Preparing for ES season, but this has been totally silent season. Some OIRT conditions from Swedish Lapland. Lot’s of meteor reflections on Es monitoring frequency 88.7 MHz. The goal is to catch NRK Oslo before it will leave FM.
6290 CZE: Radio Caroline
6305 G: Radio Merlin
6325 HOL: Radio Montferland 2100. New-for-me.
4 element Yagi on the 2nd floor balcony

Today’s maximum was +22.2 degrees Celsius. Same than Las Palmas, Amsterdam or Warsaw. Yesterday’s maximum was +20.8 (same than Las Palmas, Warsaw, Vienna and Zürich). Both days were warmer than in Bucharest, Istanbul, Lisbon, Madrid, Malaga, Nice, Paris, Prague, Varna or Venice. Just to break the prejudice of ”cold north”
6280 HOL: Radio Witte Reus 2030
6290 CZE: Radio Goofy 1940
6300 HOL: Radio Mazda 1930
Getting colder (+14.4’c) but still warmer than Lisbon (+12), same than Madrid or Tallinn. Checked SER break around 2055 UTC, only few frequencies open with dominant stations.
No SW conditions to Latin America this morning… Today’s maximum temperature was +16.9’c. Warmer day than in Lisbon, Madrid, Moscow, Prague, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna or Zürich.
1044 E: SER Radio Valladolid, Valladolid. Finally San Sebastián gave space for this. 2155
1224 E: COPE Lugo, Lugo. ”88.9, 101.2, 96.6, 100.1 fm, 1224 onda media, Cope Lugo” 2227
1287 E: SER Radio Lleida. Lleida. Commercials for Burgos at 2233 without ID. 2054
1620 HOL: Radio Poema, Veluwe. 2015
150 m Afro backlope feed to 2nd floor window

Today +17.7c in Central Finland. In Malaga and Nice was measured +18, Lisbon, London, Palma de Mallorca, Venice and Vienna +17 degrees Celsius. Madrid (13), Moscow (16), Oslo (10), Stockholm (16), Zürich (10) were clearly colder today. That’s for today’s weather logs, couple of listening logs will follow:
6205 IRL: Coast FM (Tenerife) 2125
6320 G: Little Feat Radio. s9+10dB. 2040
6920 I: Key Channel Radio. 2105
No new catches from Spain on MW.
Today +17.5 degrees Celsius in Central Finland were comparable with the temperature in Madrid, Moscow or Rome (+18) and clearly warmer than in Oslo or Zürich (10), London (11), Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen or Paris (12), Frankfurt (13), Berlin or Tallinn (14), Lisbon, Prague or Warsaw (16). ES season was officially opened today in Central Finland with weak and fading conditions to France (later to Benelux). MUF was 108 but most of the stations were high power stations or the most common catches. Visual log: http://www.fmlist.org/fm_logmap.php?datum=2016-05-14&omid=1183 OIRT trying in the evening, more to come tomorrow?
1143 E: COPE Jaén, Jaén. 2230
1224 E: COPE Lugo, Lugo 2155
Rainy, cold and teasing day. Only +11.3 degrees Celsius measured, similar than in Frankfurt or Oslo (11). Colder in Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Prague, Stockholm or Zürich. No local breaks noted on SER or COPE for Sunday late evening.
6390 D: Radio Orion 2000 0916
70.43 RUS: Radio Rossii, Volgograd-tx 1015
88.7 BUL: tent. Radio Varna, Dobrich. Talk about classical music compositors in Bulgarian. JJH got a PI code. 1232
88.7 G: BBC Radio 2. Meteor scatter. 1245
88.7 RUS(?): UNID under Radio Varna. ”Slushate vesti radija”. Promoting coming radio news? 1254
6850 I: Radio Bandido, Lago di Varese. Country music and horses! A new-for-me Italian. 1815
6210 HOL(?): Music Wave, probably via Sluwe Vos Radio. ”musicwave.ru” 1905
6280 HOL: Quadzilla Radio. A new-for-me station again on the 48 mb. Nice evening! 1915
6195 HOL: Radio Python – the shortwave snake. S9+20 dB. 1950
6040 UNID: Eighties Radio. 80’s music with jingles. Must be a pirate project. 2000
Since today I work again in the Petäjävesi radio museum – an excellent touristical attracion ;). Warm day (+19.4 degrees Celsius), similar than Nice (+19). Especially compared to Prague, Warsaw or Zürich: +9, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt: +12, Copenhagen, Moscow, Oslo, St. Petersburg, Vienna: +13, Berlin, Tallinn: +14, Beograd +15, London, Paris, Venice +16, Bucharest +18. Choose your next summer holiday destination and come to Central Finland 🙂
Spain totally gone on MW, but good conditions to Middle East. Instead of COPE, Radio Kuwait 1134 kHz was very strong for more than half an hour, s9+20-40dB. FM-QSL collecting has started and new QSLs can be found here.
#198 free radio QSL: Radio Bandido, Lago di Varese (VA) 6850 kHz

