many PIRATE station as possible between April 14th 0000 UTC and April 16th 2359 UTC
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
  • post your full logs on forum (, Facebook group or by e-mail staff @, during or after the contest (but until April 30th, 2017)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in May

Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2017 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

A warm welcome!


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Easter Pirate DX

Today, early wake-up with a country song on local radio, and DJ asking if the morning could ever had a bad start with another country song… She was more than right. Turning on my Icom the next station appeared to be CFRX 6070 kHz from Canada. Unfortunately no country, as the format is ”Newstalk”. I have never before heard this station, so the dipole seems to work properly.

The latest BC QSL came from AIR Port Blair after many attempts. The simple e-mail verification brought verified DX country #140 (Andaman and Nicobar Islands). In the meantime it was my BC QSL #1000, based on FDXA’s QSL competion rules. It’s time to celebrate a bit!

Because of Pirate Hunt 2016 competition during Easter, organized by our local club, the personal logs will be published this time on our forum

Need hints for Pirate DX? Have a look on article (only in Finnish, sorry)

Latest free radio reply came from Ronnie AM, whose 4 watt test transmission I was tuning in.

Greetings from Emmen


Transmitter 4 watts
twin four inside 4 watt

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Pirate Hunt 2016 – 24 – 28.3.2016





Pirate Hunt 2016 will be held during Easter 2016 (celebrated in Finland on March 24th – 28th). Rules are tried to keep simple:

  • log as many PIRATE station as possible between March 24th 0000 UTC and March 28th 2359 UTC
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
  • post your full logs on forum, Facebook or by e-mail: during or after the contest (but until March 31st, 2016)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in April, the winner will have a small radio-related prize and a random prize (even smaller) will be given to one lucky participant

Pirate Hunt 2016 is organized by local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

A warm welcome


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