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Avainsana: SWL

Logs from March 2020 by JJH

Välillä tulee radiokin avattua. Alkukevät on parasta aikaa kuulostella piraattiasemia. Tässäpä hieman lokia maaliskuulta.


6321 kHz  1510 UTC XTC – Xenon Transmitting Company 

5090 kHz  1519 UTC Mystery 21

6280 kHz  1523 UTC Radio Monique

4825 kHz  1529 UTC Dolfijn (later in the evening fq was 4830)

5810 kHz  1539 UTC Retro Radio, Dublin

5825 kHz  1543 UTC Radio 319

6305 kHz  1547 UTC Radio Merlin Int

6295 kHz  1555 UTC Relections Europe

5836 kHz  1602 UTC All 80’s 

6320 kHz  1651 UTC Radio Joey


1637 kHz  1929 UTC Radio Santana


1635 kHz  1857 UTC Radio Barones


6290 kHz  1737 UTC Radio Parade Int


1637 kHz  0712 UTC Zender Interpol

6210 kHz  0943 UTC King SW

6290 kHz  0947 UTC Radio Cuckoo

6325 kHz  1008 UTC Misti Radio

7705 kHz  1055 UTC FRS Holland

6305 kHz  1244 UTC Radio Merlin Int

6388 kHz  1250 UTC Zeewolf

6320 kHz  1307 UTC Radio Joey

6285 kHz  1501 UTC Radio Monique

6245 kHz  1510 UTC Radio Mustang

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Pirate Hunt 2019

Yes! Pirate Hunt Comes Again! Traditional Easter contest will be held 4th time during Easter 2019 (April 19th – April 21st).

We try to keep rules simple:

-log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 19th 0000 UTC and April 21st 2359 UTC

-all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.

-ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.

-post your full logs on forum (, Facebook group or by e-mail staff @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2019)

-participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later

-results will be published in end of May

Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2019 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

Like Our Page in Facebook:

Everyone is warmly welcome!


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