+15.2 degrees Celsius measured in Uurainen, like in Frankfurt – beating again half Europe. Prague +10, Warsaw +11, Berlin, Stockholm, Tallinn +12, Copenhagen and Zürich +13, Moscow, Oslo and Vienna +14. MUF map was promising but CCIR didn’t open. Spanish stations were strong on MW. 2055 UTC SER on 1287 kHz gave ID as Radio Lleida, 2155 UTC instead SER Catalunya as usually in this last local window. Also Burgos was audible but not enough clear ID for a report. Next time better luck. Also pirate conditions were good tonight!
88.7 G: BBC Radio 2. Meteor scatter. 1435
6040 UNID: 80th Radio, audible continuously tonight.
6310 HOL: Radio 102, Groningen (Gr.) 6 watts. 2115
1625 HOL: Zender Napoleon. 2258
Today’s maximal temperature +15.2 degrees Celsius was warmer than +12 in London, +13 in Copenhagen and Tallinn or +14 in Warsaw or Moscow. No Sporadic E, so there is plenty of time for house maintaining and other garden work. Couple of pirate logs for tonight, COPE and SER were concentrated on match between Liverpool and Sevilla.
6318 CZE: Radio Green Frog. Studio in Calau, tx via Goofy, RPT via Doc. 2105
6210 I: tent. Radio Barraquda, Milano. Later on 5896 USB. Only nonstop music. 2118
Noisy conditions on 48 mb, but still couple of new-for-me stations were audible on the waves! Today’s +17.8 C were warmer than +11 in Zürich, +14 in Paris, St. Petersburg or Venice +15 in Brussels or +16 in Amsterdam Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London, Moscow or Oslo. In Warsaw +18 C.
6230 AUS: VMW, Wiluna WA. USB-mode. Marine weather forecasts. Covering Panda Radio surprisingly. 1800
6300 HOL: Mike Radio. S9+10dB. 1820
6307 CZE: Radio Caroline. 1855
6210 HOL: Panda Radio. 14 watts. Not very good signal, because of the conditions were not so perfect. 1900
6318 CZE: Radio Bílá Díra (via Goofy). Announced e-mail address not working!? 1935
Noisy conditions on 48 mb. Today’s +19.1 were more than in Benelux, Germany, London, Paris or Zürich for example.
6265 20.5. 2132- I: Rock’n’roll Radio. New station? At least new name.
6307 20.5. 2045-2131 CZE: Radio Green Frog (Grüne Frosch). Relay via Goofy.
Pretty ok conditions on 48 mb, not so much noise. I took part to the biggest annual radio flea market organized in Finland: see the pictures here.
6308 CZE: Radio Goofy. S9+5dB. 1905
6290 HOL: Radio Astronaut, Twente. Max S7 with 10 watts. 1945-2001
6424 HOL: Radio Ramona. Long time no hear. 2030
6320 HOL: Radio Powerwave, (via SkyWave). 2110
6381 HOL: Radio Etherfreak (Dr.) 2235
Warm day with Mediterranean temperatures (+20.1 degrees Celsius, same than Athens or Lisbon)! Warmer than for example in Amsterdam, Brussels, Istanbul, London, Nice or Paris. Weak but long Sporadic E opening to Balkan. Heard Macedonia here for the first time, but no luck with ID. The sound of national radio made me avoid these frequencies most of the time, even the combination 92.3/94.5 was strange.. Just couple of logs from 48mb.
91.8 SRB: TDI Radio. ID: TDI 1456
89.5 SRB: Radio Vladimirci, Vladimirci 1506
88.7 ROU: Itsy Bitsy, Satu Mare. 1555
88.9 KOS: Radio Kosova, Zatric 1600
88.5 ROU: Digi FM, Resita-tx. 1616
91.7 SRB: Radio Beograd 1, Besna Kobila -tx. 1628
89.0 BUL: Radio Focus. Not listed. 1632
6295 HOL: Black Bandit Radio. 2215
6319 HOL: Radio Caroline International 2230
Warm day +23.8 C, as warm as in Berlin, Malaga, Rodos or Tel Aviv. Warmer than in Benelux (13-14), Frankfurt (15), Copenhagen, Istanbul or London (18), France (12-23). Madrid or Moscow (19). Lisbon (21), Mallorca, Prague or Varna (22), Italy (20) or Zürich (8). No logs for today.
No logs for today, but 25.5 degrees Celsius have beaten the most of Europe:

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